"Who dares to act presumptuously in the Black City!" An angry shout sounded like thunder, and the four city lords in the southeast, northwest, and north quickly appeared, and each of them exuded a powerful aura, but they were all saints who were in the perfect realm, with a thin line of difference Then you can step into the realm of venerables and become the strongest in the Xuanyu Dynasty.

Rong Peijin's figure also stepped forward quickly, and the aura of the Venerable Realm was completely exposed. Even if the four city lords were all Saint Realm Great Consummation, as long as they were not in the Venerable Realm, they would not be Rong Peijin's opponents. The same is true for people joining forces, not to mention that Rong Peijin has already reached the Great Perfection of the Venerable Realm.

"Who the hell are you?" Li Da spoke first, his expression was unprecedentedly dignified. He obviously looked ordinary, but his pair of phoenix eyes were terrifyingly sharp. The strongest person in the entire Xuanyu dynasty is Tao Yiyuan, but the person in front of Rong looks too young, and it is absolutely impossible to be the long-renowned Tao Yiyuan.

"That's Pei Jin?" Until now, Gu Fengbai didn't recognize Rong Pei Jin. After all, his disguise was too thorough, both his face and breath were completely changed, but he could make Fengqi's people look up to him, and he had a high level of cultivation. Abnormal, besides Rong Peijin, Gu Fengbai really can't think of a second candidate.

"En." Ning Su replied, stepping forward one by one, but standing side by side with Rong Peijin and looking at the four city lords, "They are all saints, and you will hold the battle for me."

Rong Peijin hesitated for a moment. After all, the four of them were all at the Great Perfection of the Saint Realm. Rong Peijin was somewhat worried when Ning Su went to fight. Of course, with him around, no one would hurt Ning Su. .

"Don't worry, I have a measure." Ning Su squinted and smiled at Rong Peijin, and shook his big hand with her small hand. She would definitely not make fun of her own life, but the protector who killed the Saint Realm before, can With a large amount of immortal energy compensated by the Dao of Heaven, he must kill the four city lords, at least he can get a lot of immortal energy. Ning Su is not willing to let go of such an opportunity.

"Be careful." Shen Sheng said, Rong Peijin nodded, after all, he took a few steps back and let Ning Su come to fight.

"It seems that the Xuanyu Dynasty really produced a large number of talents." As the lord of the North City, whether it was before or after the outbreak of strange demons, Ning Su is such a young genius with such a terrifying cultivation base, which is very rare.

"Dare to fight?" With a leisurely smile, Ning Su spoke loudly, pointing the spirit sword at Li Da.

"I don't know how to live or die. Since you want to die, this city lord will help you!" Although Li Da was a little shocked by Ning Su's cultivation, but she was no match for Rong Pei Jin, but it didn't mean she was afraid of Ning Su who was in the same realm. Rong Pei Jin was too strong, so Li Da Da now has a plan, as long as Ning Su is caught, she can be taken as a hostage to Rong Peijin.

After the words fell, Li Da took the lead in attacking, and slashed at Ning Su with a big knife whistling in his hand. violent.

Really powerful!Ning Su is also a Saint Realm Great Perfection cultivator. Facing the terrifying attack, the spirit sword in Ning Su's hand shone with dazzling light. When the sword shadow moved, a sword energy was like a sharp arrow shot rapidly, carrying a destructive force. With a sharpness like pulling up, he directly greeted Li Da's sword.

Break the surface with a point!Even though Li Da's attack was powerful, it was broken by Ning Su's sword. In mid-air, the two fought fiercely together again.

Immortals fight, mortals suffer!In such a strong battle, other people have already retreated far away, otherwise they will be affected by the powerful spiritual power, and they will be seriously injured if they don't die, so even though it seems that the number of people on Rong Peijin's side is indeed much smaller, this kind of war is more powerful than What matters is not the number of people, but the strongest person in sight. As long as the opponent's strongest person is beheaded, then it is equal to a decisive victory.

