The Princess Reborn: The Black Belly Mad Doctor

Chapter 1300 Crush the Conspiracy

"Chapter 1300 Crush the Conspiracy"

"Ning girl, we have refined [-] pills of the second grade, [-] pills of the third grade, and [-] pills of the fourth grade." In the room, Gu Fengbai's fox face At this moment, there is a look of exhaustion on his face. No matter how talented he is in pills, such a large amount of refining pills makes Gu Fengbai tired enough. He almost vomited when he saw the pills. Although it is simple, it is not a job for humans to continuously open the furnace for refining.

"I also have [-] pills of the fourth-grade pill, and I have also refined a hundred pills of the fifth-grade pill." Compared with Gu Fengbai, Ning Su's condition is much better at the moment, so he counted the number of pills. Then I put all the pills in the porcelain bottle. Fortunately, I brought a lot of porcelain bottles with me when I came out from the Pharmacist League, otherwise it would not be enough.

Refining pills requires fire spiritual power. Gu Fengbai's martial arts cultivation base is only in the Hunyuan realm, so his spiritual power is limited, but Ning Su is now in the realm of a saint, with sufficient spiritual power, and the amount of refined pills is more than Gu Fengbai Feng Bai doubled.

"Pei Jin is a beast, Ning girl, you don't give in too much!" Looking at the relaxed Ning Su, Gu Fengbai rolled his eyes enviously and enviously, and slumped on the chair like a dead snake. For three days and three nights, such a large number Refining elixir, even if you become an idiot in alchemy, this meeting will reach the limit.

Just as Ning Su was about to speak, her eyes froze for a moment, and she listened carefully, but there were bursts of noise in the distance, but because the order in Stone City has been orderly in the past three days, even if someone deliberately caused trouble, it would not be too big .

"I waited for three days before making a move, and it's almost done." With a leisurely smile, Ning Su put all the densely packed porcelain bottles piled up on the table into the storage ring, and watched the tired Gu Fengbai throw away some high-grade spirit stones with a smile In the past, "You recover your strength, I'll go and see."

"Go, go, anyway, Zhuge Taotian is scheming and scheming, and he will definitely die a miserable death in the end." Gu Fengbai waved his hand weakly, grabbed the top-grade spirit stone and began to absorb it.

The order of the camp is now orderly. Survivors who have no combat power are responsible for food and daily cleaning. Most of the fighters are at the real energy level. Only ten fatalities in three days.

"What's wrong with bullying you? If I hadn't worked so hard to protect you along the way, you would have turned into strange monsters and beheaded by Lao Tzu long ago." In the crowd, a warrior in the realm of psychic liquid was speaking angrily, with an attitude He looked proudly and coldly at five or six angry true qi realm warriors, two of them had wounds on their faces, red, swollen and bruised, they seemed to have been beaten.

"Don't talk like we didn't do anything!" A young man with bruised eyes said angrily. If he hadn't been pulled back by the young man next to him, he would have rushed out again, "That's what Miss Ning stipulated, why do you snatch it? Our food! That's our food!"

Hearing Ning Su's name, the psychic liquid warrior who caused trouble was a little apprehensive, but when he thought of the benefits that Zhuge Taotian had promised him before, he suddenly became confident again, looked at the young man who refuted him with disdain, stepped forward one by one, moved his wrist, He slapped him with a slap.

"I protected your dog's life, what's wrong with eating some of your food, isn't your dog's life worth a piece of pancake?" Wang Gang sneered, looked at the warriors watching around, and raised his voice deliberately, "We have contributed a lot, Protecting everyone's safety, why can't we eat enough, and want the same food as these wastes! This is not fair at all!"

"Yes, whoever contributes more should eat more food!"

"Yeah, why do you make us bleed and sweat, but some people live in the campsite and provide three meals a day with delicious food and drink. Why don't some people go out to kill strange demons? In the past, Mr. Zhuge They all went out like us! Now even City Lord Zhuge is going out to kill strange demons, so why do some people have no strength at all!"

Some people in the crowd protested, yelled, and provoked angrily from time to time, all targeting Ning Su and Gu Fengbai. In the past three days, for most warriors, the regulations made by Ning Su were very beneficial to them, but some of them were ineffective. The warriors in the liquid environment were unwilling, and Zhuge Taotian was instigating behind his back. Three days later, the camp that had been very calm broke out for the first time.

