"It's time!" After half an hour passed, Elder Teng spoke loudly, with a movement of spiritual power, with a click, all the jade charms in front of the alchemist returned to the table in front of Elder Teng at the same time.

"Ah, the time is up, I still have more than 300 questions left." Looking at the jade talisman that suddenly flew away, the man suddenly shouted.

"You are already fast. I still have more than 400 questions left to read. I thought I could complete at least [-]% of the questions. Who knew that these questions are too uncommon, and it took a lot of time to think about them."

"Don't talk about the topic, my brain is twitching and I want to vomit right now."

For half an hour, my mind was spinning at a high speed, and I kept reading and answering the questions, so after half an hour, the faces of the pharmacists present all turned pale, as if they had suffered a serious illness, but fortunately They are all confident to pass the first test.

Chu Qingqing was also very tired, but she answered a total of [-] questions, the last [-] questions, time is really not enough, and these questions are too uncommon, Chu Qingqing, in order to ensure the accuracy of each question, So after half an hour passed, she answered [-] questions correctly, and Chu Qingqing was confident that she answered all of the [-] questions correctly.

Bi Xue was not as confident as Chu Qingqing, her face was pale, and her forehead was covered with cold sweat, because she was too mentally exhausted, and now she only felt a severe pain in her brain twitching.

Because of the relationship between the great elder and a mother who protects the weak, Bi Xue has never suffered since she was a child. She was spoiled, arrogant and domineering. The result of two years of teaching.

So this time answering the questions was almost the most attentive Bi Xue had ever done in her life, but even so, she only answered [-] questions, and she didn't have time to answer the remaining [-] questions.

Fortunately, before the competition, both Bi Yufang and Elder Wu disclosed to Bi Xue the questions they posed, so these questions were all correct, but Bi Xue could not guarantee the correctness of the questions posed by Elder Teng and Jiang Yin Rate up.

"You guys take a break. There are specific formations on the jade talismans. Once activated, you can check whether the question is right or wrong." Elder Teng glanced at the tired people, looked at the jade talismans piled up on the table, and the spiritual power With one movement, hundreds of spiritual powers shot into the jade talisman, activating the formation engraved in the jade talisman.

Chu Qingqing and Bi Xue looked at Ning Su at the same time. She was standing in the corner on the right side. Even though this place was not attracting attention, Ning Su's calm posture attracted everyone's attention. And different from the pale and exhausted embarrassment of everyone, Ning Su's face was as usual with a faint smile, and her eyes were clear and bright, which seemed to reveal a strong confidence.

Sensing Chu Qingqing's gaze, Ning Su turned around, squinted her eyes mischievously, and gloated, "The outcome is coming soon."

"Stupid woman, you are too shameless!" Little Taotie was rendered speechless by Ning Su's flamboyant appearance. He thought that a stupid woman was also a gentleman, but who knew that she was thick-skinned and evil-hearted.

Chu Qingqing frowned, Ning Su's insolent appearance made her teeth itch with hatred, although Chu Qingqing was confident that she would definitely win!But when she saw Ning Su's smiling face, she felt inexplicably uneasy in her heart, which made Chu Qingqing hate Ning Su even more, and that smile made people want to tear her face off!

"Now I will announce the result!" Elder Teng stepped forward, picked up a piece of jade slip on the table, and read it out with a sweep of spiritual power, "Chen Zihan, answer 980 questions, correct [-] questions, the first test pass!"

Chen Zihan heaved a sigh of relief when his name was called. Although the accuracy rate was a bit low, fortunately he passed the first test.

Elder Teng picked up the second piece of jade slip and continued to read until, "Chu Qingqing, answer [-] questions, correct [-] questions, and pass the first test!"

There was an uproar at the scene, and everyone looked at the elegant and elegant Chu Qingqing in admiration. She answered 100 questions with a [-]% correct rate, and the speed was so fast, it was terrifying!But in this way, the alchemists present couldn't help but look at Ning Su, Ning Su is doomed!

Elder Teng also glanced at Chu Qingqing with satisfaction. She was indeed a daughter of a wealthy family. Hearing the result, his expression became proud at that time.

Chu Qingqing is indeed capable!Ning Su was not surprised by this result. Of course, Ning Su was still indifferent to the sympathetic gazes cast by the people around her.

"Bi Xue, answer 920 five questions, correct [-] questions, and pass the first test." The jade slips in front of Elder Teng have already lost [-]%, and what he is holding at this moment is Bi Xue's jade slips.

This score is already the worst among all the pharmacists in the assessment. Bi Xue didn't care at all, but glanced at Ning Su proudly, "I don't know how many questions you can get right?"

I knew in advance the questions that Elder Wu and Niang posed, and my grandfather forced me to memorize dozens of books on elixir in the past two years, so Bi Xue was very satisfied with the result. Ning Su, who has been taking pills for one year, Bi Xue is much more confident, she will definitely win, this bitch Ning Su will definitely get out of the Pharmacist League in despair!

Both Bi Xue and Chu Qingqing's grades came out. Thinking of the bet made by the three of them just now, everyone couldn't help pricking up their ears, wanting to hear about Ning Su's grades, but Elder Teng reported one after another, but none of them Not Ning Su.

"This is the third from the bottom. It must be Ning Su." The more anxious you are, the less you can wait for Ning Su's results. Fortunately, everyone has passed the assessment. Jane also had only two left.

"Ai Qing, answer 110 questions, correct [-] questions, pass the assessment." When the result of the penultimate jade slip was reported, everyone looked at the last jade slip on the table, Glancing at Elder Teng with a blank face, this must be intentional. He intentionally left Ning Su's jade slip at the end, which whetted everyone's appetite, and the heart of the entanglement almost jumped out. It was worse than hearing his own. The grades are even more tense.

Elder Teng slowly picked up the last piece of jade slip, swept away his spiritual power, his expression was slightly startled, and then he began to report, "Ning Su, answered [-] questions, corrected [-] questions, passed the first test .”

"Impossible! How could Ning Su answer [-] questions and get them all right? This is absolutely impossible!" Bi Xue was the first to shout, and asked Elder Teng angrily, "It must be you I read it wrong!"

"There is a test formation on the jade slip, and there will be no mistakes." Elder Teng who was questioned was not angry, and answered slowly.

"That must be Ning Su cheating!" Bi Xue said angrily, and turned her cannibalistic eyes to Ning Su angrily, "You bitch, you must have cheated! How dare you cheat in the Pharmacist League, Ning Su, You are not qualified to stay in the Pharmacist League, get out immediately!"

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