The eyes full of anger confronted the deep and strange eyes in the kitchen, sparking with strong sparks.

Ran Ran turned her head and saw those strange eyes, she shuddered fiercely in her heart, and Ao Zhen reached out to hold her hand.The cold palm was calm and strong, which made her feel very at ease.

"One day, either you will kill me, or I will kill you!"

This is what Lin Baimei said silently to the woman when she walked out of the villa.

Now that we know that the woman took the house, many things need to be considered in the long run, and there are not many people who can successfully seize the house.There is a high price to pay for success, and it is not so easy to find someone with a good soul.

"If the talent is good, Lin Qianjiao's biological mother should have gone crazy before being seized." Thinking of what Lin Baimei said before, in conclusion, Lin Qianjiao's biological mother should not be a normal woman.

When Lin Baimei came out of the villa, she sat in the back blankly without saying a word.

"That means this woman has been in possession for a long time?" Ran Ran asked not her master this time, but Ao Zhen beside her.

Ao Zhen nodded as a reply.

When there are outsiders around, Ao Zhen seldom speaks, and a pair of cold eyes are enough to kill too many people.

Zhang Qingling thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "It seems that if you want to know the origin of that woman, you must first find out the situation of the big fat cat."

With outsiders around, Zhang Qingling couldn't say that the cat was a ghost.

Even though Lin Baimei has a good relationship with Ranran, Ranran knows that many things cannot be said casually.

The state of the big fat cat is not the result of the successful seizure of the house!


Then the car was silent, and they sent Lin Baimei back to Su Li before they went home.The three of them sat together and studied for a while, but they couldn't find a suitable solution.

Ao Zhen listened to the words of the two of them without giving any advice, and looked down at the golden light in the cat's eyes.

A ghost who has practiced for thousands of years and lost his memory is obviously a guy with a history.What's more important is that this ghost is knowledgeable and talented, which is well known in ancient and modern China and abroad.It would be fine if Ran Ran met him in China, but he happened to appear abroad.

As the saying goes, a ghost cannot leave the land of the dead to live if there is nothing that belongs to someone.

If he hadn't met Ran Ran, would that ghost have died abroad?

"Did you meet it in Switzerland?" Ao Zhen suddenly interrupted the conversation between the master and the apprentice, and Ran Ran turned around and nodded stupidly.

"That's right!" Ran Ran rescued the big fat cat, threw it on the sofa, and recalled: "It has been with me since I was born, and I didn't bring it back until I returned to China."

"It was killed abroad, but she was in China. What is the connection between them?" What Ao Zhen thought of, Zhang Qingling could naturally think of.

When he said this, the big fat cat's ears perked up.

Ran Ran frowned and said, "Could it be that woman knew Ah Gui thousands of years ago?"

"It's very possible." Zhang Qingling looked down at Fat Cat, "It really can't remember anything?"

Ran Ran shook her head, "It would be great if we could recall that memory, and we don't have to bother to guess who that woman is."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, as long as it is willing to endure hardship, it is not impossible to know." As soon as Zhang Qingling finished speaking, the big fat cat stood up immediately.

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