Soon the end of the semester came, and the long summer vacation came, and people on campus became hurried.

Lin Qianjiao got off work and stood on the campus, looking at Ran Ran and Lin Baimei who walked past her, her eyes were full of hatred.Raising his head to meet Yi Yang's impatient face, he walked over quickly and got into his car.

Since her mother woke up, she has been sent to a psychiatric hospital, and although she is the daughter of the Lin family, she is not as favored as before.Every time I go back, I will see Lin Baimei's complacent eyes, not daring to act unscrupulously like before.

"She still seems to have hatred for you, so be careful." Seeing Lin Qianjiao's car driving out of the campus, Ran Ran stopped and looked at Lin Baimei worriedly.

Lin Baimei smiled and shook her head, "What am I worried about? Apart from Yi Yang who treats her as a plaything, what capital does she have to compete with me now?"

This battle was fought beautifully, but she was exposed to many things that she could not touch.

The golden sunlight fell through the mottled leaves and fell on the bluestone road. Standing not far away, Ao Zhen watched Ran Ran talking to her friend quietly, her eyes were soft.After talking to Lin Baimei and Su Li, Ran Ran waved goodbye, went to Ao Zhen and took his arm, and walked home.

"It's vacation, what are we going to do?" Ran Ran raised her head and asked Ao Zhen.

"What do you want to do?" The long practice has made his life boring. If it is fun to write big characters and read books, then it is obvious that his fun is not up to the standard here.

Thinking of what Zhang Qingling said to him when he left, he couldn't help frowning.

He is really not very proficient in using high-tech things.

"My brothers are all busy, even that guy Sibao is busy, so he has no time to care about me. Mom and Dad's honeymoon is like a marathon, and I don't know when it will be the top."

"Why don't you play a game!" God knows how much effort it took Ao Zhen to say this sentence.

"Games? Do you know how?" In Ran Ran's heart, Ao Zhen is at the same level as Old Antique!

Ao Zhen gritted his teeth, "Of course!"

Half an hour later, a black helmet and a white helmet were placed on the table of the two of them. Ran Ran looked surprised, and Ao Zhen looked constipated.It turns out that this is already a more technological thing, and he doesn't seem to have studied it yet.

After studying the manual carefully like an old pedant, Ran Ran had already run back to the garden upstairs to enter the game.

Hei Yi's face was pale, and he kept wiping the sweat from his forehead. The aura emanating from his boss was so powerful that he couldn't even stand still.After Ao Zhen thoroughly researched and understood, he went upstairs steadily, lay flat beside Ran Ran, put on the helmet and entered the game.

The picture flashed, and the ancient giant beast danced in the sky, and his face turned black instantly.Fortunately, a reminder sounded in his ears, and Ao Zhen, who was so smart, followed the instructions and entered the game smoothly.

A white light flashed in front of his eyes, and Ao Zhen, who was wearing a novice cloth, was standing in Xinshou Village, No. 1010101, looking at the running humans, his brows furrowed into knots.I looked left and right, but I couldn't find Ran Ran.Thinking of Ran Ran's instructions, he took over all the tasks and walked towards the crowd.

At this time, in another Xinshou village, a little Lolitao priest in Xinshou commoner looked at the crowded Xinshou village and wanted to cry without tears.

"There are more people than monsters, when will I be able to upgrade!"

[It's not a pure online game, the plot needs it, please don't shoot bricks!What a da~]

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