It was because of Ning Su, a bitch, that the Chu family was on the stage, and he was thrown off the ring, losing all face!It was because of this bitch Ning Su, that bitch Ning Su snatched all the spiritual energy when she received the empowerment of spiritual energy in the spiritual cave. She used the spiritual energy of the empowerment to make breakthroughs in her cultivation!

But I, the eldest son of the Ning family, the pride of the Ning family, and the heir of the Ning family in the future, have not absorbed any spiritual energy, and now I can break through to the middle level of the Primordial Realm!Ning Xiao wished he could cut Ning Su into pieces and feed them to the dogs. Unfortunately, Ning Su was wanted in the whole city, but Ning Su disappeared. He didn't expect that bitch Ning Su would hide from the Pharmacist League!

"Let me kneel down to see if you have the ability!" Ning Su smiled coldly. Even though she was forced by the coercion of the Saint Realm, Ning Su seemed to be struggling a bit, but her proud standing posture was not It makes people understand that even in the face of the behemoth of the head of the Chu family, Ning Su, a small person, is not afraid!

"No wonder you dare to insult my family Qingqing, you really are a cheap bone!" Angry to the extreme, Chu Xiong originally thought that he would definitely crush Ning Su, but who would have thought that Ning Su would not even say that he would give in and beg for mercy, but he would not even tremble a bit , Chu Xiong, the Patriarch of the Chu family, fell into the face of Chu Xiong.

I'm afraid Ning Suxiu has already reached the Tai Ah Realm, how old is she!It's still a double cultivation of martial arts and medicine!As the head of the Ning family, Ning Qingshan originally treated Ning Su differently, but it's a pity that Ning Su is so proud that he even competes with Xiao'er, the future head of the family, and refuses to give in to each other!

As a superior, Ning Qingshan understands that a family does need a strong and excellent junior, but the premise is that this junior obeys discipline and is loyal. If he is rebellious, it is not only a help to the family, but a scourge to the family. Ning Su is exactly The scourge of the Ning family!

After swallowing a elixir, Peng Taoyu straightened his body and said loudly: "Patriarch Chu, as the patriarch of a first-class family in the imperial city, it is too much for you to directly attack a junior! Our Pharmacist League Even though they are all alchemists and their martial arts cultivation is low, they can't tolerate being bullied by others!"

"This is a personal grievance between Ning Su and my Chu family. It has nothing to do with the Pharmacist League. I will go to the Pharmacist League in person to explain the situation to the elder!" Chu Xiong snorted coldly, and did not put Peng Taoyu on In his eyes, if a master of elixir of the fifth rank or an elder of the Medicine Master League were present today, Chu Xiong might still be a little bit afraid.

But among the inner disciples, Chu Xiong didn't pay attention to Peng Taoyu and others at all, and fortunately they were behind the Medicine Master League, otherwise Chu Xiong's Saint Realm coercion would not be aimed at Ning Su alone.

"Senior Brother Peng, you stand aside, I want to see what the Patriarch of the Chu family can do to bully me, Ning Su!" With a cold smile, Ning Su spoke unruly sarcasm. If it gets out, Chu Xiong will definitely lose his reputation.

"I don't know how to live or die! Since you want to die, I will fulfill you today!" Chu Xiong actually didn't dare to really kill Ning Su, at least he didn't dare to kill Ning Su openly.

One is because of Prince Rong's Mansion, even if the Chu family join forces with Dragon Emperor, they may not necessarily be Rong Peijin's opponent, and the other is because of Luo Shang's family and Zhao Tiejiao, two masters of elixir, and Ning Su's master Yuan Fangran, really Killing Ning Su in full view, the Chu family will definitely lose more than they gain.

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