"No, Li Da is not this girl's opponent." The faces of the other three city lords who were watching the battle suddenly changed. Li Da's attack was indeed powerful and terrifying, but Ning Su's attack was even more tricky. has clearly gained the upper hand.

"Li Da, I'm here to help you!" Although the four major city lords are usually at odds, fighting each other, and wanting to fight for the dominion of the Black City, but at the moment when a strong enemy is coming, the Nan City lord shouted and looked at his face with fear. Pei Jin immediately touched the ground with his toes, jumped into the air and joined Li Da, attacking Ning Su back and forth.

Rong Peijin frowned, fighting alone, he would let Ning Su fight, with him in charge, no one can hurt Ning Su, but two enemies of the Great Perfection, Ning Su is a bit difficult to deal with alone In a duel between masters, if one is not aware of it, there is a certain danger of death. Rong Peijin will never let Ning Su take such a risk.

When the remaining two city lords saw Rong Pei Jin's too cold and frightening eyes, their scalps felt a little numb, but one Ning Su could compete equally with the two city lords. Those who can't stop Rong Peijin at all, I'm afraid they might be beheaded if they meet face to face.

Being pinched back and forth, Ning Su's powerful attack immediately slowed down, but she was not defeated, "Stupid woman, let Rong Peijin come over to help, as long as they are seriously injured, you will kill them yourself in the end. "In the sea of ​​consciousness, Xiao Taotie's laziness reminded Ning Su of cheating.

No matter how strong Ning Su's combat power is, it is impossible to instantly kill two fellow practitioners who are saintly and consummated. What's more, these four city lords are only the apparent rulers of the black city. It would have been better to slaughter the four city lords earlier for the powerful men in the Venerable Realm photographed in the Immortal Realm of the Upper Realm.

Ning Su nodded, and was about to step back to let Rong Peijin help, when suddenly a deep and deep voice sounded beside her ears, "Hunting these four people alone, each will reward one-tenth of the immortal power."

"What?" The figure of Ning Su who was fighting suddenly paused. This mistake gave Li Da an opportunity to slash towards Ning Su's abdomen with a very tricky knife.

"Stupid woman, why are you in a daze now!" No one thought that Ning Suhui would suddenly become dazed, and the little Taotie let out a horrified cry, and quickly swung out an ancient divine power, blocking Li Da's attack with a bang. And Ning Su also came back to his senses, and his figure suddenly retreated, away from the danger.

Ning Su himself was fine, but Gu Fengbai and Fengqi who were watching the battle were really terrified. Who would have thought that the fight was going on fiercely, and Ning Suhui was suddenly in a daze. Ning Su was cut in two along the middle.

Rong Peijin was also terrified, Ning Su's loss of consciousness was too sudden, even if he had been paying close attention to the battle situation, it was too late to make a move just now, fortunately Ning Su escaped without any danger, but with the shock of the scene just now It's dangerous, Rong Peijin doesn't plan to keep fighting.

"I can deal with it myself." Seeing that Rong Peijin wanted to help, Ning Su quickly shouted, but she stopped attacking fiercely, but used her sword at a very fast speed to kill Li Da and Nancheng Lord. They were all forced to retreat outside the safe area.

Rong Peijin paused when she made a move. Looking at Ning Su who was at ease, she didn't make another move after all, but her expression was more focused, paying close attention to Ning Su's every move. As long as there was something wrong with her, Rong Peijin would immediately shoot her. Save me.

"Little Taotie, did you hear it just now?" Ning Su used his sword intent to force the two city lords back, and at this moment, he was concentrating on communicating with Xiao Taotie. If the voice just now was not too weird, Ning Su would not have met Dazed, almost cut in half by Li Da.

"Hear? What did you hear?" Little Taotie was also taken aback just now, but he didn't dare to stay in Ning Su's sea of ​​consciousness. Instead, he jumped out and stood beside Ning Su, ready to rescue him at any time. At Ning Su's words, the little Taotie blinked in confusion, "Why didn't the young master hear anyone talking?"

