After setting off, Zhong Jingyan and Qing'er walked in front of the team, and Qing'er kept searching the surroundings with his spiritual sense.Once a situation is discovered, I will personally go out to solve it.

She's fast, and if she doesn't want to be noticed, she won't be noticed by anyone.

Zhong Jingyan always knew what she was doing, because every time she went out and came back, she smelled of blood on her body.Although not very obvious, faint, still can not escape his nose.

He hugged her distressedly, and secretly swore in his heart that he would never let her be wronged in this life.

Arriving unimpeded along the way to a nearby small town, their people had already been broken into pieces and sneaked in in batches.Some people went back to prepare in advance, and some people passed the news back long ago.The situation in the palace is fine, so there is no need for him to worry.

After entering the city, Zhong Jingyan lived in a low-key courtyard. There were two women guarding the courtyard, and there was no one from Jingdong at all.Even in the nearby courtyard, there are Zhong Jingyan's people, and they can be regarded as returning to the base camp.

This time, it was obvious that there was an insider. Even if Zhong Jingyan came back, he still couldn't believe the outsiders.

"My lord, the water is ready!" Qing'er came in from the outside with her hair still a little wet.

Zhong Jingyan looked up at her, stunned, "Is it raining?"

"Well, it's raining, and the rain outside is still a little heavy!" Qing'er sat on the head of the bed, looking down at the clothes she hadn't changed for several days, in a bad mood.Pouted and complained: "My lord, when can we go back."

"I'll be back soon!" Zhong Jingyan noticed her little thoughts and smiled, feeling very warm.

"That's good." Just as he was talking, the woman outside told him that the water was ready.Qing'er got up and said: "My lord, if you don't go, I will go first!"

She yelled all over again, but the man still didn't move.

"Well, you go!"

Zhong Jingyan smiled and asked her to wash first, and called Sun Lu in. Sun Lu turned cold, then turned and went out.After Qing'er finished washing, before she got up, she heard footsteps. She stood up and looked back, and saw that it was Zhong Jingyan, her cheeks flushed.

He stammered and asked, "My lord, why did you come in?"

"You came in without clothes!"

She was so stupid that she went to the city several times, but she didn't buy clothes for herself.Even if it's not easy to change clothes over there, if she wants to change, there is no place for her to change.At that time, her heart was all about him, so she had no time to think about anything else.

Thinking of this, Zhong Jingyan felt a different emotion spread in his chest, swollen, swollen, sour, and sweet.

He doesn't hate this feeling, on the contrary, he likes it very much, and thinks this feeling is really good.

"Thank you, my lord!" Qing'er's voice couldn't be lowered, her cheeks were blushing, and she looked extraordinarily shy.

"I put my clothes down!"

By the time Qing'er finished dawdling and came out, Zhong Jingyan had already washed.Sitting on the head of the bed in white pajamas, reading a book in his hand, he was extraordinarily leisurely.Qing'er found that she hadn't seen him like this for a long time, and now seeing him like this, her heart beat so fast.

She covered her chest with her hands, puckered her mouth and frowned, thinking, why is she here? I feel like I'm sick!

Why is my heart beating so fast, it's a bit abnormal!

Zhong Jingyan looked at her standing there in a daze, and asked her, "Why don't you come to sleep? Aren't you tired?"

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