"Master Yuan, what's going on? Did Ning Su abscond in fear of crime, or did the Discipline Hall want to cover up Ning Su?" Elder Wu knew that his plan had succeeded when he saw this scene. At this moment, he asked in a strange way Yuan Fangran.

"Say, what's going on?" Yuan Fangran didn't panic. No matter what, Ning Su's martial arts cultivation base is here, so Yuan Fangran is not worried about Ning Su's safety. As for other conspiracies and tricks, they are just soldiers coming to cover them up. That's all.

Naturally, the disciples of Discipline Hall would not hide anything, and immediately told the matter of Tianziyuan quickly. Wei Tao had been sent to the inner sect to be treated by his eldest brother, and the man on Wei Tao's bed had witnessed everything. The woman who happened was brought here by the people from Discipline Hall, but it's a pity that her confession is completely unfavorable to Ning Su.

"Elder Wu, Ning Su relies on her advanced martial arts practice to do whatever she wants in the outer sect and is arrogant and domineering. Please ask Elder Wu to make the decision for us!" Several pharmacists from the Tianzi Academy said in unison at this moment, and the angry expressions seemed to be He hated Ning Su to the bone.

"Elder Wu please make the decision for us, return the outer door to a bright day, and punish the villain Ning Su severely!" The hundreds of pharmacists who were sitting quietly also spoke at this moment, speaking in unison and aggressively, Ning Su's crime was completely fulfilled.

With a wave of his hand, Elder Wu signaled everyone to be quiet, and then he looked at Yuan Fangran with a gloomy look, "Master Yuan, Ning Su has absconded in fear of crime, and I don't know where she fled to. If she really escaped from the Pharmacist League, then It’s a good thing, if she continues to lurk in the Pharmacist League and kill our outer sect’s Pharmacists, no one will be able to bear the responsibility!”

Yuan Fangran didn't know what happened to Luo Xiaole at the moment, so he glanced at the aggressive Elder Wu, "Then what do you mean by relying on Elder Wu? Let us arrest Ning Su in the Discipline Hall? But everyone kept saying that the Discipline Hall was protecting Ning Su, and the Discipline Hall came forward , I’m afraid it’s hard to convince the public, maybe they think that the Discipline Hall deliberately let Ning Su go.”

"Naturally let the alchemist take action." Elder Wu smiled coldly. In the Pharmacist League, although the Discipline Hall is responsible for the safety of the Pharmacist League, there is also an alchemist above the Discipline Hall. Their cultivation base is unpredictable. It is not easy to make a move on weekdays, and many people in the Pharmacist League don't know the existence of the alchemist.

Once a major accident occurs in the Medicine Masters League, which threatens the life and death of the Medicine Masters League, the alchemy guards will take action. Even if they die, they will protect the Medicine Masters League.

There is absolutely no way for Elder Wu to bribe the alchemist!Yuan Fangran also knew about the special existence of alchemists, so at this moment, Yuan Fangran was not worried, "Well, as Elder Yiwu said, but Yuan is not qualified to order alchemists."

"Don't worry, since the old man is in charge of investigating this matter, it is natural for the old man to come forward." Elder Wu snorted coldly. The alchemy guards are more stubborn than Yuan Fangran. He will be bribed and bribed by anyone, and he is the most loyal person in the Medicine Master League.

But this kind of people don't have any thoughts about the city, they only want to arrest people, they don't want any Baicao King, since Elder Wu is in charge of investigating this matter, as long as the alchemist catches Ning Su back, the person is in his hands , Elder Wu has plenty of ways to force Ning Su to hand over all her treasures.

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