"Which one?"

It's not that Zhong Jingyan didn't understand it, it's just that what he just said was a bit too much.

You know he is not a talkative man.

Qing'er repeated with sparkling eyes: "It's just that the prince said that he would never want other women in the future!"

Don't want other women?

Zhong Jingyan frowned, Qing'er was slightly disappointed when she saw this, she knew that she was delusional.I used to think there was hope, because the women in the palace were all gone.Even if he said similar things before, he is still a prince, his great career has not been accomplished, he is in a dire situation, and his life is in the hands of others, so he has no intention of thinking about it at all.

Everything is different now.

How could the emperor have only one woman.

"Is there any medicine for the lord?" Qing'er bit her lip, and changed the subject on her own initiative, so as not to embarrass herself.


"Huh?" Qing'er was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what the "yes" meant. "Does the lord mean yes? Then the lord will send someone to deliver a bottle of high-quality medicine in a while. If Rucui kneels and doesn't take the medicine, she probably won't be able to come in to serve her."

She said it since ancient times, completely unaware of the disappointment on her face.

Seeing her like this, Zhong Jingyan felt sour and swelled in his heart, as if he was filled with something.He had never thought that there would be only one woman in the future, but when he talked about this just now, he thought about it carefully, and felt that it would not be impossible to only have Qing'er as a woman in the future.

He couldn't tolerate other women getting close, and he didn't even want to touch other women.

He didn't feel this way about Qing'er, every time he wished to cling to her for the rest of his life, watching her turn into water under his body.

"I said there will be no other women in the future." Zhong Jingyan smiled, her deep eyes were like a deep pool, staring deeply at Qing'er, as if she was the only one in another world.

Qing'er's cheeks were burning when he saw him, but she still looked at Zhong Jingyan very excitedly, and asked boldly: "My lord, is what you said true? If it is true, there will be no other women in the future?"

Zhong Jingyan leaned over with a smirk, looked into her eyes, and whispered in her ear: "I will only have you as a woman in the future, you should give me more sons."

Qing'er's cheeks flushed red, "A few sons!!!"

When she is a pig?

Originally, Qing'er was reminding Zhong Jingyan that the people around him were restless, thinking that he was being tricked, and Ru Cui was foolishly being tricked, so he lost his temper.

Who knew there would be unexpected gains!

When she was sleeping, Qing'er had a sweet smile on her lips, which made Zhong Jingyan feel better.He doesn't think Qing'er's idea is very bold, after thinking about it carefully, he also knows that this is not a bad idea.

Early the next morning, Rucui eagerly came to serve her, but Qing'er was still awake.When Zhong Jingyan went out, she didn't let Ru Cui in, but let her guard outside.

Qing'er was so excited last night, she dragged Zhong Jingyan to Balabala and talked a lot, before falling into a deep sleep.

After Zhong Jingyan left for a long time in the morning, she slowly opened her eyes. Even if her own abilities disappeared, they had not been completely abolished after all.

"come in!"

Rucui heard Qing'er's voice from outside, opened the curtain and came in, holding hot water in her hand, "Princess, I will serve you."

"No need, go and see what's in the kitchen. Bring something light." Qing'er still refused to let Ru Cui serve by her side, so Ru Cui had no choice but to turn around and leave. When she left, she lost her usual appearance .

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