Outside the commandment hall, there is a dense crowd of people at the moment. Elder Wu has already sent someone to notify all the pharmacists from the outer sect. Ning Su was publicly interrogated early this morning. Everyone is discussing in low voices. Most of them are jealous of Ning Su. Ruthless, knowing that Ning Su is going to be interrogated, everyone smiles.

The discipline hall disciples were responsible for maintaining the order of the scene. Several tables were set up on the high platform. In addition to Yuan Fangran and Zhao Tiejiao, there were also several low-level alchemists from the outer sect. Elder Wu naturally sat in the main seat, looking With a sweep, the momentum was released, and the originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

"Come here, bring Ning Su and a few witnesses here." Elder Wu said in a cold voice, and everyone looked to the left involuntarily, only to see Ning Su and several witnesses facing him under the guard of disciples from the Discipline Hall. Gaotai came over.

"Ning Su, are you guilty?" With a stern voice, Elder Wu looked at Ning Su coldly. Did she really think that she could get away with it today? "Using Baicao King to instigate and instigate trouble in the same family, causing the elixir field to be trampled, innocent Wei Tao was seriously injured, fled from the Pharmacist League fearing the crime, and was arrested and brought to justice in the black city. Ning Su, with all the witnesses and material evidence, you can be convicted!"

The charges were suppressed one by one. Elder Wu didn't wait for Ning Su to answer, and then passed on the witnesses present, and directly convicted Ning Su of all the charges.

"Elder Wu, it was my misjudgment that seriously injured Wei Tao. I am willing to pay compensation. As for the others, I will not plead guilty." Absolutely everything can be saved, it is nothing more than compensation.

"Hmph, strong words, how can you break the rules of the Pharmacists' League! According to the rules of the Pharmacists' League, Ning Su will be expelled from the Pharmacists' League from now on, and will never be hired!" With a stern voice, Elder Wu's words cut off all of Ning Su's escape routes.

Everyone in the outer sect looked at the expelled Ning Su with sympathy, how could the King of Baicao be so easy to get, this is the crime of being pregnant, and Ning Su's gains outweighed his losses this time.

"Elder Wu, I have the nameplate of the fifth-rank elixir master of the Pharmacist League. I think I can stay and wait for Master Luo to return to the Pharmacist League before leaving." Ning Su smiled and smiled from the storage ring. Take out the identity plate left by Luo Shang's family, which represents the identity of the fifth-rank elixir master.

Each elixir master only has five identity plates, which is very meaningful. The nameplate is a keepsake, representing the elixir master himself, usually given to his close relatives, or friends of life and death, and some will be given to himself Benefactor, no matter what, Ning Su has this nameplate, which means that he is the most important person in the Luo Shang family, and even the Pharmacist League cannot expel him.

The situation turned sharply, Elder Wu looked at the nameplate in Ning Su's hand with a smirk, "Master Luo really likes it. According to the practice of the Pharmacist League, anyone who holds a nameplate can join the alliance."

Ning Su narrowed her eyes and smiled, and nodded to Yuan Fangran and Zhao Tiejiao who were sitting not far away. No matter what, it’s fine to stay. When Uncle Luo comes back, Ning Su will become a direct disciple of Luo Shang’s family and directly enter the inner sect to worship Under Luo Shang's family, there is no need to be bound by these rules.

"Ning Su, it stands to reason that you can stay in the Pharmacists League for as long as you have the identity plate of the Master of Pills, but!" Wu Zhanglao paused, and sternly reprimanded, "Ning Su, you are a demon, taking forbidden medicine Improving your cultivation and killing innocent people indiscriminately, what is your intention in lurking in the Medicine Master League!"

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