The speed of the boat is very fast, but compared with the boat in front, it is much slower.Chunyu Li stood at the bow of the boat, anxiously looking at the black spot in front, and kept urging.

In the end, Yan Si couldn't see it anymore, and persuaded: "It's useless for you to urge, you can only block it halfway, our people have already set off from the opposite side."

Chun Yuli said in a deep voice: "I know, but I am anxious, worried about her safety."

Yan Si fell silent, and there was no way to persuade him any further, so he stood up and turned around and went back inside.Yan Wu was sitting in the cabin, positioning herself against the satellite.

"How about it?"

Yan Wu shook her head, "It's useless, those people have a shielding system on their bodies, which prevents us from finding them at all. Obviously, we already know that the eldest lady must have something on her body."

"So we definitely can't lose someone with you." Yan Si had a serious face, and after thinking about it, he understood the reason, and also understood why Chun Yuli was so nervous.

"Did they find Shishi?" Yan Si came back with a document from the back and asked while sitting on the sofa beside her.

Yan Wu continued to shake her head, "The person hasn't received it yet, but the location has been confirmed. Xiaoliu has transferred some of the people away, and I will get away smoothly after the rescue here."

"That's good. As long as Shishi is rescued, we will have less taboo. The Hua family can be wiped out!" Yan Si smiled coldly, "I don't know if the eldest sister sent her to a safe place."

Yan Wu looked at the moving cursor and said with a confident smile: "I can tell you with certainty that they are safe and have left Switzerland and are flying towards China. It's just..."

"Just what?" Seeing that she hesitated to speak, Yan Si turned around and asked.

Yan Wu hesitated for a while before saying, "Ran Ran!"

"Ran Ran?" Yan Si's expression changed, thinking of Hua Qiangu's appearance, he had no choice but to say, "I'd better ask!"

Otherwise, there is no way to explain to the eldest lady in the future.

She stood up and walked to the back, and saw Hua Qiangu who was resting in the back cabin, walking over with a cup of hot water.

As soon as he boarded the boat, Hua Qiangu threw up lying on the railing, and finally lay down to rest for a while, then stood up and vomited again.It was rare to lie down and rest peacefully at this moment.

"Is it better?" Yan Si put the water on the table, helped her sit up, and put the water in front of her again.

"Thank you! It's much better." Hua Qiangu picked up the water glass and took a sip, his churning stomach was moistened gently, and he stopped clamoring immediately.

"Did you go to see a doctor?" Yan Si didn't know how to proceed, so he had to chat with her first.

Hua Qiangu shook her head with a smile, "It's nothing, it may be that when I came here yesterday, I ate something bad on the way. I should complain to the airline when I go back, really!"

Looking at the chattering Hua Qiangu, Yan Si really didn't know what to say, but seeing her full of energy, it seemed that she really didn't have to worry about anything.

"Can I ask the identity of that person?" Yan Si finally asked.

Hua Qiangu's reaction was a bit slow, she didn't come to her senses, "Who is it?"

"It's the man in the cloak! He took Miss Ranran away. After we rescued the eldest lady, I don't know how to explain it to her!" Yan Si gritted his teeth, decided to tell the truth, and asked frankly.

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