That young master is very generous, and everything is the best buy.Almost all the stock in the pharmacy in the city was bought by this young man.

"Princess, we bought so many things, it will be troublesome if we are caught by someone!" Rucui lived in fear every day, and she didn't understand where the concubine was so bold.

Qing'er said nonchalantly: "There will be a war soon. Silver is a good thing, but medicine is a good thing that money can't buy. Before the war is fought, it is natural to collect more good things."

"What if someone comes to rob?" During this time, Ru Cui's nerves were about to collapse.

"The ones who don't have eyes will naturally be cleaned up!" Qing'er said arrogantly.

She brought Ru Cui to a restaurant, and after eating and drinking, He Ru Cui came out empty-handed.This is one of Zhong Jingyan's contact points. Before Zhong Jingyan left, she told Qing'er the contact information, just because she was worried that something unexpected would happen to her, so that she could have a place to settle down.

In return, Qing'er specially wrote a cookbook and asked Sun Fu to send it out.

The shopkeepers of those restaurants saw this recipe and offered it up like a treasure.However, in just a few months, the restaurant's business has improved by [-]% compared to before, especially in the capital city, where people come to photograph the team almost every day.Just to be able to eat a new dish.

At dawn the next day, Qing'er took Ru Cui to continue on his way, but he ran into bandits as soon as he left the city gate.


Rucui covered her mouth, bravely stood in front of Qing'er, and said in a crying voice: "Princess, hurry up, servants are stopping me!"

Seeing her appearance, the corners of Qing'er's mouth twitched.

"Hand over all the silver in your hands, or..." Before Qing'er could speak, the bandits on the opposite side roared viciously.

Ru Cui took out a pouch from her bosom, and offered it with both hands, "This is all the money we have, please let the hero spare my young master!"

The big man weighed his purse and said with a sneer, "It's only ten taels of silver, do you think I'm a fool?"

But they saw that this little boy entered the Jiuhe Hall yesterday, and he was paid tens of thousands of taels of silver.If they hadn't seen him being so generous, they wouldn't have waited so hard.

Seeing the big man's feet on Ru Cui's body, Qing Er stretched out her hand and pulled Ru Cui aside.

Ru Cui was in a hurry, stomped her feet and said, "Princess, hurry up."

"Little boy, if you are sensible, hand over your money quickly, or I will send you to Qingfeng Pavilion!" When the leading big man said this, there was a lewd | evil light in his eyes, he was a disgusting person.

"Qingfeng Pavilion? What's that place?" Restaurant?

What an elegant name.

Ru Cui also looked confused, but more anxious.

The big man and the few brothers behind him laughed loudly when they heard Qing'er's question, "Qingfeng Pavilion is a place to raise petty officials. With your skinny skin and tender flesh, you will definitely be able to sell for a good price!"

Petty officer?

Qing'er was still very ignorant, but Rucui heard it instantly, blushing and angrily cursed: "Bird|beast! Beast!"

Seeing Ru Cui's appearance, Qing'er doesn't know that this is not a good place.

"How? Be afraid! If you are afraid, quickly hand over the silver. Maybe I am in a good mood, young master, and I can let you stay to serve you!"

"It's up to you?" Qing'er's eyes suddenly flashed coldness, and he disappeared in place in a flash.

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