"There was a voice in my ear just now. If I kill four city lords alone, I will be rewarded with one-tenth of the immortal power for each one I kill." Ning Su's voice was trembling at this moment, excited!

Ning Su already knew how precious the immortal power is. The aura of the Xuanyu dynasty is thin, so even Tao Yiyuan and Rong Peijin can only stay in the realm of the venerable, unable to break through, because they have no way to compress the spiritual power Transformed into Xianyuanli.

After Ning Su hunted down the strange demon, a burst of golden raindrops would fall from his dantian, all of which were immortal energy, and the stronger the monster he killed, the more immortal energy he would be rewarded. The city lord will reward one-tenth of the immortal power, so four people are four-tenths!One must know that Ning Su had killed so many strange demons and Heicheng's protector before, but the sum of all the immortal powers was less than one-tenth, and this time it can be rewarded to four-tenths. Su will be stupefied with excitement.

"You mean that the Heavenly Dao sent you a voice transmission to challenge the four city lords alone, and then rewarded you with four-tenths of the immortal power?" Swallowing, the little Taotie was so excited that he could speak incoherently. Seeing Ning Su After nodding his head, he finally couldn't help screaming, "This is too generous! My God! Stupid woman, you really are a person with great opportunities, and you didn't even dare to strike you before! Haha, little girl!" Master's vision is really the best! Stupid woman, you are still hesitating, kill these four bastards quickly, and worry about God's regret later!"

The little Taotie here just slandered a sentence, the sky was bright and white, suddenly a thunderbolt struck down directly, the speed was so fast and the strength was so great that neither Ning Su nor the little Taotie could react, and then the little Taotie was hit and jumped, clutching his buttocks stand up.

"Dare to bully the young master!" He yelled angrily at the blue sky, the little Taotie trembled from being chopped, his illusory figure was almost smashed into pieces by the thunder, if it wasn't because the little Taotie was still a cub, His strength is limited, otherwise he would never swallow his anger and suffer the lightning strike of heaven.

Four-tenths of the immortal power, even if it is a master like Rong Peijin who has completed the Venerable Realm, Ning Su is [-]% sure that he can defeat it!This is because her cultivation is at the Great Perfection of the Saint Realm. If she breaks through to the Venerable Realm and cooperates with the immortal power in her dantian, Rong Peijin will definitely not be Ning Su's opponent.

In an instant, Ning Su seemed to have taken a powerful pill, and his attack became extremely fierce and murderous. Even though Li Da and Nancheng Lord joined forces, after Ning Su used the power of the immortal, Li Da and Li Da were killed by Ning Su. Su Sha was extremely embarrassed and had no choice but to dodge.

"The princess is so fierce!" Ai Zizhang, who was watching the battle, swallowed his saliva with a tangled expression. Before seeing the princess's quiet and calm appearance, he thought she was a gentle girl who melted the iceberg of his prince. But who would have thought that the princess is so cruel, killing a saint is like slaughtering a dog.

"How did you practice?" Li Zhongxuan, a cultivator, looked at Ning Su at this moment, and then turned his fiery eyes to Gu Fengbai who was aside. After all, they only got along with Ning Su for a few days and didn't know much, so Li Zhongxuan is I really want to know how Ning Su cultivated, it's too powerful!Even if he started cultivating from the mother's womb, it is impossible to be so strong.

"I said brother, don't count on it. Girl Ning is a beast. Coupled with Pei Jin's abnormality, neither of them is normal." Gu Fengbai patted Li Zhongxuan's shoulder comfortingly, and the fox's face was full of words. Sincerely, "We are all normal people, we can't compare our cultivation with these two animals, it will make people mad!"

"Isn't it why you two don't make a move? If you don't make a move again, I won't be polite!" Looking at Li Da and Nan City Lord who were killed and unable to fight back in mid-air, Ning Su smiled provocatively and invited the remaining two city lords. war.

"Crazy! Let my city lord come and meet you!" Dong City lord shouted angrily, his figure rose from the ground, and the fierce attack came straight to Ning Su's face.

