Prosperous Marriage: Three Adorable Babies Fighting Daddy

Chapter 645 It also needs to be checked!

He slowly withdrew his hand, and glared unwillingly at the little white mink, the clinker guy was huddling there with a pitiful expression on his face.

Shameless guy, to win sympathy, is it too irritating, isn't it?

Why are all animals smart now?

Dabao couldn't help complaining again, but he stopped acting rashly.In the jungle, the only person who can't bear it is Er Bao. He is the type who turns his face and denies people. If you are not careful, you may suffer another crime. You can't blame him.

"Look for the water source!" Er Bao poked the little white mink on his shoulder with his own hands, but his attitude was not good at all.

Dabao was delighted, before the corners of his mouth opened, he saw the little beast holding its paws and murmuring, pointing in a certain direction.Then, Erbao walked towards that direction naturally, and he naturally followed up unwillingly.

"Hey, there is really water!" Dabao looked at the little white sable in surprise, and walked over to drink the water with the bamboo tube he made himself.

Yu Yun and Yu Che were also a little surprised, but they didn't talk as much as Dabao.

"hurry up."

If he hadn't seized the time, he wouldn't have let the little white sable lead the way to find water. That little guy really could understand people's words.Not only that, but he's a quirky guy who knows what they need.

I simply washed my face, cleaned it up, and after filling up the water, I quickly evacuated and moved forward in the direction of the target.We finished our lunch on the way, and with Erbao's super sensitive sense of smell, we successfully avoided several serious dangers.

In a base that was running around in a hurry, finally excited.

"Boss, the signal has been received!"

Yan Jiu quickly stood up from the chair, walked over to take a look, and sure enough, several little guys appeared on the screen, with familiar smiles on their delicate faces.It's just that the clothes on her body seemed a little invisible, so Yan Jiu's expression changed.

"Bring them back immediately!"


Although the people under him didn't understand what she meant, they never disobeyed her orders and absolutely carried them out.Soon a helicopter left the base and moved quickly in a certain direction.

As someone who has been with Yan Jiu for a long time, Xiao Li can talk to her on an equal footing, "Did something happen?"

"I wish nothing had happened!" Yan Jiu's voice trembled a little, she had a bad premonition in her heart, and finally understood why there was no news from them before.

Xiao Li's eyes fell back to the screen again, staring at those small figures, also frowned, and asked in surprise: "You mean where did they go?"

"It's just speculation now!"

Yan Jiu was unwilling to admit the facts she had guessed from the bottom of her heart. Knowing that the possibility was very small, she was still unwilling to let those words come out of her mouth.

Xiao Li understood her thoughts, reached out and patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry! It's fine!"

She nodded, silently observing the reactions of the children, refusing to let go of any clues, even the slightest reaction, she would never miss it.

It wasn't until they were picked up and returned to the base that Yan Jiu's body, which had been moving slightly for a long time, suddenly moved.

"Take them for an examination!" After finishing speaking, she had already gone in and changed her clothes.

Dabao and the others looked at each other, from novelty to doubt, but seeing Yan Jiu's face, the doubts in their hearts disappeared a lot.

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