"For another condition, I'll go over, she will come over, and then we'll leave!" Chun Yuli simply explained what she meant, but it didn't look like Hua Wu actually agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Chunyu Li turned his head to look at the surprised crowd, "I'll go over and change people, and you will be responsible for responding."

Hua Qiangu wanted to go to help, but was taken back by Erbao and Dabao, which was also the task Chunyuli gave them.The two brothers felt a little uncomfortable with Hua Qiangu who had been promoted to be an aunt, and there was someone watching them covetously, so they had to obey Chunyu Li's words and went back to the cabin beside him.

On the boundless sea, Hua Wu's boat was surrounded by people, she stared at Huan Ping unwillingly, and said coldly: "Bring people up!"

A boat slowly approached them, and Hua Wu, who was sitting on the deck, clearly saw Chunyu Li on the opposite side, and the men and women standing behind him.There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he looked back at the woman who was escorted out of the cabin, and pulled her forcefully to his feet.

When Long Qi brought her back, she knocked her unconscious, and when she woke up, she was given drugs again.

"What did you do to her?" Seeing Yan Fu Ningyue like this, Chun Yuli's heart arose again.

Hua Wu giggled, "Don't worry, it's just to let her sleep for a while, only in this way, she won't get in the way."

In this transaction, only Long San came out, Long Qi hid in his room, and was locked in a room not far away, hiding from Long Qi's Dragon Ball.

"You send someone to bring her over!" Chun Yuli glanced at Long San, and asked Hua Wu with a frown.

Hua Wu smiled and said: "Of course, but you have to come here first."

"Together!" Chunyu Li didn't back down at all.

Hua Wu also knew that this was his last concession, and they both felt relieved, so they nodded, "Okay!"

Long San waved his hand, and the people behind him carried Yan Fu Ningyue to the board built by the two boats, and Chun Yuli also walked up slowly.Yan San and Yu Cheng were in charge of responding, and they also followed, but at a distance, they could not pose any threat.

For some reason, Hua Wu came over suddenly, with a smile on her lips, and Chunyu Li who was smiling had a bad feeling in her heart.

"You don't need to come over, I will go over." Chunyu Li could say.

Hua Wu smiled and said: "I know, but I still want to welcome you here with my own hands, to express my strong love for you."

Chunyu Li couldn't figure out what tricks she was playing, so she could only walk forward cautiously, constantly giving hints to the people behind.

Just when Hua Wu was approaching the middle, Hua Qiangu who sneaked out shouted, "Be careful!"

Hua Wu narrowed her eyes, lifted Yan Fu Ningyue into the sea, and Chunyu Li jumped down immediately.Yu Cheng and Yan San attacked swiftly.Others are preparing for rescue efforts.

"Be careful, someone is shooting!"

Someone yelled, and Long San, who was standing on the plywood behind, had already picked up his gun and shot into the sea.Chunyu Li, who had already jumped into the sea, just hugged Yan Fu Ningyue in his arms, before he could react, he blocked her completely with his own body.Swim slowly to the bottom of the sea.


"I am going to kill you!"

Dabao and Erbao saw this scene with their own eyes, rushed out from behind, rushed to the opposite deck, and kicked away the gun that had run out of bullets with the momentum of thunder.

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