"You are not allowed to talk about Ms. Ning like that. Without Ms. Ning, maybe we would have been bullied to death by you!" Most of the warriors supported Ning Su, and because of Ning Su's appearance, their families could have a bite. For food, they will not be used as bait when they go out to hunt strange monsters, so at this moment, Wang Gang publicly slandered Ning Su, which immediately aroused public outrage.

"Miss Ning is our great benefactor, whoever dares to slander Miss Ning, I will risk my life to seek an explanation from him!"

Wang Gang laughed sarcastically, looked at the angry crowd, and said tauntingly, "Desperate? Just you wastes of real energy, and strange demons desperately want us to protect you! Waste is waste, eat so much, I raise one A dog protects a ditch, and even barks at me a few times, you trash are worse than dogs!"

The other fighters in the spiritual liquid realm were somewhat cautious, and at this moment, coupled with Wang Gang's instigation, they directly clashed with the warriors in the true energy realm. In the crowd, it was unknown who made the move first, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

"I hit someone!"

"Kill these trash!"

"Whoever dares to fight, Miss Ning will not let him go!"

Looking at the chaotic situation, Zhuge Taotian couldn't help laughing, and the two high-ranking Hunyuanjing Yin Han and Hu Guohai who were standing beside him also nodded in satisfaction. Three days have passed, and it's time to make trouble Just right!

"I'll go over and stop it first. After all, the survivors are our fighting strength. We can't let them just sacrifice like this. It would be good to kill a few more strange monsters." Zhuge Taotian smiled hypocritically, then his expression turned anxious, and he turned to the chaotic fighting crowd Li walked over quickly.

"Stop it, stop it, it's all our own people. Now that the strange demons are breaking out, everyone must unite as one. If there are any conflicts, just talk about it, and stop!" Zhuge Taotian's resonant voice sounded majesticly, looking at the injured people, His complexion suddenly became extraordinarily serious, and he said earnestly, "We are all our own people, our spiritual power should be directed at strange demons instead of our own people!"

"City Lord Zhuge is here, stop now!" Wang Gang, who was the most violent just now, immediately restrained his ruthlessness, and his expression became much more respectful, "Everyone grab your hands!"

As soon as Wang Gang and these spiritual liquid warriors stopped, the others also stopped. After all, the true energy warriors were much weaker, so they were the ones who were injured. Those who deliberately provoked trouble like Wang Gang were fine. One by one, they were arrogant, their expressions extremely arrogant.

"That's right, it's easy to talk about anything, and you don't need to do it." Zhuge Taotian was very satisfied with his prestige, and he was smiling all over his face at the moment, "What's going on? Wang Gang, tell me."

"Yes, Zhuge City Lord!" Smugly glanced at the angry and unwilling young man, Wang Gang said the matter again, the focus is that these warriors in the spirit liquid state put in more effort, but they can't get enough to eat, and they are really angry Because of Ning Su's favoritism, the fighters in the spiritual realm didn't respect them at all, which is why there was a conflict.

"It turns out that's the case, but this is really a problem. As the saying goes, more work gets more rewards, and what you don't work doesn't get you! Miss Ning's regulations are indeed somewhat incomplete." Zhuge Taotian nodded and patted Wang Gang's shoulder reassuringly, " But you have to change your bad temper, no matter what, Miss Ning is doing it for everyone's safety, if you don't think carefully, it's because Miss Ning is young, if you have any problems, you should report to Miss Ning..."

"I don't know if there is any question that needs to be answered to me?" After watching the play directed and acted by Zhuge Taotian, Ning Su walked out at a leisurely pace. The reason why she didn't come out was because Ning Su also noticed that although Wang Gang and the others were causing trouble , but the attack was not serious, they were all minor injuries, Zhuge Taotian didn't want to really arouse the public's anger, after all, when the time comes, people will really die, and it will be the strange demons who will benefit, and now there is only one more person With higher combat power, more strange demons can be killed.

Ho!Zhuge Taotian was taken aback, he didn't even know when Ning Su was here!I feel a little uneasy in my heart, but Zhuge Taotian is also the lord of the city after all, so I suppress my uneasy emotions at this moment, "Miss Ning, you are here."

"Uncle Zhuge!" Ning Su's face was as usual, smiling like a flower, but such a smile made Zhuge Taotian even more nervous. Ning Su walked over while talking, and glanced at Wang Gang who was leading the trouble.

