Prosperous Marriage: Three Adorable Babies Fighting Daddy

Chapter 2192 It’s all the fault of the painting [2]

"But he doesn't make my brother feel better, so he can bear it like this?" Xiao Wu didn't understand, he only knew that if he bullied his brother, he would bully him back.

Zhong Buli was very relieved, and he even pretended to be serious and taught: "He is an ambitious and measured person. Even if he is given the position of being under one person and above ten thousand people, he still feels uneasy in his heart. He always wants to You can only control it in the palm of your hand. Knowing that I am not a person who is easy to control, he still wants to challenge it. It adds a lot of fun to me."

Otherwise, how boring this day is.

He yearns for the days like his father and queen mother, where he can travel freely, observe the people's feelings, and enjoy life.

Even though he is a lofty emperor, he can only be trapped in this world, and he can't go anywhere.

"Brother Huang really won't make things difficult?" Xiao Wu was still a little worried, but Xiao Liu over there had already fallen silent, and secretly glanced at the other brothers.

Looking at the innocent and sensible younger brother, Zhong Buli was still very tolerant, and naturally nodded gently, "It's just a prime minister, brother Huang can still handle it."

Now that he has already sat in this position, it is natural to give the other brothers enough time and space.

"Second brother, where have you been with your father all these years?" Zhong Buli picked up the tea and sipped it leisurely, but the pair of wise eyes fell on Zhong Buqi, there was always a strange feeling smell.

Zhong Buqi didn't mind the elder brother's scrutiny at all, but smiled and said: "Brother Huang is very envious?"

What a shame!

Zhong Buli curled his lips in his heart, and said calmly, "You have also reached the age of getting married. As soon as I see a girl from any family, I will give you a marriage. Don't wait until the ministers in the court mention it and show it to you again." Choose. If you don't like it at that time, you will become a lifelong resentful spouse."

Zhong Buqi hecked twice, and accepted the move calmly, "It's the brother's turn only after the emperor's brother finishes the selection, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry."

"That's right, don't worry, don't worry!" Xiao Wu on the side was scared to kneel by the conversation of the two brothers, and directly echoed what the second brother said.

The third child grinned, lowered his head and remained silent, the fourth child pretended to be dead, and the sixth child got up and slipped away quietly.Zhong Buli pretended not to notice, waited until he saw Xiao Liu walking towards Lingxi Palace, put down the tea in his hand, and said: "It seems that none of you are in a hurry, so in this case, let's start looking for the youngest one first. alright."

"I think Xiao Liu has nothing to say!" The second child was the first to agree with the prince.

Followed by the third child, "I also think Brother Huang's words make sense."

Xiaosi thought about it, and felt that no matter whether he started from Brother Huang or Xiaoliu, there was actually no difference for him.So he nodded and said, "Brother Huang is right."

When it was Xiao Wu's turn, Xiao Wu was puzzled, but the other brothers agreed, so naturally he would not object.

"Well, then listen to big brother!"

So, Xiao Liu who sneaked away somehow became the first person to find his wife, and the poor man didn't even know it.Trotted all the way into Lingxi Palace, came to Xiangsi, held Xiangsi's hand and said.

"Sister, do you have someone you like?"


Before Xiangsi could say anything, Xiao Liu hugged his forehead and jumped all over the ground.Turning around, he saw his five elder brothers standing behind him in unison, and he felt that he was doomed.

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