"Are you satisfied?" Zhong Jingyan was not angry at all, but thanked the fatuous former emperor.

If the old emperor hadn't plotted against him, he wouldn't have had six sons at once.Ask yourself, who in the world has six sons at a time?

Zhong Jingyan was naturally extremely proud.

Hearing his question, Qing'er showed a bright smile, leaned into his arms and said, "Of course I'm very satisfied. Didn't you see that when those people saw mother today, they all laughed and talked with each other. I'm afraid My mother turned over old accounts, and they didn't think about how my mother was such a stingy person."

Zhong Jingyan listened to her with a smile, and looked back at her sleeping sons from time to time.

The little ones slept soundly, and they had no idea what year it was.Qing'er's voice came from next to his ear, and Zhong Jingyan felt that the happiness in the world was nothing more than this.Of course, if there were not so many things in the previous dynasty, his life would definitely be smoother.

Morning the next day.

The ministers carefully found that the emperor was in a good mood, and even the problem of flooding in the south, the emperor was not angry.The direct name of the imperial envoy went to deal with the matter.After the early court, the ministers were sure that the emperor was really in a good mood.

In the blink of an eye, Qing'er was confinement, and the full moon banquet of the six princes was unprecedentedly grand, comparable to the enthronement ceremony when the emperor ascended the throne.

Qing'er also started to take charge of palace affairs, but this time it was Zhong Jingyan who sent someone to do it, so as to avoid Qing'er's embarrassment.When Mrs. Ming entered the palace, she brought her third daughter, Ming Lian, the third girl who came back from the border.

Ming Lianhe has changed a lot in the boudoir, walking with the wind, very neat.

Qing'er was very envious, took Ming Lian's hand, looked left and right, and then sat down with Ming Lian, "When did the third sister return to Beijing? Why didn't someone send a letter?"

"I only arrived two days ago, and the children are a bit uncomfortable with the environment, and it has only improved in the past few days." Ming Lian gave birth to two sons, and now she is quite hard at home.There are no concubines in the backyard, and life is very comfortable.

When Qing'er heard that her nephews were sick, she hurriedly asked concerned: "Did you call the imperial physician?" Then he turned to look at Mrs. Ming, "Mother is also, why don't you call the imperial physician to show the children?"

Ming Lian smiled and said: "Where is she so delicate, it will be fine in a few days."

"The child is still young, so you can't go carelessly." Qing'er said angrily, and then dragged Ming Lian to complain, "Sisters are too, it's fine if mother doesn't lead the nephews into the palace, every time the sisters come It's a person."

Mrs. Ming glanced at her daughter, feeling very helpless.

Now that Qing'er's status is different from before, how can he say that he will see the children when he sees them.The girl's children are not much younger than Qing'er, and all of Mingyu's family are married.Where can I get into the harem?That is Qing'er's confused temper, not thinking about anything.

Qing'er doesn't want to, they can't.

"Who made it so that there is no girl in the family!" Ming Lian had a bright temper, and directly explained the reason.

At the full moon banquet, Qing'er appeared for the second time in front of the court wife. She was dressed in a yellow palace attire, and stood there gracefully to accept the worship.Mingyan's facial features are not inferior to any favorite concubines, but they are more dignified than those favorite concubines.

Who can be as blessed as the empress?

She is a person favored by the heavens. Who in this capital doesn't know that the empress gave birth to six sons in one go?Even Mrs. Rong Guogong exhaled and raised her eyebrows. Who made her daughters all give birth to sons!

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