"Ru Ge and Ru Lan are both suspected." Ru Mo said cautiously.

Qing'er nodded, "You're right, these two people seem to be more suspicious of Ru Ge, but Ru Lan is not without suspicion. It's really not easy to lurk by my side for so many years. You send someone to listen to them carefully. Two, don't startle the snake."

"Yes, I'll save you, servant girl."

"Those little girls should also send someone to keep an eye on them. It doesn't matter if they harm me, what matters is that I am worried that they will harm others. The prince is not here, so things in the mansion cannot be messed up. Once it is messed up, it will affect the prince."

Qing'er only has Zhong Jingyan in her heart, and Zhong Jingyan is her spiritual vein and her only chance to go back.She would never allow Zhong Jing to do anything.Now, Zhong Jingyan's enemies are her enemies, and what Zhong Jingyan has to deal with is the one she wants to solve with her own hands.

It is no problem to solve an emperor, but there will be a new emperor.

All she has to do is to ensure that Zhong Jingyan's life is safe, so that he can fulfill his long-cherished wish.

"Princess, don't worry, the people this time are all given by Butler Sun."

Qing'er glanced at Rumo, and wondered when Rumo and Sun Fu got so close.Even he didn't notice it.Not only her, but even Rumo herself couldn't understand why Sun Fu would change his previous attitude and get close to her.

But she didn't feel the slightest bit about Sun Fu, it wasn't that Sun Fu was bad.But as the dowry girl of the princess, if she is with Sun Fu, she can't stay by her side to serve her.

Her biggest dream is to take care of the princess. This is what her mother meant, and it was also what Mrs. Ming meant.

"You can't trust the people given by Steward Sun, and you should supervise them when necessary. This kind of thing needs to be done by yourself, but don't let everyone know about it, so as not to make people panic." Although Qing'er didn't understand it very well, But I also understand that some things cannot be done too obviously.

Ru Mo said: "Yes."

"Okay, I don't need you here, you go to rest. You will have to work hard during this time!" Qing'er let Rumo retreat, and leaned on the soft couch to cover the entire palace with her spiritual consciousness.

This is very laborious.

It must have been a lot of hard work before it was changed to advanced, but now it is not too hard.

She half-closed her eyes and heard a lot of miscellaneous things, which relieved her loneliness.Of course, many interesting things and suspicious people were also found.She didn't expect that there were not only one or two traitors around her, but there were so many that she couldn't even say anything.

What a slap in the face!

The ones given by Sun Fu were the ones given by Zhong Jingyan, and those little girls all lurk in to protect themselves.They are all Zhong Jingyan's confidants and secret guards, the most loyal people.On the contrary, too many of her own people have two hearts.

Doesn't this mean that she is too incompetent?

Qing'er was very upset, but did not act rashly, but directly listed the list and handed it to Rumo, who asked Rumo to send it to Sun Fu.Some unremarkable little girls and servants were dealt with secretly by Sun Fu.The famous people also methodically made them go wrong.

Of the big girls around her, Qing'er naturally wants to stay at the end.

Once all the people get out, new people come in.If you pissed off the people over there, the loss outweighs the gain.

She's not that stupid yet.

From that day on, Qing'er had nothing to do to cover the palace, and sometimes she would explore the busiest places in the city on a whim.Listen to gossip or something!

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