Similarly, the Lord of the West City was not far behind, and shot out his spiritual power, and went straight to Ning Su's back to kill him. Seeing this, Li Da and the Lord of the South City did not hesitate anymore, raised their spiritual power again, and then shot at Ning Su. They killed Ning Su again, they didn't believe that the four of them could not kill Ning Su together.

"Stupid woman, work hard! You have a great opportunity, and it is impossible for heaven to let you have an accident!" Laughing arrogantly, Xiao Taotie only felt that this time he had made a lot of money!That is Xianyuanli!Moreover, it is the immortal energy bestowed by heaven, which is more than tens of thousands of times purer than the immortal energy obtained by compressing and transforming the spiritual energy of ordinary warriors.

This is the pill fire of an ordinary alchemist, it is just his own fire attribute, but Ning Su's pill fire is the purest chaotic energy between heaven and earth, it is not at the same level at all, the same is true for this immortal power, the way of heaven The celestial power bestowed is definitely the purest and the most powerful. Don't say that Ning Su is dealing with the four city lords of the Great Perfection of Saint Realm. Su can still kill the Quartet.

Above the Black City, storms gather!

One after another of spiritual power was colliding and bombarding, the terrifying lethality, so that other people in Heicheng only dared to watch the battle from a distance, and no one came close, lest they would be affected.

"Kill!" Ning Su's eyes turned cold, and a ray of immortal energy came straight to Li Da.

Li Da didn't dare to underestimate the enemy at all, and gave up the attack directly, and kept gathering his spiritual power just for protection, but when Ning Su's spiritual power attacked in front of him, Li Da's eyes changed dramatically, "What kind of power is this? "

Too powerful, too scary!Li Da's previous protection was like a joke. Under the palm of Ning Suxian's Yuanli, his protection was like tofu, and it was directly broken by Xianyuanli!


Li Da's voice was beaten upside down, and the celestial force directly broke through his protection, and the powerful force entered Li Da's body, smashing his internal organs into pieces!

Lee was killed!

The eyes of the remaining three city lords turned to panic. The four of them joined hands but they couldn't kill a single Ning Su, and Li Da was killed. Looking at Ning Su at this moment, even though she had a face as soft as water, But in their eyes, it is even more terrifying than King Yama.

Xian Yuanli came out again, but this time it was City Lord Xi who was caught by Ning Su in panic, and directly slashed to death with his sword!The alliance of the four was destroyed, and the remaining Dongchengzhu and Nanchengzhu looked even more terrified. Unfortunately, facing the increasingly strong Ning Su, the two could not even escape!

Bang bang bang!

Intense combat power, Ning Su applied the immortal energy to the spirit sword, and the immortal energy emitted with the sword intent was like a reminder, no matter how the East and South city masters resisted, they still died in Ning Su's spirit sword among.

too strong!terrible!

Originally thought that no matter how strong Ning Su was, he would at most fight against one city lord, but who would have thought that Ning Su would be so strong that he could attack and kill four city lords of the same realm, and he was not injured at all, and his breath was strong, so he couldn't tell what he had just experienced. There was a shocking battle of one against four.

There was no time to pay attention to the four city lords who were killed, Ning Su quickly looked inside his dantian, and the little Taotie also quickly returned to Ning Su's sea of ​​consciousness.

Following the killing of the four city lords, a burst of golden light shone in Ning Su's dantian, and the Nascent Soul who had originally lived in the dantian had turned golden at this moment, like a Bodhisattva inlaid with a golden body, the Nascent Soul was shining with dazzling golden light , more than hundreds of times stronger than before.

"Little Taotie, if you continue to transform the immortal energy, what will the dantian become in the end?" Feeling the powerful power contained in the body, Ning Su felt like a strong person for the first time, even if he encountered the upper realm She dares to fight with someone who is not her own.

"If all the spiritual power is turned into immortal power, the nascent baby will turn into a sea of ​​stars." Xiao Taotie replied, the immortals in the upper realm of the fairyland, everyone's dantian is a sea of ​​stars.

