It's this sentence again!

She was very disappointed with the words, and after her anger passed, her mood gradually calmed down, and she couldn't calm down anymore when she looked at him calmly.

Ao Zhen frowned, "If you are tired, take a rest first."

"Is it here?" Ran Ran looked at him provocatively, pointing to the big bed behind her, "Is it here?"

"You can do whatever you want." After finishing speaking, Ao Zhen turned and left.

Ran Ran froze, standing where she was, her eyes filled with soreness.

She should have understood a long time ago how it is possible for a person like him to have no women.With a face that has not changed for decades, no one knows how long he has lived.How could such a person not have someone in his heart.

What I didn't understand before, but the moment I saw this photo, there is still something I don't understand.

It was the more and more similar eyebrows and eyes between them that made him more and more absent-minded.

It turned out that it wasn't her illusion, he was really looking at Ling through her.And that person is the person in his heart.

She once wondered why she was the daughter of Ran Xiuhang and He Zishan, but she didn't look like them at all.

Recalling the soul-stirring blood purification at the beginning, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Ran Ran's mouth.

Substitute, just a substitute?

No wonder she has all kinds of dreams, the woman in the dream is the whole memory of that woman!

That woman's blood is flowing in her body, and her memory is slowly being occupied by that woman, so when will she be completely robbed by that woman?

The beauty in her heart suddenly disappeared without a trace, Ran Ran only felt cold all over her body, her soul was so cold, as if she could freeze herself.

After a long time, Ran Ran regained her body and walked slowly towards the door.Choose a room at random and lie on the bed to rest.

During the period, Ao Zhen came up once, saw her sleeping, walked in to have a look, and left again.

In this way, Ran Ran stayed here, but she was not thinking about Ao Zhen anymore.And Ao Zhen seems to be very busy, and doesn't dine with her every day like before.Ran Ran gradually got used to such days.

However, Hei Lie slowly discovered a very important thing. After coming here, Ran Ran seems to have never practiced it.He didn't know if Ao Zhen knew, and he didn't know if he should remind him.

Ao Zhen opened his eyes, and what he saw was Hei Lie with a tangled face, and said coldly, "What's the matter?"

Hei Lie came back to his senses and hurriedly said: "Master, the elders want to see you."

"not see!"


"Now that I have abdicated to the virtuous, let them stop bothering me." He has long been tired of managing that dilapidated place for tens of thousands of years.

Otherwise, how could he let that kid jump out early.

Hei Lie is indifferent, well, the master has already passed the seat to the young master, and the elders really shouldn't come.

"Don't ask me about this kind of thing again in the future." After living a quiet life, who is still patient in handling things.

"Yes, master."

Ao Zhen glanced at him, "Tell me, what else is there?"

"Miss Ran hasn't practiced for a long time." Hei Lie gritted his teeth and decided to tell Ao Zhen.

Sure enough, Ao Zhen didn't know, he immediately narrowed his eyes when he heard it, "How long?"

Hei Lie swallowed hard, and said: "I haven't practiced for a moment since I came back."

"Did you tell her?" Ao Zhen remembered that Hei Lie told Ran Ran before.

Hei Lie shook his head: "Miss Ran usually doesn't come out."

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