Qing'er lifted the cover on her body and was about to collapse, Rumo hurriedly walked over and said: "Miss, let this servant show you."


Qing'er is still kind to Rumo, knowing that if she refuses to agree to Rumo's pulse diagnosis, Rumo won't let her go down for a walk.

She stretched out her hand and put it on the buckwheat pillow, Rumo pressed her hand on her pulse, and after a while she smiled and said: "Miss's body is better than the previous few days, but don't be too tired. In a few days It's the day of the young lady's big wedding, and you need to rest well in these few days."

"Don't worry, I'm just walking around the house to get some air." Qing'er knew that she couldn't go out casually, as a bride, she couldn't let outsiders see her.

That day, it was not proper for Zhennan King to come, but fortunately he did not come in, otherwise he would not know what he would be passed on to.She doesn't care about these things, but she has to think about the sisters of the Ming family.Her reputation is ruined, and the girls of the Ming family will not benefit at all.At that time, she will be a sinner of the Ming family.

It didn't take long for her to recover her memory, and she couldn't fake her feelings for the Ming family couple. How could she not think more about the Ming family couple.

Seeing that she stood up and only walked around the room, Rumo felt a little relieved, but did not dare to relax her tight strings, her eyes followed Qing'er's figure all the time.Qing'er slept for too long, her body was a little stiff, and she didn't have much strength.The last time she passed out, it still hurt her body a little bit, and her vitality was insufficient, so now she can only walk around the room.

After a while of activities and dinner, the maids all went down, leaving only Ruqin to watch the night outside.

Qing'er lay peacefully on the bed, and waited until the girls fell asleep before sitting up and starting to meditate.After the aura circulated in her body for a week, Qing'er slowly opened her eyes, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.It is a good thing to be able to cultivate, the progress is very small, but the benefits to the body are great.

It was already light.

She lifted the quilt and was about to get up when she heard a girl's voice from outside the curtain, "Miss, are you awake?"

"Yeah." Qing'er sat on it without moving, and two big girls came in softly, waiting for her to wash.

After a night's rest, Rucui looked more energetic than yesterday, and she took a comb to comb Qing'er's hair.Then according to Qing'er's preference, help her put on jewelry.After dressing up, he stood aside silently.

Qing'er raised her head and looked at the immature girl in the mirror, as if thinking of herself in her previous life.

She is different from any girl in the Ming family, because of her strong soul, she is more and more like herself in her previous life.In my previous life, I was very simple, because I had older sisters, older brothers and parents to rely on, and I lived for 200 years, still like a child.It's not like this life, but after more than ten years, her IQ has been very different from her previous life.

In my previous life, I always seemed to lack something, but now that I think about it, it must be IQ!

Thinking of her sister's helpless look, Qing'er grinned and showed a bright smile, amazed the maids behind her.Rumo and Qing'er have a good relationship, although they are cold-tempered, they are not silent.

"Miss, it's better for you to smile less in the future." Ru Mo came in with breakfast, just in time to see Qing'er's dazzling smile, and shook her hand, almost ruining the breakfast.

Qing'er looked back at her, looked her up and down, and said with a smile: "Sister Rumo is also a rare beauty!"

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