The sun, the moon, and the stars move on their own. This is the power of nature. The reason why the upper realms are powerful is because their power is provided by the sea of ​​stars, rather than absorbed from the outside world. The power absorbed is basically the same as the power of the vast sea of ​​stars. The sky and the earth are incomparable.

Although the four major city lords were beheaded by Ning Su, the black city was not in chaos, but revealed a strange calm. Both Ning Su and Rong Peijin understood that the four major city lords were nothing but puppets on the surface. The people who are really behind the scenes are the people from the Immortal Realm of the Upper Realm, although their cultivation bases have been suppressed to the Venerable Realm after they arrived in the Xuanyu Dynasty.

However, the Venerable Realm is already a top powerhouse in the Xuanyu Dynasty. It is estimated that Rong Peijin's cultivation level does not exceed five in the Xuanyu Dynasty, but there may be fifty or even five people who came down from the Immortal Realm of the Upper Realm. Hundreds, in such a comparison, no matter how perverted Rong Pei Jinxiu was, he would still be powerless.

"Here we come." Ning Su returned to Rong Peijin's side, looking straight ahead, different from the aura that shocked everyone when the four city lords came out, the five people who came here at this moment seemed to be the most ordinary Like a normal warrior, it seems that he is only walking on flat ground, but he is walking hundreds of feet in one step, and he is in front of him in a blink of an eye.

"Stupid woman, be careful." Little Taotie didn't dare to be careless, the five people in front of him looked ordinary, but they were back to basics, only the truly strong can gather their aura so exquisitely.

Although the four major city lords are all Saint Realm Great Consummation, their cultivation bases are improved by special pills, and their foundations are not stable, so their strength is not enough when fighting, but the five people in front of them are different. This kind of restrained aura looks very ordinary, but the eyes revealing the sharp light all clearly show their strength and fear.

Rong Peijin also looked a little dignified. Even Rong Peijin did not dare to underestimate the five powerful men in the Venerable Realm. Although he has an army of one million, in front of such a real strong man, a million army It's nothing at all, not to mention the outbreak of strange demons, there are still many high-level strange demons who have swallowed pills in Heicheng.

"Murdering so many souls of the Xuanyu Dynasty, do you really think that you can escape the punishment of God?" Rong Peijin said in a cold voice, with a pair of cold phoenix eyes. The massacre, strange demons broke out, and it is estimated that at least billions of people have turned into walking dead strange demons.

"Hmph, they're just ants." The man in the lead was very young, he looked only in his twenties, with an arrogant expression on his face, he glanced at Rong Peijin and the others with disdain. Great Perfection, this is the reason why the cultivation base is suppressed by the Dao of Heaven. If there is no law of the Dao of Heaven, the Upper Realm and Immortal Realm would not need to be so troublesome. Sending just one person down would be enough to destroy the entire Xuanyu Dynasty.

At the same time as the voice fell, the leader's eyes swept away. There seemed to be a golden light shining in his eyes, and his sight directly turned into a sharp cold light. The bald head and dozens of people who were swept by his eyes screamed, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. , It turned out that he was directly "looked" to death by his gaze.

"Killing you is like slaughtering dogs." The leading man sneered. Although their cultivation base was suppressed, what they possessed was the power of immortality. What he practiced before was pupil art. It is too easy to see dozens of people dead, even in In the upper realm of the fairyland, those with insufficient cultivation would die under his pupil technique, let alone the ants of the Xuanyu Dynasty.

Looking at the bald head and others who were killed on the ground, Rong Peijin was so angry for the first time in his life. As a strong man of the Xuanyu Dynasty, it was the first time that Rong Peijin felt so powerless. It's like a mountain is pressed down, and it can't resist at all.

"Arrogance!" Rong Peijin's phoenix eyes were awe-inspiring, and his figure shot up suddenly, and he even took the initiative to attack the five people. They were all of the Venerable Realm of Great Consummation, and Rong Peijin was not afraid of anyone.

