Prosperous Marriage: Three Adorable Babies Fighting Daddy

Chapter 2198 It’s all the fault of the painting [8]

Zhongyonghou's mansion is also not peaceful.

After the young master of the big house went out and came back, he went crazy.He vomits when he sees a woman, and even his own mother and grandmother are not allowed to touch them when they come over.The person serving around him was replaced by a servant, and he still vomited, and there was no one around him to serve him at all.

Zhongyonghou asked people to find out what happened, but they didn't find out at all.

The master of the second bedroom suddenly had two handsome servants beside him, because the second lady didn't notice it in the front yard.I always thought that the second master was very busy, so I didn't think much about it.

On this day, the second lady brought the soup she made herself to the second master. When she opened the door of the study, she saw the second master rolling with two young men in the study.The second lady was so frightened that she spilled the soup in her hand on the spot.

The second lady rushed in like crazy and started fighting with the second master. The second master missed and pushed the second lady to the ground.The second lady's head hit the inkstone that fell on the ground, bleeding profusely, and she died within two days.

The second girl also fainted when she heard the bad news. After waking up, she didn't see anyone or speak, and she was very dependent on the maid who took care of her.

Three years later, the second girl married far away, so she didn't need her husband to enter the room, and spent all day hanging out with her personal maid.After a scandal broke out, he was sent to a nunnery, where he remained alone for the rest of his life.

Now, the second girl is having a strange relationship with that maid.

Everything is under control.

"Today's Zhongyonghou's Mansion is no longer what it used to be, and I don't know if my sister is still angry?" After the morning court, Zhong Buli took a walk in the imperial garden, accompanied by his second child.

Zhong Buqi suddenly heard this, his eyes twitched slightly.Fortunately, after seeing the end of the Zhongyonghou Mansion, he was already quite calm, at least he would not show his emotions.

"My sister is naturally very happy."

"That's good."

Zhong Buli and Zhong Buqi walked slowly in the imperial garden, passed through the imperial garden, and came to a newly renovated palace. The two brothers stopped for a long time before turning and leaving.

How beautiful that palace was once, is how beautiful it is now.Now many places have been restored to their original state, only waiting for the father and queen to live here after returning to the palace.

I don't know when the father and mother will come back.

He hadn't seen his father and mother for ten years, and he almost couldn't remember what his father and mother looked like. He didn't know what they were like now and whether they had changed.

Others cannot understand the emperor's sorrow.

Because it's gone in the blink of an eye.

"I heard that the border is not peaceful recently. The cousin of the third aunt's family sent a letter a few days ago, and I am afraid that there will be another war." Zhong Buqi wanted to be a general in his heart, not an idle prince.

Of course, he is not an idle prince at all, there are many things on him!

It's a pity that they are all invisible!

He just wants to be a beautiful prince who can see the light!

Why is it so difficult?

"Now there are cousins ​​and cousins ​​in the north, as well as uncle guarding, so it's safe. The key is that the south is not peaceful. The generals in the court are not outstanding. If there is a real fight, I'm afraid it will make the fifth and The sixth one will go."

His two younger brothers were still young, so he was worried that he would not be able to convince the public.

"Children always have to go out to practice. If they don't go through those things, how can they become indomitable generals? Besides, the fifth and sixth children have grown up now, and they have become guards! This time the two go together, the emperor Brother, you should rest assured."

Zhong Buli chuckled, "I knew you would talk to the two of them, and remember to send the benefits to my private treasury later. I don't want more, just half of it will be fine."

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