"Where is this?"

When the car stopped, Prince Fanzhuo opened his confused eyes and looked out the window to ask questions.

"I don't know how to look?" Chunyu Zijiao stared at the familiar building, his eyes softened rarely.

Prince Fanzhuo got off the car, looked up, and read: "The Fifth Inn? Such a strange name."

"Is it weird?" Chunyu Zijia didn't think so, but felt very kind.

Prince Fanzhuo nodded affirmatively: "Of course, don't you think that this name is a bit out of place with everything around it? It is a very modern building, but it should be called an inn!"

"What's the name of the place where people live?" Chunyu Zijiao asked him.

"It was called an inn in ancient times, but it is called a hotel in modern times." Prince Fan Zhuo is also an old monster, and he has lived a long time with sincerity.

Chunyu Zijiao said: "That's it. Anyway, it's for people to live in, and it's been out for a thousand years. It's not wrong to call it the Fifth Inn."

"Is this a hotel?" Prince Fanzhuo was surprised, don't bully him for not reading enough.

He obviously smelled a lot of smells, obviously not what a hotel should have.

Well, the underground is very lively, it seems that this place is not just as simple as a hotel.

Just as he was thinking wildly, Chunyu Zijiao had already walked into the hotel.With a heartbeat, he deliberately slowed down and chased after the slender figure.He wants to live with him, never separate.

In the end, after finally catching up, he found that he did not greet the front desk at all, but walked directly into the exclusive elevator.

Prince Fanzhuo looked at him differently, and said, "You seem to be familiar with this place."

"Why do you think I'm unfamiliar?" No one knew the uneasiness in his heart.

The originally familiar environment suddenly became strange.It's rare that there are still places he is familiar with, and there are traces of their lives. He is not uneasy.

"Since your sister passed away, you haven't been here for thousands of years!" He was not mentally functioning, but he could not forget the time.

Chunyu Zijiao's eyes were full of nostalgia: "This is the base that my mother established since she was a child. Back then, this place created quite favorable conditions for her. I was also born here."

The birth he was talking about was not birth, but because of that magical night that left traces.

Here is the only place to commemorate.

Prince Fan Zhuo did not expect this place to have such a background, and immediately said: "The name of the Fifth Inn is good, very good, quite good, very good. There is simply nothing more appropriate than this name!"

"What about morality?" Chunyu Zijia raised his eyebrows, but the corners of his mouth curled into a shallow arc.

"It was eaten by you." Prince Fanzhuo will never have moral integrity in front of him.

If there is integrity in front of him, how can he embrace a beauty.

"I didn't open your room." Chunyu Zijiao said gracefully.

Prince Fanzhuo froze: "You didn't open it yourself."

"I seem to have forgotten to tell you that we brothers and sisters have our own room here. Of course, it's exclusive!"

"I'm so envious, so jealous, I want to live too!"

"Go and drive yourself."

"do not want!"

"What about manners?"

"I lost my integrity, and it has absolutely nothing to do with you." Prince Fan Zhuo really had no integrity at this moment, and followed Chunyu Zijiao step by step, and squeezed in decisively before closing the door.

"Be obedient, huh?" Chunyu Zijiao didn't drive him away, but stared at him and said such a sentence.

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