Suddenly being stared at by Ning Su, although she didn't release the slightest murderous aura, but that smile made Wang Gang's heart shudder, and he turned his head to avoid Ning Su's gaze.

"Miss Ning is like this." Zhuge Taotian was also a little bit embarrassed when he faced Ning Su. Ning Su's cultivation base was too high, and his shots were also ruthless. He had killed Qian Quan and others before, but now Zhuge Taotian also Worried that Ning Su would directly kill herself in a fit of anger, and then no matter what calculations were made, it would be useless.

After listening to Zhuge Taotian's narration, looking at a group of warriors in the psychic liquid realm who were resentful and unwilling to think it was unfair, especially Wang Gang and others who took the lead in making troubles, Ning Su curled his lips leisurely, "Indeed, some people contribute a lot and think that the distribution is uneven. , but we don't have much food reserves. If we distribute food according to martial arts cultivation, many warriors in the realm of true energy will not be able to eat enough. We have a total of 8000 people here, and there are 3000 in the realm of true energy. People, if we don’t have enough to eat, we will lose in the end!”

The psychic liquid realm warriors who made trouble were not fools either. They were provoked by Wang Gang before, and everyone felt that they were at a disadvantage. Even though they put in more effort, they ate the same amount of food.

However, the realm of true energy occupies the main force of everyone. If the true energy realm loses too much, just relying on a few thousand spiritual liquid warriors, they will definitely be surrounded and killed by nearly [-] strange demons. Can't lose!

Seeing the dissatisfaction in the eyes of most spirit liquid realm warriors fade away, Ning Su was also somewhat comforted, after all, most of them are still good.

Zhuge Taotian winked at Wang Gang who was beside him. Wang Gang hesitated for a moment, but he still took the lead, "Miss Ning said so, but since ancient times, hard work pays more! People with high martial arts cultivation will contribute more. , Killed more strange demons, but just like ordinary warriors, they can’t get enough to eat. If things go on like this, they will definitely feel dissatisfied. I, Wang Gang, are straightforward, so I am somewhat dissatisfied!"

"Yes, the more you work, the more you get, otherwise it will be unfair to us!"

"It's not that we want to eat more, but our spiritual liquid warriors have indeed put in a lot of effort! When the time comes to face strange monsters, who is willing to spend more spiritual power to hunt and kill strange monsters?"

Zhuge Taotian looked at Ning Su with a look of embarrassment, "Miss Ning, what should I do? I think what Wang Gang and the others said is also reasonable, after all, hard work pays more!"

Now in the camp, those who support Ning Su are those who are in the true energy state and have no fighting power, because these people occupy a large part, Zhuge Taotian wants to see how Ning Su will deal with it, whether it is more work, more pay, or even distribution!If this matter is not handled well, the warriors in the spirit liquid realm must be dissatisfied, they are the elites of the camp.

But if you work harder and get more rewards, then Ning Su will offend the ordinary warriors who are the backbone of the camp. Without the support of these people, Ning Su's reputation in the camp will also plummet!What Zhuge Taotian was waiting for was this opportunity, if he would create some disputes and chaos at that time, he might not be able to jeopardize Ning Su's rights.

Glancing at Zhuge Taotian, who was full of calculations, Ning Su pretended to be troubled, and Wang Gang's provocative psychic realm began to murmur again.

The warriors in the real qi realm looked at Ning Su who was in trouble, and they all frowned. They knew that if it wasn't for Ning Su, the warriors in the real qi realm would be bullied all the time, but there is only so much food, how should we distribute it? ?

Many warriors in the true energy realm are also discussing in low voices at this moment. There are many discussions, lest Ning Su really compromise, and then they will not have enough to eat. Originally, their cultivation base is not high, and they will not even be able to eat enough, let alone If you have to hunt strange monsters, the death rate will definitely rise in a straight line!

"Okay, everyone don't need to discuss." After a long time, Ning Su finally spoke, and glanced at Zhuge Taotian who was holding the winning ticket, Ning Su smiled, "Food must be distributed according to needs, we must ensure that everyone can eat enough !"

As soon as this remark came out, the warriors in the true energy realm breathed a sigh of relief, while the warriors in the spirit fluid realm were somewhat dissatisfied, but they didn't dare to confront Ning Su.

