Prosperous Marriage: Three Adorable Babies Fighting Daddy

Chapter 1969 The Catastrophe of Little Fish

Xiao Qing'er was dumbfounded!

"Brother, brother!"

Ao Yu slowly opened her eyes, comforted her and said, "Stop shouting, practice with peace of mind, or you will continue to stay here."

"I don't want it!" She didn't want to practice at all, she wanted to eat.

"Then you plan to stay here forever?" Ao Yu asked.

Xiao Qing'er blinked, her expression extremely sad.

"I will practice honestly."

"Let's go together." Seeing that she wasn't complaining, Ao Yu was really practicing, so she closed her eyes and concentrated on retreat.

Xiao Qing'er, who was still waiting for Ran Ran to save her, waited for three days and there was no news. After sighing for the umpteenth time, she completely entered the state of cultivation.

It's not that Ran Ran doesn't want to save the pair of children, but that she can't protect herself, so how can she save the two of them.Ao Zhen has been in retreat for 50 years, and the two of them can feel each other's breath, but they haven't met each other.

This time, as soon as he left the customs, Ao Zhen couldn't help abducting him into bed, and Ran Ran didn't even have the room to resist.I fought under his pressure for three days and three nights and still haven't rested yet.

"Why did I practice back then?" Ran Ran asked without tears.

Ao Zhen's eyes shone with a charming light because they were too devoted.

Hearing what Ran Ran said, he kissed her forehead and said with a smile, "Because we want to be together forever."

"Forever?" Ran Ran felt that her future life might be even more difficult.

Ao Zhen stopped talking nonsense, and listened to her whispering more and more hard.It wasn't until the fifteenth night that she let go of Ran Ran, who had fallen asleep, and fell into a deep sleep.

The wind outside was very clear, Ran Ran moved her body and blushed, and was about to escape quietly when she was imprisoned by his hands.

"Where are we going first, huh?" The joking voice was a little hoarse because he just woke up, and the listener felt itchy.

"I'm hungry and want to eat." After Ran Ran finished speaking, he was pressed down hard by him.

"You're not good!" The increasingly gentle voice made Ran Ran shudder.

This guy is getting more and more scary!

"I really want to eat, but I feel weak." Ran Ran was telling the truth, but she completely forgot that she didn't need to eat at all.

She hasn't needed to eat anything since 50 years ago, and now that she wants to eat, it seems like an obvious thing to do.Ao Zhen didn't care if she said that because of habit, he only knew that he wanted it very much.

Ran Ran struggled sadly twice, and was suppressed again.

This time was different from the fierceness of the last time, Ao Zhen was much gentler, but more and more annoying.Ran Ran was overwhelmed by his tormenting desire|immortal|desire|death, wishing to have a good time.

Three years are not too long or too short.

Three years after Ran Ran was dragged and tossed by Ao Zhen, Ran Ran was still the same three years later, without any change.The only thing that has changed is that his skill has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has improved to a higher level than three years ago.

She stood beside Ao Zhen in a white gown embroidered with golden cloud patterns, letting him sit on a chair in the main hall.

"Today is the day when Xiao Qing'er and Yu'er leave the customs, and I don't know how they have been in the past three years." Ran Ran desperately wanted to see the two children.After all, this is the first time the two children have been punished.

Ao Zhen is not Ran Ran, he said coldly: "If you fail, you will stay here."

Ao Jin was holding the hands of the two of them out, when they heard Ao Zhen's words, the two little fellows shook violently.

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