"What the hell are you?" Ran Ran chased after her and asked.

"You really want to know?" Ao Zhen stopped and asked her.

Ran Ran nodded vigorously, "Of course."

"Then I'll tell you when you live here until you're an adult." After Ao Zhen finished speaking, he strode away again. Ran Ran trotted to chase him, but found that she kept a certain distance from him no matter what. No not close.

Ran Ran's heart sank more and more, as if she had discovered something miraculous, which aroused her curiosity, and a little bit of other things.She put aside her redundant emotions, and immediately took it to heart, her body tilted, and she fell to the ground.


"What's the matter?" The indifferent figure in front of him shifted in an instant, so fast that he couldn't see it clearly with the naked eye, and then he heard a worried voice coming from his ear.

Ran Ran frowned, "It's nothing, I just walked too fast and fell down."

"Can you still stand up?" he asked.

The golden eyes were full of worry, and Ran Ran felt very guilty. She avoided the gaze that met him, and was about to speak when she was lifted into the air.The little hands tightly grasped the clothes on his chest, not daring to lean too tightly, nor to leave too far away, and could only silently watch him in a daze, and continued to be in a daze.

The deer on the chest bumped wildly, the precocious little girl had something different in her heart.

In the palace, the gorgeous big bed was carved with exquisite patterns, and she studied it for a long time like a curious baby.

"This thing is comparable to the bed we live in, but the color is too dazzling and not low-key." Ran Ran commented while watching.

Ao Zhen smiled without saying a word, looking at the little one in the middle of the big bed, his cold heart felt a little warm for the first time.That kind of temperature made him eager to ask for more, wishing to fill his empty heart all at once.

"If you don't like it, replace it."

Ran Ran blinked, and said bluntly, "I don't like it."


"Hmm, what do you mean?" Ran Ran realized that this guy was just like the second brother, he was equally cold, less talkative, and overbearing.Such a boy made her feel less unfamiliar, just like being with her brothers, but there was something different.

"did you mean."

Ran Ran miraculously understood what he meant, sighed, sat upright, and began to talk about conditions, "You said that I will live here until I am an adult, and even if I disagree, you must let me live so long." long time, right?"

Ao Zhen nodded without denying it, psychologically he didn't want to lie to her.

"Then can I report to my family that I'm safe?" It's the next best thing, anyway, she still doesn't want to leave for the time being.

Ao Zhen thought for a while, "Someone has conveyed it to you. If you feel that you have something to say, you can write."

"Writing letters? So old? Do you have a phone?"

Ao Zhen shook his head.


Ao Zhen continued to shake his head.

Ran Ran was defeated, "Then what do you have?"

"Paper, ink and pen."

"Okay, you win!" Ran Ran rolled on the bed, climbed out of bed weakly, came to the study, and was stunned again.

Where is this Nima's study, it's simply a library, is it there?

The high one cannot see the study room at the top, which is full of books. Near the outside, there is a huge desk with high-quality rice paper and pens on it.The paperweight was actually made of a piece of ancient warm jade, so back to basics that there were no patterns on it.

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