"We are not convinced!" Wang Gang received Zhuge Taotian's signal and protested angrily. In front of so many people, Wang Gang knew that Ning Su could not do anything to him, and with Zhuge Taotian Zhuge's backing, he was not afraid of Ning Su's future. Make trouble for yourself. After all, if something happens to me, it must be Ning Su's fault. As a superior, Ning Su is absolutely impossible to be charged with bloodthirsty.

"Dissatisfied? What are you dissatisfied with before I finish my sentence?" With a sneer, Ning Su looked coldly at Wang Gang who started to provoke again.

"Why do we work so hard and kill so many strange demons, but eat the same food? It's not fair at all!" Wang Gang confronted Ning Su, not to be outdone, "If Miss Ning, you can't handle it well, it means you Not capable enough, no way to command us!"

Looking at Ning Su who didn't speak, Wang Gang was even more proud, "How old are you, and no matter how high your cultivation level is, it was supported by your family. You have never suffered, and you don't know how much we ordinary warriors have cultivated to the spirit liquid state. Difficult! Miss Ning, you don’t feel pain in your back when you stand and talk, and you eat and drink enough by yourself. I guess you haven’t even killed a strange demon! But those of us who have worked hard can’t get enough to eat!”

After swiping, looking at Wang Gang who was waiting for his answer, and would not give up if he did not answer, Ning Su took out two porcelain bottles from the storage ring, "For the question of more work, more gain, my decision is to be a warrior who contributes more. You can get additional pills as rewards, ranging from second-rank pills to fifth-rank pills. Whoever kills the most monsters, which team has the lowest death rate, can get extra bonus pills from ten commanders to centurion commanders to thousand commanders. Rewards, of course, there are also rewards for ordinary warriors who slay Yimordor, it depends on who performs well. But the food must be distributed equally."

Elixir as a reward!After swiping, the dissatisfied spiritual liquid warriors were dumbfounded. You must know that they don’t have the ability to buy many pills on weekdays. Medicine as a reward!

All of a sudden, the eyes of the dissatisfied spiritual liquid warriors were about to glow green, and the true energy warriors were also full of ecstasy. Having the elixir means that the cultivation base can break through!The chances of survival become even greater!Not to mention that you can eat enough, and you can take the pills if you do well. Everyone looked at Ning Su with excitement and admiration!

The only person who is unhappy is Zhuge Taotian!Seeing Ning Su take out the elixir, Zhuge Taotian was stunned at first, then his face sank suddenly, and he handed over the power to Ning Su, not for Ning Su to really take power!

"Miss Ning, do you have so many elixirs?" Zhuge Taotian asked Ning Su strangely. Now that the strange demons broke out, there could be tens of thousands of survivors here. No matter how many elixirs Ning Su had, it would still be for her alone. Use it, take it out as a reward with elixir, will she be the elixir master cabbage?

Yes, how could there be so many pills for everyone!Hearing Zhuge Taotian's words, the hearts of the people who were still in ecstasy just now thumped, and their eyes all looked at Ning Su.

"Naturally enough pills are enough." Ning Su took out a table from the storage ring with a smile, and then put the pills in her hand on the table. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, one bottle of pills, two bottles Pills, ten bottles... a hundred bottles... a thousand bottles...

Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at Ning Su in disbelief, this family has so much wealth to have so many elixirs, isn't it true that elixirs are sold as Chinese cabbage?

Zhuge Taotian was also stunned, he couldn't believe that Ning Su had so many pills, could it be that Ning Su was selling porcelain pills?

"Xiaobai and I are both elixir masters, and Xiaobai is a master of fourth-grade elixirs, so we have refined a lot of elixirs in the past three days. In addition to the elixirs in stock, there are more than 2000 pills of second-grade elixirs, and more than 1000 pills of third-grade elixirs. There are more than [-] elixirs, so as long as you perform well, everyone will have elixirs as a reward." Having taken out enough elixirs, Ning Su smiled and glanced at Zhuge Taotian with a gloomy face, wanting to make himself empty, Zhuge I'm afraid that Taotian will have to think of other ways.

This farce ended with Ning Su taking out a large amount of elixir, Zhuge Taotian returned in defeat, Ning Su's reputation in the camp rose again, and the warriors in the real energy and spiritual liquid realms were completely convinced of Ning Su, even Hunyuan Most people in the environment began to lean towards Ning Su.

