Ran Ran was only halfway through when she blinked, and a person appeared in front of her eyes.She rubbed her eyes vigorously, staring blankly at the person who suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, her expression was quite disillusioned.

She must be hallucinating.

Looking left and right, I found that she was indeed in the room with a phone in her hand.And it was him who was calling, but it seemed like he shouldn't be here.

Ignoring the person in front of her, she took off her hand in a daze, looked at the phone she was talking on, and looked at his hand.

The high-end and elegant gold mobile phone of local tyrants was in his hand, she put the phone to her ear stupidly and said, "Hello?"

He thought about a thousand different reactions, but none of them came like this one, which made him lose his mind.

He raised his hand with nostalgia, and said clearly: "It's not an illusion!"


What the hell is going on here?

Ao Zhen narrowed his eyes, the little girl he raised with his own hands would never say this word, and in this space, there is no such word at all.

Well, the answer is obvious.

Sensing his emotional ups and downs, Ran Ran raised her head and frowned and said, "Brother, something seems wrong with you?"

"Didn't you say that Qiu Yichen would come too?" Ao Zhen didn't want to talk to her at all, and directly changed the subject.

Ran Ran pouted, very upset, but her attention was decisively diverted.

"Yes, yes, He Zishan seems to be looking for something about me. I don't know what they are looking for, so I have to call you." The shocking scene was blocked.

"I'll handle it."

Ao Zhen's spiritual consciousness has long enveloped the entire villa, such a powerful spiritual consciousness, such a rookie at the level of Ran Ran, can't even notice it.She stood obediently on the spot without making a sound, and she had long since lost her shrewdness in front of Li Chengping and others.

It was rare to have such a quiet environment to get along with, and the smile on the corner of Ran Ran's mouth couldn't help but rise, becoming more and more brilliant.Seeing her smiling so happily, Ao Zhen felt very baffled.

He really didn't understand what the little girl was thinking.

"Have you found it?"

Qiu Yichen came much faster than expected, even Ran Ran was surprised when he heard his voice.

"Quick!" She mouthed to Ao Zhen.

Ao Zhen remained expressionless, and then heard He Zishan say: "I'll wait for you to come and look for it together, but I've never been in her room."

"You're not guilty of saying that at all? After all, she is also your biological daughter." The relationship between Qiu Yichen and He Zishan is far from as good as it looks on the outside, on the contrary, the relationship between them is very delicate.

He Zishan wasn't embarrassed at all, and didn't feel that what he did was wrong.

"It might be a good thing for her." He Zishan said as a matter of course.

"How to say?" Qiu Yichen frowned.

"Ran Xiuhang and I were originally married in a family. We made an agreement back then, and we had nothing to do with each other. As a result, he and I were accidentally plotted against, and we ended up with her. If it weren't for the fact that the two families were not easy to tear each other apart, they thought this child would be fine. How could I give birth to her as the bond between the two families."

What He Zishan said made the smile in Ran Ran's eyes disappear.The strong coldness glowed with a cold light, like a knife in winter, icy cold and biting.

A pair of thugs rubbed her head, and her stiff body responded.

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