After solving the big trouble, Ran Ran is in a very good mood.After practicing all night, he went to the living room to have breakfast in good spirits.

Ya hadn't slept yet, and was lazily sitting in the living room playing chess with Ao Zhen.Facing the stinky chess basket, Ao Zhen was not the slightest bit impatient, and followed him patiently step by step.

Ran Ran took a look at the milk and asked, "How long have you been playing chess?"

Ya Junmei's face froze, she looked at Ao Zhen without blushing and said without heartbeat, "Not long."

"How long is it?" Ran Ran didn't believe Ya's nonsense, so she spared the table and sat next to Ao Zhen to watch the battle.

"It's just an hour or two." When Ya spoke, her eyes were extremely wandering.

Ran Ran questioned, "One or two hours?"

"Well, about three or four hours?"

"Three or four hours?"

Ya got angry, "I don't know how long it has been, okay?"

Ran Ran: "..." She knew that was the case.

It started a few days ago, when Ao Zhen was sitting downstairs bored, Hei Lie did not know where to get a pair of Nuanyu chess pieces, and the chess board was a rare treasure.Hei Lie is not qualified to play chess with Ao Zhen, so Ao Zhen plays chess with his left hand and right hand.

Chunyu Zijiao was dealing with things, and Ya went downstairs to wander around bored alone, and happened to see Ao Zhen who was playing chess alone.He watched it for a while and thought it was amazing, so he asked Ao Zhen to teach him.

Ya is very smart. After Ao Zhen talked about it once, he will understand.

So, he started to play chess with Ao Zhen enthusiastically, and Ao Zhen was bored by himself, so he didn't refuse.

The first round naturally ended extremely quickly, and Ya lost.

In the second round, it took a little longer, and after Ya was dying, he lost again.

The third round was only slightly stronger than the second round, but it has been improving all the time.


In this way, the two went down for several days.

Ao Zhen felt that this was not the way to go, so he threw him a chess record and asked him to go back and study it by himself.Ya was overjoyed, and started to retreat with the chess record.

During the days when Ya retreated, Ao Zhen dragged Ran Ran to fight for [-] rounds, and finally almost passed out.

As soon as Ya was out of the customs, Ran Ran was relieved, because Ya pulled Ao Zhen to start playing chess.The shortest game of chess takes four hours, and the longer one goes directly from night to morning.At first Ran Ran thought it was fine, but then she became more and more angry.

Ya directly occupied her man, okay!

"Where's my brother?" Ran Ran took a grape and put it in Ao Zhen's mouth, then turned to ask Ya.

"Upstairs." Ya frowned and concentrated on studying chess without looking at Ranran at all. Ranran curled her lips and quietly pulled Ao Zhen's arm.

Ao Zhen turned his head to look at her and smiled softly, comforting her silently.

Ran Ran sighed, leaned on his shoulder and continued to eat grapes, resentful in her heart.When did Ao Zhen who wished to tie her by her side 24 hours disappeared!

Ran Ran sulked for a while, and got up quietly. As soon as she reached the stairs, she heard Hei Lie say that someone was coming.When she looked back, it wasn't Yinghuan who it was.

Ran Ran was overjoyed, "You guys are here."

Yinghuan did not expect Ran Ran to be so enthusiastic, and Cheng Yu walked in one after the other, and saluted respectfully, "Your Highness."

Then, she saw Ao Zhen sitting over there playing chess, and her body trembled.

"You don't need to do this, just be casual." Ran Ran said hello to Ao Zhen, "Honey, I'm going up."

"Okay." Ao Zhen nodded coldly, extending it to the point where he didn't give welcome and presentation.

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