Happy days always pass very quickly, and people are caught off guard when they wake up.

When Ran Ran stood alone in front of the airport where she had been away for ten years, looking at the blue sky, her eyes were filled with haze.She didn't understand why her brother sent her back. Was it just because she had delusions in her heart that he let him beat herself back to her original form?

"If you can't solve this matter thoroughly, I won't see you again."

She didn't cry or make trouble, she accepted the reality quietly.

From the very beginning, she knew very well in her heart that there was a difference between her brother and her.He took her to see heaven and sent her back to hell with his own hands.

Without him by her side, Ran Ran felt like a duckweed.

Putting on sunglasses to cover the ups and downs in her eyes, she walked out of the airport through the crowd and looked at the passing vehicles with a feeling of bewilderment.It seems that there is no place for her in the world, she is like a child abandoned by the world, desolate all over.

"Miss, the master asked me to pick you up."

The man in the black suit came up against the light and stood respectfully beside Ran Ran, waiting for the order.

Ran Ran suddenly realized that this was the hole card her brother gave her, and it was also the foundation of her life in the future.But this thing still needs to have enough strength to control it, otherwise, no matter how good the card is, it can only be a waste card.

"Let's go."

The car was driving on the highway, and Ran Ran looked at the city where she was born through the car window, which was bustling but unfamiliar.Except for the villa she used to live in, there are very few places she has been to, and every time it is a bad memory.

Who would have thought that she would return gorgeously, with the hatred to crush them down!

"Miss, here we are."

The car parked steadily in front of the villa. Ran Ran glanced out the window and frowned, "I'll find an apartment near the company tomorrow."

She has a lot to learn and can't waste all her time on the road.

The man in the black suit was not surprised at all, and said unhurriedly: "There is an apartment in the community opposite the company, when do you think it is suitable to move there?"

Ran Ran said without the slightest hesitation: "Send me over there directly."

The distance between the villa and the apartment is not too close, it takes about an hour to walk.Ran Ran just got off the plane with a tired face, leaned back in the car and closed her eyes, thinking carefully about what happened before, after, left, and right.The man just now was undoubtedly sent by her brother, and this move was just to test her.

Ran Ran was not angry. When she got there, she opened the car door by herself and went upstairs with her luggage.The man in the black suit stood where he was, looking at the slender figure, and took out the phone in his hand.

"Miss has arrived and lives in the apartment."

"Your task is to help the young lady familiarize herself with the cards in her hand. As for the young lady making any decisions, don't interfere."

In a word, the man's future fate is in Ran Ran's hands, and Hei Li doesn't want the person he left behind to be too domineering.

The man's heart trembled, and he said respectfully: "Yes, you can rest assured that I will definitely do what Miss wants."

"She doesn't even know who you are now, does she?" It's not that Hei Li can pinch and count, but that he understands the meaning expressed by his subordinates too well.

"It's all my fault." The man trembled in his heart.

Hei Li sneered, "If Miss doesn't keep you, you can get out."

He was really angry.

Dare not to take His Highness seriously, it is simply desperate.

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