There are fourth-grade pills and fifth-grade pills. Maybe the cultivation base can be improved, and although there are many strange monsters, they are irrational and easy to kill. How long does it take to get a high-grade elixir? There is no such good opportunity in normal times, but it is a fifth-grade elixir!Hard to find at sky-high prices!

Ning Su!Back in the house, Zhuge Taotian's face was extremely gloomy, he couldn't get up early without benefit, Ning Su had the advantage now, no one in the camp would obey his orders any more.

"Father, what are we going to do? Even grandpa has started to ambiguously favor Ning Su!" Zhuge Yang's face was full of frustration. Although he also wanted pills, he was a little afraid of Zhuge Taotian on weekdays, so he definitely didn't dare to give up now To Ning Su.

"It's okay, dad has his own way." Waving Zhuge Yang back, Zhuge Taotian took out a black pill from the storage ring, and swallowed it without any hesitation.

In an instant, Zhuge Taotian's body twitched violently, the black demonic energy in his eyes rolled, and he rolled on the ground in pain, panting heavily, his face twisted ferociously, coupled with a pair of eyes with rolling demonic energy, and The Strange Demon outside is hardly different.

After more than half an hour, Zhuge Taotian, who originally thought he would die, slowly recovered, and the devilish energy in his eyes receded bit by bit!

This is power!Feeling that his cultivation had been directly promoted to the Tai'a Realm, Zhuge Taotian was ecstatic! "Haha, that little bastard Ning Su, she's already too good, why should she be afraid of Ning Su!"

This is power!Zhuge Taotian wiped off the cold sweat on his face, suddenly his eyes turned hard, "Who is it?"

Dressed in white, Chu Qingqing pushed open the door and walked in like a ghost, still wearing a white gauze hat, glanced at Zhuge Taotian, "It seems that Zhuge City Lord has already taken the elixir I gave you, that's fine, We have a common enemy and we can work together!"

"So it's Miss Chu!" Zhuge Taotian laughed sinisterly, looking at Chu Qingqing greedily and wretchedly, "The cooperation is exempt, but if Miss Chu is willing to submit to me, I will definitely avenge Miss Chu Xuehen, catch Ning Su in front of you!"

"Overreach!" Chu Qingqing said coldly, looking at Zhuge Taotian who was approaching step by step, Chu Qingqing still stood calmly at the same place, with sarcasm in her eyes under the gauze hat, and she dared to covet her for anything Beauty!

"Miss Chu, let this old man see your pretty face!" With an obscene look in his voice, Zhuge Taotian took off Chu Qingqing's gauze hat with one hand, and seeing her beautiful face, his eyes were even more greedy and lustful.

"Hmph!" With a cold scold, Chu Qingqing did not move, but released the coercion.

After swiping, Zhuge Taotian, who originally thought he had a high cultivation base, suddenly felt a terrifying coercion emanating from his soul, his face turned pale, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop. The coercion from the soul!Just like Chu Qingqing is a goddess above the nine heavens, but Zhuge Taotian is just an ant, kneeling directly on the ground!

"Slap yourself!" Chu Qingqing looked coldly at Zhuge Taotian who was kneeling on the ground. His cultivation was indeed higher than her own, but to Chu Qingqing, she completely controlled Zhuge Taotian's life and death. The law follows her words, her words are an irresistible will, and Zhuge Taotian must obey them unconditionally.

Snapped!Without any hesitation, Zhuge Taotian slapped himself hard, trembling all over, his cultivation level was obviously higher than Chu Qingqing's, but he was just afraid and didn't dare to disobey in the slightest.

"Get up, don't worry, I won't do anything to you, and you can try to release your consciousness, you will find that you can control nearly [-] strange demons in Stone City, Zhuge Taotian, you will become the real one here Overlord!" Chu Qingqing was very satisfied with the result, Ning Su, can you still not die?

Slowly getting up from the ground, Zhuge Taotian tried to release his consciousness. Gradually, he could feel the strange monsters outside. They were irrational, and only one was hungry. Flesh and blood, and Zhuge Taotian has a feeling that as long as he wants, he can control these lowest strange demons at any time!

In this way, he will surely become the ruler of the Xuanyu Dynasty and lead the army of strange demons to conquer the Xuanyu Dynasty!The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, Zhuge Taotian couldn't hide his ambition!

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