Prosperous Marriage: Three Adorable Babies Fighting Daddy

Chapter 1807 Feels like I won the jackpot

When she was a child, it was okay to watch Hei Lie, but when she grew up, watching Hei Lie was extremely boring no matter how she looked at it.I don't know if it's her illusion, but Hei Lie's attitude towards her when she was a child is completely different from when she grew up.

Ao Zhen was talking on the phone, and the spittle of Situ An talking on the phone was flying everywhere.

Even Ran Ran, who had just entered the door, noticed Ao Zhen's impatience, and Situ An over there still didn't have the consciousness to make a long story short.

His long and narrow eyes were full of displeasure, and when he saw Ran Ran's figure appear, a flash of calm flashed across his eyes.Then, amidst Situ An's nagging voice, he hung up the phone decisively.

"Situ?" Ran Ran walked in and asked.

Ao Zhen nodded dispensably, obviously not wanting to answer this question: "Why did you come back so early today?"

"I want to come back to accompany you today." Ran Ran walked up to him with a smile, put her arms around his waist, and buried her head in his chest.

He didn't speak, just stood there and let her hold him.

A ray of sunlight filled the room and shone on the sides of the two of them, creating a warm picture.Two people snuggled together, intimate and beautiful.

"Have you eaten?" the person in his arms asked in a muffled voice.

Ao Zhen looked a little dazed, if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't need to eat anything at all.However, even so, he nodded.


"What to eat?" she asked again.

"It's the same as usual." He didn't have to eat, of course he didn't eat, and he didn't know what to say, so he chose to answer vaguely.

Ran Ran didn't have any doubts, she used her arms hard, and complained: "I had lunch with Lin Xinyan at a western restaurant. The food in that restaurant was mediocre, and they were all hyped up."

"Then I won't eat in the future."

"Well, I will definitely not go there in the future. It's so expensive and so unpalatable, it's too bad." Ranran said here, and suddenly raised her head to look at him. "By the way, I found a very interesting thing at noon today."


"Qiu Mohan and his son are not as good as expected, and the problems between them seem to be very serious." The last plan was not fully implemented in time, and the Situ family was not strong enough, and they are still in doubt.

In addition, He Zishan made a lot of efforts in the middle, Qiu Yichen was not affected much, and he even took the Ran family into his pocket.

What a bargain!

At first, Ran Ran felt that he was very uncomfortable at such a cheap price, but she didn't expect that good things were waiting for her here!

"What's the question?" Ao Zhen was not interested in anyone else, only her.

Ran Ran shook her head: "I haven't found it yet, but I believe there will be news soon. Qiu Yichen, I will never let him go!"

Compared with the members of He Ran's family, she was more like Qiu Yichen when she was a child.

Why should he, a child without a mother, live a better life than her.

She hates him for taking everything that belongs to her!

"Don't like him?" Ao Zhen raised his eyebrows, and a shadow flashed in his cold eyes.

Ran Ran nodded without hesitation: "When I was young, I hated him very much. At that time, I felt that he took everything that belonged to me. It was only later that I realized that some things were not what I thought."

"If you don't like it, let him disappear." This is the law of the world of the strong. After Ao Zhen finished speaking domineeringly, Ran Ran's fragile little heart was instantly warmed.

She stood on tiptoe, sent a sweet kiss, touched his lips, and retracted.

"Brother, you are the person who treats me best in this world, and you are also my only family member!"

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