"Lu Da, what do you mean? Since Qingqing has already tried it, it means that the fire attack has no effect on these vines!" Seeing that Lu Da buried Chu Qingqing, Chu Xiong's old face sank, his face was full of displeasure and contempt Glancing over Peng Taoyu and these elixir masters, he snorted, "With them? Huh!"

"It's okay to try it!" Great Master Zhao Xuan said in a deep voice, the black whirlwind is about to come, let alone those who are advanced in martial arts, the juniors behind them are in danger, let alone the second palace There must be treasures inside, so it is imperative to open the wooden door.

So what if Chu Qingqing's face is ugly?That was her own unhappiness!Among the pharmacists present, Ning Su was the only one who was a master of both martial arts and medicine. If Chu Qingqing wanted to overpower Ning Su, then she had to see if she had the ability!

No matter if it is the Patriarch of the Lu family or the Great National Master, including other people present, they all nodded in agreement, and they are willing to let others try it. Maybe one pharmacist's fire power is not enough, and maybe all the pharmacists need to take action together. deal!

Peng Taoyu was silent for a moment, stepped forward, and said loudly: "Since this is the case, it is our duty to do so!"

While speaking, Peng Taoyu mobilized the fire spirit power, but unfortunately, it was exactly the same as Chu Qingqing's situation, the green vines were still dangling with leaves, not affected by the fire spirit power at all.

"Everyone try it." Peng Taoyu was not disappointed at all. He turned around and let the pharmacists standing behind him try it. It was a matter of everyone's safety. Unceasingly releases the spiritual power of fire.

The scene became spectacular in an instant, hundreds of fire spirits burned towards the vines, but the vines did not move at all, everyone's hearts sank, the vines would not die, the wooden door would not open, when the whirlwind of demonic energy came, everyone would surely die!

Several Patriarchs’ faces became more and more dignified. For this quest, everyone brought elite disciples of the family, who are the pillars of the entire family. To kill the vines, open the wooden door!

After swiping, everyone's eyes were on Ning Su, so Ning Su didn't try it. Ning Su's dual cultivation of martial arts and medicine is also everyone's hope. Being stared at by everyone's fiery eyes, Ning Su smiled lightly.

"Ning Su, you don't want to give it a try?" Chu Qingqing said abruptly, wanting to push Ning Su to the enemy's side, feeling a little jealous in her heart. Use, can Ning Su be useful?

"It's okay to try." With a nonchalant smile, Ning Su waved out the fire spirit power with one hand. Compared with the fire spirit power of people like Chu Qingqing, Ning Su's spirit power is more pure and powerful. It was a small flame, but anyone could feel the terrifying power contained in that flame.

It's a pity that in the expectant eyes of everyone, under the scorching fire spirit power, the vine shrank in fear, but the leaves here had just been burned, and new leaves grew on the vine in an instant, and Ning Su could see that The fire aura seemed to have some effect on the vines, but the effect was very small, not enough to kill the vines wrapped around the two wooden doors.

Seeing that Ning Su's fire spirit power didn't work on the vines, Chu Xiong finally regained his face, and looked dissatisfiedly at Patriarch Lu who proposed before, "Hmph, instead of wasting time like this, why don't you think about how to open this wooden door. Otherwise, when the black whirlwind comes, everyone will be planted here!"

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