Prosperous Marriage: Three Adorable Babies Fighting Daddy

Chapter 585 Oh!It turned out to be him!

The smile in Yan Si's eyes flickered, and he pursed his lips and said, "Okay."

"I'm always at ease when you do things." Then, Chunyu Li raised his hand to look at the time on his wrist, and said, "Sibao is leaving school, I'm going to the kindergarten to pick him up."

"You walk slowly."

Yan Si sent him out, and he was relieved when he saw that noble man walk out of the office gracefully.I don't know why, every time she sees him, she always has a feeling of oppression that can't be breathed in her heart, even she herself can't figure out why it becomes like this.

Every time she touches on this issue, she will think of what happened inside the organization when the eldest lady just disappeared.

That turmoil almost ruined it. If that man hadn't stood up and completely solved the hidden dangers in the organization with a very strong posture, I'm afraid their current strength will be greatly reduced.

Personnel in the Middle East and Europe were in danger several times, and almost or could not return.Those people were all their brothers, but it was the man whom they had never been optimistic about who appeared and saved them time and time again.

However, what they admire most is that after handling everything, he decisively withdrew from their organization.

This also made them feel completely relieved while admiring them.

No matter what happens, there will only be one master for them, but it doesn't prevent them from helping him.They are also thinking about the lifelong happiness of the eldest lady, isn't this considered betraying the master?

Yan Si's heart became more and more calm, and she listened to Chun Yuli's words more and more. Of course, Yan Fu Ningyue always came first in her heart, and this was a fact that no one could change.

Early the next morning, a certain city in the south of China became restless, and everyone pointed at them with newspapers.

Long Qi didn't pay attention to these things and practiced in the yard early in the morning, Long Zhu was still sleeping in the room, and only Si Qingru went out to buy vegetables with a basket.Their location is relatively remote, and they have lived here for many years, Long Qi is not worried.

Unlike the city, where there are so many people, you will be exposed if you are not careful.

Si Qingru walked to the vegetable market as usual, and bought a magazine at the newsstand at the corner of the street. When her eyes fell on the magazine, her eyes were full of shock. "No matter who is blocking her from finding her mother, they can't prevent their mother and daughter from reuniting after two generations!"

Such a profound sentence made Si Qingru's brain explode, and she looked at the photo above and the contents of the report, and tears fell down her face disobediently.Her little Yueyue had grown up, but at the same time she felt a little disappointed in her heart.

Although she didn't blame him for the loss in her heart, she understood why he did that. There was a person who was an untouchable knot between them from beginning to end.

She returned home in a daze, Long Qi greeted her as usual, took the vegetable basket in her hand, but was stunned.

"what happened to you?"

Long Qi had an ominous premonition in his heart, fixed his gaze on her face, but saw the newspaper in her hand.

He clenched his fists and dared not look into her eyes, afraid of seeing disappointment or resentment from her eyes.

"Yueyue has grown up!" Si Qingru paused, "She came to look for me!"

" you decide to go back then?" Long Qi asked with great difficulty what he had never dared to ask.

[I went to the hospital... Thank you for your dear concern. 】

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