Bang bang bang!

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Ning Su directly faced the joint attack of Ning Qingshan and Chu Xiong with one against two. , Wan Jiansheng!

Every sword shadow formed a dense sword array around Ning Su, firmly protecting Ning Su in the middle, even if Ning Qingshan and Chu Xiong joined forces, there was nothing they could do against Ning Su for a while.

The spirit body suspended in mid-air looked at the two people who were attacking the sword array with all their strength, and suddenly, the spiritual power roared away, heading straight for Ning Qingshan and Chu Xiong, intending to devour them instead.

The situation became chaotic in an instant. Once Ning Qingshan and Chu Xiong were distracted from dealing with the covetous spirit body, Ning Su would take the opportunity to sneak attack in the sword array. Moreover, the spirit body is not a living thing at all. As long as they are not devoured, these spirit bodies will not The pain will not be tiring, it will be continuous and entangled.

Even though Ning Qingshan and Chu Xiong are strong, they cannot withstand the tireless bombardment of so many spirit bodies, and once they are swallowed by the spirit bodies, it will be too late to regret!

The other Patriarchs looked at the scene in front of them and couldn't help shaking their heads, "Ning Su is really a person with a great opportunity, even if Patriarch Ning and Patriarch Chu join forces, they can't get any advantage in front of Ning Su! "

"I don't care about them, it has nothing to do with us, we should hurry up and absorb this mist!" There are also Patriarchs who are too lazy to meddle in this business, gods fight, and mortals suffer!

Once they leave this palace, after the news spreads, with the absolute strength of the Rong Palace, the Chu family and the Ning family join forces, and then take refuge in the Dragon Emperor, maybe they can compete with the Rong Palace.

But there is absolutely no need for these aristocratic families to get involved, no matter if they seek refuge in the Dragon Emperor or Rong Wangfu, they will offend the other party, so it is better to maintain the status quo and maintain a neutral position.

"Patriarch Ning and Patriarch Chu, we can fight for three hundred rounds! When the other Patriarchs have swallowed up the mist, maybe you can kill me by then!" In the sword array, Ning Su smiled lazily , as if talking about someone else's death, not Ning Su's own.

Chu Xiong and Ning Qingshan paused when they attacked the sword array, and realized that they quickly swept around. Sure enough, other Patriarchs, including the Great Master Zhao Xuan, had already started to capture the spirit body and began to absorb and refine it. The spirit body contained huge spiritual power , Absorb a few more, maybe the cultivation base will be able to break through.

Is it a breakthrough cultivation base?Or continue to kill Ning Su?After Chu Xiong and Ning Qingshan looked at each other, they finally chose the former. For strong people like them, only when their own cultivation is strong can they be truly powerful.

Once she is strong, it is not easy to deal with Ning Su, as long as she surpasses Rong Peijin, what else does she need to be afraid of?Do you still need to rely on the Dragon Emperor for self-protection?

Looking at Ning Qingshan and Chu Xiong who pulled away and left, Ning Su also let out a sigh of relief. Although it was a thrilling experience, it was considered safe and sound!Ning Su had nothing to hide with the spirit bodies around him. After releasing the Primal Chaos Qi and quickly capturing the spirit bodies, Ning Su sat in the sword array and began to absorb them.

For a while, Chu Qingqing and Ning Xiao, who were still waiting to see Ning Su killed, wanted to grit their white teeth with hatred!Obviously, Ning Su could be killed, but Ning Su was always kept alive for one reason or another.

And with the passage of time, Ning Su's cultivation is always getting stronger and stronger, like a mountain that can never be crossed, making Chu Qingqing and Ning Xiao inexplicably timid and afraid.

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