But if Ning Su is Princess Rong, it represents the Palace of Prince Rong!The Pharmacist League dealt with Concubine Rong, the Great Elder didn't even think about knowing how furious King Rong would be, and what danger the Pharmacist League would face.

Yuan Fangran and Zhao Tiejiao, who had always been worried, also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Their identities could not compete with the Great Elder, but with the backing of King Rong, who would dare to touch Princess Rong in the Xuanyu Dynasty?

"Tomorrow is the assessment of the third level. Let's talk about something after the assessment of Taoyuan Secret Realm." The Great Elder had to back down. This was written down by the Great Elder Qiu. It is obvious that Ning Su cannot be moved, but what if it is secretly?What happened to Ning Su, even if King Rong was furious, he couldn't find Medicine Master League!

Everyone present here also looked embarrassed. The First Elder thought he was a soft persimmon and could be manipulated casually, but in the end he kicked the iron plate. With the status of Princess Rong, no matter whether it is in the Pharmacist League or in the Xuanyu Dynasty, whoever If you dare to touch Ning Su in the slightest, it will be boring.

"Uncle Zhao, master, I'm fine, but will it hurt you?" Ning Su felt a little helpless after leaving the elder's house. At this moment, she could still think of the eerie look in the elder's eyes. Maybe it will attack Uncle Zhao and Master.

"I didn't expect the Great Elder to be so indiscriminate and avenge his own private revenge! You don't have to worry about us, the Great Elder can't do anything about us." Zhao Tiejiao had a cold face, still somewhat aggrieved, if Susu hadn't moved out of Rong As a princess, Zhao Tiejiao knew that Ning Su was in danger today.

Yuan Fangran still had a serious face, looking at Shang Ningsu's worried eyes, the cold and hard lines of his face softened a bit, "Don't worry, the elder will not openly anger us."

Both Zhao Tiejiao and Yuan Fangran also have a seat in the Pharmacist League. The Great Elder's unreasonable suppression and revenge will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among the elixir masters in the Pharmacist League, so the most dangerous one is actually Ning Su.

"I'm going to the Dragon Burial Valley tomorrow, is there any danger?" Zhao Tiejiao looked up and asked Yuan Fangran when he returned to the courtyard, he was already in a panic.

"It doesn't matter. To bury Dragon Valley, you only need to absorb a ray of dragon's breath immediately. There will be no danger. As long as you are not a thug with a heinous crime and bloody hands, you can successfully absorb the dragon's breath." The dragon represents justice and justice. , so the treacherous and evil people have no way to absorb the dragon's breath, so Yuan Fangran is not too worried about the third test.

It is safe to go to the Taoyuan Secret Realm. Even if all the experienced disciples in the Taoyuan Secret Realm join forces, they cannot be Ning Su's opponent. Then the Great Elder's revenge may start on the way back to the Medicine Master League after Ning Su leaves the Taoyuan Secret Realm. .

Everyone will be teleported to any place in the Xuanyu Dynasty immediately after leaving the Taoyuan Secret Realm. If the Great Elder wants to take revenge on Ning Su, he is afraid that he will deploy his ultimate move here.

"Uncle Zhao, you don't have to worry about me. If you leave the Pharmacist League, I will contact the people in the Rong Palace. It is not so easy for the elder to kill me. In the Pharmacist League, the elder can't do it openly." Ning Su didn't worry about his own safety at all, the soldiers came to cover up the water and soil, and we'll talk about it at that time.

"Well, you go to rest first, you have been tossing all day." Knowing that Ning Su has the ability to protect himself, and with the Prince Rong's mansion behind him, Zhao Tiejiao is relieved.

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