In the evening, Zhong Jingyan came to the main courtyard, and the two had dinner as usual.The two sat on the soft bed, Zhong Jingyan was reading with a book in his hand, and Qing'er was sitting beside him with an account book in his hand, his eyes were wandering and he was actually practicing silently.

"You did a good job on this matter, and I need you to spend more time in the future." Zhong Jingyan put down the book suddenly, and said to Qing'er.

Qing'er was taken aback, and after thinking for a while, he realized that what he was talking about was the matter of the morning, "This is a matter of my concubine status."

Zhong Jingyan also knew a thing or two about the affairs in the palace. He used to be impatient to argue with those people, but he didn't expect to raise the courage of those people.After having a princess, it was much easier to do these things, and he also took this opportunity to solve a few nails.That's why I came to the backyard early to have dinner with Qing'er.

"You did very well!"

After being praised, Qing'er blushed and said to Zhong Jingyan: "My lord, if you really want to praise me, come and accompany me more in the future!"

Is it really okay to invite pets so brightly?

The big girls wished they could hang their heads on the ground, the princess is really...

Zhong Jingyan also didn't expect her to say that, but felt that Qing'er like this was very real, making people feel that being with such a person didn't have too many precautions.Even though she was the emperor's bestowed marriage partner and represented the emperor, it was still hard for him to dislike her.

"The concubine who is with this king is what she should be."

Upon hearing this, Qing'er hugged his arm excitedly, and said with a smile: "My lord, you are the best, best, best person I have ever seen!"

nice guy

Zhong Jingyan sneered in his heart, he had killed someone with his own hands when he was three years old, and now his hands are covered with the blood of many people.What kind of a good person is he? If he can be regarded as a good person, there will probably be no bad people in this world.

"Go to sleep."

Sensing the change in Zhong Jingyan's mood, Qing'er didn't know why, if she couldn't figure it out, she simply didn't want to.Get up and wait for Zhong Jingyan to take off the outer robe, in exchange for someone to prepare water.And she also walked towards the other side, preparing to take a bath and go to bed.

Zhong Jingyan's speed was much slower than Qing'er, and when he came back, Qing'er had already lay down and fell asleep.Zhong Jingyan looked at her sleeping face, lay down beside her, and felt an unprecedented peace.

After Zhong Jingyan fell asleep, the person next to him opened those beautiful big eyes, which were full of doubts.

She knew that Zhong Jingyan didn't want to continue that topic with her, so she avoided him and pretended to sleep.But why would he be unhappy when she said he was a good man?Isn't he a good man?

Things in this world are too complicated, and she can't understand many things.

Even though she now feels that she is much smarter than before, she still doesn't quite understand the thoughts of the people here.When speaking one by one, it is particularly difficult to understand.She didn't understand why she couldn't just say it outright?If there are several meanings in a sentence, she can't understand it at all.

Ah, forget it.

forget about it.

Anyway, she is now a princess, and she is under one person and above ten thousand in Shu, so she can solve it by force if she is really uncertain.Now she is not the person who is about to fall when the windbreaker blows, but now she has not felt anyone who threatens her.

Well, it feels so good.

No wonder my sister used to practice when she had nothing to do, and ran around the world when she was not practicing.She found that she seemed to fall in love with this feeling too.

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