"Looking for death!" Unexpectedly, Rong Peijin would dare to launch an attack after his thunderous tactics, the leading man let out a furious roar, and then rushed to face the fight.

All of a sudden, the two Venerable Realms fought fiercely in mid-air, and the powerful and thick spiritual storm caused the people around them to retreat again and again. This was a confrontation between the real peak powerhouses.

The leading man didn't expect Rong Peijin to be so strong, his eyes were fierce, and the immortal power was released. Because they were suppressed by the law of heaven, they would be rejected if they didn't use the immortal power easily, but Rong Peijin's attack was too strong , can't allow him to retain his strength.

The spiritual energy bombarded together continuously, bang bang bang!The clouds in the mid-air seemed to be stirred up, and powerful spiritual forces collided and fought.

Rong Peijin looked at the golden power that was different from spiritual power, and her phoenix eyes sank. This must be the immortal power, but even so, Rong Peijin did not back down in the slightest. Instead, she mobilized the spiritual power in her dantian and kept compressing it. Compressed, and pushed the spiritual power ball towards Xian Yuanli.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Seeing Rong Peijin's attack, the leading man laughed mockingly, "This is the power of immortality, how could you, an ant, be able to confront it head-on!"

If Rong Peijin kept dodging, restraining himself, and consuming his own strength, the leading man would not be able to win for a while, but Rong Peijin confronted head-on, and the leading man showed a smug look on his face. Looking for death!

Rong Peijin's eyes were firm, the compressed spiritual power and the immortal power collided crazily, bang!After all, the spiritual power is not comparable to the immortal power. Under this impact, the violent force that was set off directly attacked and killed Rong Peijin. The powerful force seemed to be able to crush everything into dust.

"See if you're still alive!" The leading man laughed, just waiting for Rong Peijin to be torn apart by the force of the impact.

All the people watching the battle in the ground held their breath involuntarily, especially the wind riders all clenched their hands tightly, lest Rong Peijin would be in danger.

The leading man was laughing triumphantly, and suddenly his face changed. In the huge golden light waves, a big hand suddenly came out, and directly hit the man's abdomen with a thick palm.

"No!" The leading man became frightened and wanted to give in, but Rong Peijin's speed was too fast, so fast that he had just reacted, but was hit in the abdomen by Rong Peijin.

The figure flew upside down, and the leading man fell to the ground fiercely, covering his abdomen with his hands, his face was pale and frightened, he looked at Rong Peijin standing in the air like a god of war in disbelief, how could this man still be alive!The violent force formed by the collision of celestial forces is enough to tear a warrior into pieces, why is he safe and sound, and even severely injured himself.

Rong Peijin's face is still calm, but there is shock in his heart. The frontal collision of the force just now made Rong Peijin clearly feel the strength of the immortal power. At the most dangerous moment, Rong Peijin's whole body seemed to form a An invisible safety barrier was formed, absorbing all the power of the immortal, and Rong Peijin also seized this opportunity to severely injure the enemy.

How can this be?Looking at the injured man, the expressions of the remaining four men in the upper realm changed suddenly. They looked at Rong Peijin in disbelief. How could it be possible that an ant from the Land of God's Punishment could injure them!But it is what it is.

"Don't hold back, kill!" The injured man swallowed the elixir and stood up staggeringly.

Rong Peijin's slap was too hard, the man's face was pale at the moment, he had no fighting strength at all, he could only stare at Rong Peijin with fierce eyes and hatred, he was defeated and injured, but he still had four Personally, the man smiled ferociously, his face was full of cruelty and blood, "Kill everyone here, leave no one behind!"

With a swipe, everyone inside and outside the Black City backed away in horror. Following the man's voice, the remaining four Venerables released their coercion without any reservations. A powerful aura swept the audience, seeming to lock on the Everyone wanted to escape, but their feet were nailed and they couldn't move an inch. Their hearts were beating wildly, and the sword of death was already hanging above their heads.

