"How could my daughter not care?" Ran Ran was very angry, "That is my child born in October of pregnancy, even if it grows up, it will still be my child."

"If you like it, let's make another one." Ao Zhen did this again.

Ran Ran was angry and didn't want to talk to him, "I don't want to live!"

"Okay, let's have another baby when you want to give birth." Xun Xuan was not angry, and let her lose her temper. "However, I won't take care of Xiao Yu'er's affairs."

"Is this a condition?" Ran Ran stared.


"Still saying no, it's obviously true." Ran Ran stood up angrily, turned around and was about to leave.

Ao Zhen got up to keep up, and followed her slowly, keeping the same distance all the time.No matter how fast or slow Ran Ran walks, he always follows her at the same speed.

Tired from walking in anger, and there were too many people looking back, Ran Ran came to her senses and pulled him into the car.

Hearing Ao Zhen's muffled laugh, Ran Ran said dejectedly, "I really hope Xiao Yu'er can be happy."

"She has a fatal fate, I can't help it." Ao Zhen said it calmly, which made Ran Ran feel frightened.

"I count."

Ran Ran knows how to do calculations, and her skills are good, but there is still a difference compared with Ao Zhen.She calculated several times before she figured out Xiao Yu'er's fate.Even if it was blurry, seeing the bloody scene was shocking enough.

She covered her head and leaned back, sweating all over her head.

Ao Zhen's big hand landed on her forehead, and a stream of heat slowly flowed from the top of her head to her limbs.Ran Ran hummed a few times in comfort before slowly opening her eyes, which were full of worry.

"That man is Xiao Yu'er's catastrophe, why didn't you organize it?" She could clearly figure out the threat that man posed to Xiao Yu'er, but she was powerless.

He sees more thoroughly than her, so there should be a way.

"I have no choice, this is fate!" Ao Zhen said without thinking, how could he tell Ran Ran that Xiao Yu'er's catastrophe was calculated from the moment of birth?

"Fate can be changed!" Ran Ran growled excitedly.

"The wheel of fortune has turned, and Xiao Yu'er's matter is a foregone conclusion. Besides, no matter what happens, she will be safe in the end." Seeing her calm down, Ao Zhen said: "Since she is safe, going through some ups and downs is nothing. That's growth, and growth comes at a price."

Ran Ran was silent, she had no choice but to admit that what Ao Zhen said was right.

Concerned about chaos, after all, is her daughter.

No mother is willing to watch her daughter endure the ordeal, and the tormented self must die to learn to grow.She would rather not grow up like that.But she couldn't do it, because Xiao Yu'er was born different from other children.

She has an endless lifespan, a long, long time to go.

"What I want is her safety." Ran Ran said.

"I'll do it if you don't say it. That's my daughter." Ao Zhen didn't want to tell her about it at first, but she insisted on knowing that he had no choice but to say it.

Now that I think about it, there is nothing wrong with saying it.

"What about Xiao Jin'er?" The son is only a few years older than the daughter. For children with endless life spans, it really doesn't matter how old they are.

Ao Zhen only said: "He is the king."


"His calamity can be handled by himself, and there will be absolutely no accidents." Ao Zhen said calmly.

Ran Ran asked suspiciously: "What kind of disaster is he?" If it weren't for the lack of mental strength, she would definitely do it herself.

"Love Tribulation!"

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