Chunyu Xian, on the other hand, looked reconciled, "Grandpa, I am also your grandson. Although I didn't grow up by your side, I was taught by my father. But you don't even want to see each other. It's not fair to me." ?”

"Unfair?" The old man was annoyed.

The old lady's eyes turned cold, and she snorted again, "Your mother robbed someone else's husband and occupied it for 35 years with peace of mind. You have also been the heart of other people's father for 35 years. Now you are here to rob someone else's last remaining Things, is this what you call unfair?"

Chunyu Xian's face was ugly, unwilling to reconcile, he continued to argue: "Father and my mother really love each other, and the union between aunt and father should have been banned long ago. This is unfair to father itself!"

"Yo, you really can talk!" The old lady narrowed her eyes and looked at her lost son, mockingly said: "Boss, hurry up and tell your precious son why Ah Rou entered our house in the first place. "

Chunyu Huabo looked embarrassed, dodging his second son's eyes, and looked away guiltily.

When his eyes touched the dignified figure, he suddenly remembered the first time he met decades ago. At that time, he knew that he was going to the eldest lady of Xuanyuan's family, so he quietly ran to see her, but he didn't expect to fall in love at first sight.

In the beginning, the two were sweet, but what happened later became what they are now?

That's right, she was pregnant at that time, and the situation outside had just stabilized, so he went to work outside.It was at that time that I met Wu Ruoling, and they fell in love for a while, and the two had a relationship.

That time was also good, he forgot about his wife at home, and forgot that his wife was still pregnant with his child.

When he was about to go back, he found that Wu Ruoling was also pregnant. He thought that a gentle woman like his wife would definitely accept A Ling, so he went back happily.

But she didn't expect Xuanyuan Minrou's reaction to be so strong, she refused to accept Wu Ruoling at all.

He was so shocked that he left the house, and asked her to calm down for a while, so that she could concentrate on accompanying Wu Ruoling while she was about to give birth.

When I returned to the family, it was when the eldest son was born. During that time, he was carefully by her side, and the two of them seemed to have returned to their original appearance.Just when they got back together, a phone call came in, and he left in a hurry.

When he came back, his wife had changed, and his son didn't know him anymore, so his father locked him in the ancestral hall in a rage.

After he calmed down, he decided to live a good life with her. During that time, they were really harmonious.

But, his wife never let him touch her again.

He also wanted to ease the relationship between the two, so he didn't go out again, and it was very happy to be with his son and wife every day.Unexpectedly, a year later, there was a problem with the business outside the family, and he had to go out.

One day, he saw Wu Ruoling shopping with her child on the road, and he was filled with guilt.

Later, it became what it is now.

"Young master, you can't go in..."

A servant's voice came from outside, interrupting Chunyu Huabo's thoughts.

"Why can't you go in?"

A little boy rang out with a childish and cold voice. He turned his head and saw three little guys walked in the door, two boys and a girl.Chunyu Huabo looked at their immature faces, as if he had seen the eldest son when he was a child.

"Mummy, why are your clothes wet?" Ran Ran was the first to speak when she saw Yan Fu Ningyue who was being protected.

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