"Uncle Zhao, master!" Ning Su smiled like a flower, and ran towards Zhao Tiejiao and Yuan Fangran in Taniguchi. Although the replacement of the keel had been painful for seven days, after the success, the power that filled the whole body made Ning Su's eyebrows and eyes tremble. It's a smile, like a little wild cat that has succeeded in stealing, "Uncle Zhao, haven't you been waiting for a long time?"

"I knew that nothing would happen to you!" Zhao Tiejiao lost control of his emotions under the emotion of great sadness and joy. He laughed loudly, patted Ning Su's shoulder vigorously with one hand, and kept repeating, "I knew that ,I knew it."

"It's good to be back." Completely relieved, Yuan Fangran squinted at Ning Su. Although she couldn't feel the growth of her cultivation base, she could clearly feel the stronger power in Ning Su's body. With the sudden changes in Dragon Burial Valley, Yuan Fangran knew that Ning Su must have experienced another great opportunity.

What happened to Uncle Zhao?Ning Su looked suspiciously at Zhao Tiejiao, who was in a somewhat strange mood. When he looked up, he saw everyone tens of meters ahead, as if struck by lightning, staring at him dumbfounded, as if Ning Su hadn't worn Clothes appear in everyone's sight.

Even though Ning Su was thick-skinned, and was also stared at by everyone, his back straightened. He couldn't help but leaned against Yuan Fangran, tilted his head, and asked in a low voice, "Master, what's going on?" Why did you see It was like seeing a ghost.

"Ning Su? How could you not be dead!" Chu Qingqing blurted out the shocking words. She originally thought that Ning Su would definitely die, after all, seven days had already passed.

But why Ning Su came back to life again, with a ruddy complexion, a smile in her delicate eyebrows, not to mention dead, without any serious injuries, this made Chu Qingqing somewhat unacceptable at this moment no matter how she pretended.

The Great Elder's face was also extremely gloomy at the moment, his piercingly cold eyes stared at Ning Su gloomyly, Ning Su was still alive!It is said that the black water pool is the burial place of the ancient green dragon. Back then, there was a highly talented warrior from the Pharmacist League, who was the grandson of the elder who held power in the Pharmacist League.

He entered the Burial Dragon Valley with that batch of inner disciples, and the young warrior went to the Buried Bone Mountain fearlessly. Who would have thought that he would stumble and fall into the black water pool? Although he carried a heavy treasure with him for self-defense, he escaped After that, the bones of the whole body were shattered, and the internal organs turned into bloody water, and he died without sustaining for half a quarter of an hour.

The Great Elder who was in power at that time lost his only grandson. After looking up all the information about the Dragon Burial Valley, he realized that the black water pool turned out to be the burial place of the ancient Qinglong.

The elder who was in power back then didn't want to love his grandson, so he died inexplicably, just a keel, how could he be so powerful that he killed his only grandson!So the Great Elder in power used the influence of the Pharmacist League to summon three powerful men from the Venerable Realm, and together with the Great Elder, they forcibly broke through the formation at the entrance and entered the Burial Dragon Valley.

But in the end, only one person was seriously injured, and the other three died in the black water pool, which became a forbidden place in the Dragon Burial Valley!However, it is said that thousands of years ago, among the warriors, there was a group of physical practitioners who would enter the Dragon Burial Valley in order to replace the keel.

Of course, the replacements are all ordinary dragon skeletons, and the ones in the black water pool are ancient green dragons. Even the skeletons contain the terrifying power of ancient beasts, which can destroy the world. So the Great Elder took advantage of Ning Su's identity as a dual-cultivator of martial arts to lure her into the black water pool, but he never thought that Ning Su would come back safe and sound.

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