The teacher was taken aback, ignored the question, and said with a serious face, "Come with me to the office!"

Just as Ran Ran was about to leave, Zhao Mingrui quickly grabbed her arm.Ran Ran looked at him puzzled, Zhao Mingrui hurriedly said: "Call your family quickly, I am afraid that Ran Beiya's father is here!"

"Yeah." Ran Ran nodded calmly, withdrew her arm, and walked out of the classroom calmly.

Looking at her back, Zhao Mingrui was so anxious that he took out his mobile phone and hurriedly called his father.Zhao Jinghe, who was in a meeting, was stunned when he received a call from his son. He asked his assistant to continue to chair the meeting, and walked out of the meeting room with the phone.

"Hey, son, why did you think of calling dad? Did you cause trouble at school and the teacher asked you to find your parents?" When it came to looking for parents, Zhao Jinghe had no sense of accomplishment.

His son is a well-behaved baby, the spokesperson of Miyoshi students.

He has good grades since he was a child, and he will always be the first in his grade.I have never made my family worry about it, nor have I ever fought with my classmates.Really is the teacher's darling, the baby at home, and a model for students to learn.

At this point, his son was in class, and Zhao Jinghe was quite surprised to receive a call from his son.

Zhao Mingrui was quite speechless when he heard his father's words, "Dad, I am a good student."

"Well, I know, of course I know." Zhao Jinghe didn't feel like making such a joke with his son, who made his son's attitude too serious, and with the support of the old man at home, he didn't dare to intervene!

Strictly speaking, it's all debt.

"Father, can you come to school?" Zhao Mingrui was very worried about Ran Ran's situation, what would happen if Ran Ran suffered a disadvantage.

Zhao Jinghe asked excitedly: "Son, did you fight with your classmates?"

Zhao Mingrui was stunned, and said angrily, "I'm a good student, why would I fight with my classmates. Dad, if you're talking like that, I'll tell grandpa!"

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything. Then why do you want me to go to school? Apart from fighting with classmates to invite parents, I don't know what else needs parents to go to school suddenly at this time." Zhao Jinghe Back then, he was the all-powerful little prince, and he always led a group of younger brothers in fights.

Later, after graduating, he was sent abroad by the old man for a few years, and after returning, he took over the family business.The shadow of my childhood is gone.

When Zhao Mingrui was born, the old man was still worried for a long time, afraid that his grandson would be as troublesome as his son.Unexpectedly, the grandson turned out to be a sensible and well-behaved baby, completely opposite to his father.When the old man was happy, he took his grandson directly to his side.

Zhao Jinghe thought, father is getting old, even though there are servants to take care of him, it is not as good as his son being around.So, he took his wife back to the old house and lived with the old man.

It's just that the father and son quarreled several times because of Zhao Mingrui's affairs.

"My tablemate offended Ran's family, I'm worried about her..."

"Ruirui, is your deskmate a girl?" Zhao Jinghe raised his eyebrows, feeling very proud.As expected, he is worthy of his breed, the age of first love is no later than him!

Zhao Mingrui didn't deny it, and hurriedly urged: "Father, are you coming or not?"

"Come, come naturally. You have already opened your mouth, how can I not come. Besides, I have to see how my son looks!" Zhao Jinghe left the company very irresponsibly, causing the management to people looked at each other in blank dismay.

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