Rong Peijin's complexion finally changed. No matter how strong he is, he is still alone. At this moment, Fengqi has more than 600 people, and Gu Fengbai and Ning Su are also here. Can't resist.

"This woman is your match, right? Haha, I'm going to chop her up in front of you today!" Seeing Rong Peijin's condensed expression, the leading man laughed wildly, " And these are all your subordinates, I want them to die tragically in front of you, not only this, but your family, relatives, friends, mentors and companions will all die, and they will all die because of you!"

Clenching her big hands tightly, Rong Peijin's figure moved to block Ning Su, looking at the arrogant man with cold eyes, murderous intent flowed out of her phoenix eyes.

"My lord, we will cover you and the concubine to retreat!" Ai Zizhang stepped forward, even in the face of an enemy that was too strong to resist, but he did not back down at all. Although Fengqi is not strong enough, it can still hold these people back for a while In a short time, the Xuanyu dynasty is so big, the prince and princess can definitely leave safely.

"Hmph, where do you ants think you can escape to? The entire Xuanyu Dynasty will become the world of strange demons in the future, and everyone will die." The leading man laughed, looking at him with great sympathy and wanting to protect Rong Pei Jin Ai Zizhang who retreated with Ning Su, "The light of rice grains dares to compete with Haoyue, you will all die!"

The situation suddenly seemed extremely dangerous. The four venerable realms were like four big mountains, pressing heavily in front of everyone. In the face of absolute power, who can escape where.

"This time I'm hurting you." Having made a decision, Rong Peijin looked at Ning Su who was standing beside her with tender eyes, rubbed her head with her big hands, and her deep voice revealed perceivable tenderness, "In the last life The mistake I made, I will not make it again in this life, life will be different and death will be the same."

"It's not that far yet." Ning Su replied with a smile, looking at Rong Peijin's frown, this man has always been decisive, noble and arrogant, but now he is forced to such a point by these people, Ning Su felt inexplicably sour in her heart, and held Rong Peijin's warm big hand, "This is the Xuanyu Dynasty, and it's not up to the people from the Immortal Realm of the Upper Realm to show off their power."

At least the law of heaven will not let it go. If it is really possible to kill everyone in the Xuanyu Dynasty, why does the Upper Realm Xianyu come up with such troublesome things as strange demons? Just send an immortal to destroy the Xuanyu Dynasty. See It seems that the result is certain death, but Ning Su believes that there is always a chance.

"I hope." Rong Peijin nodded, his eyes met Ning Su's soft and peaceful eyes, his heart slowly calmed down, the stern and cold face after the disguise had been removed had a soft color, he lowered his head, and gave a soft look The kiss fell on Ning Su's forehead, no matter whether it was life or death, she would never repeat the sorrow of her previous life.

The others were already terrified, but under the coercion of the Venerable Realm, they couldn't escape at all. The more than 600 people in Fengqi all regarded death as home, with firm eyes, even if they were oppressed by the coercion of the Venerable Realm, But no one was afraid or flinched.

"Second brother, why did we become like this?" In the tense atmosphere where the war was about to break out, a soft voice sounded like a sigh.

Chu Qingqing was still dressed in a white dress, and the face destroyed by Ning Su had already healed. With the support of the two venerable guardians, Chu Qingqing looked at Rong Peijin with admiration and walked over.

Two more Venerable realms have been added!Ning Su also frowned, "Little Taotie, is it true that nothing will happen?" Why does this feel more and more dangerous.

What a beautiful woman!Everyone at the scene looked at Chu Qingqing in shock, perhaps because her appearance was too shocking, or perhaps because of her noble and beautiful face, snow-like skin, willow-leaf eyebrows, and an elegant and noble smile on the corner of her mouth, holy. Like a fairy beyond the heavens, Chu Qingqing is more noble than Ning Su's delicate face and gentle aura.

"Miss!" The five venerable men immediately retreated to Chu Qingqing's side, but they followed her lead.

Chu Qingqing waved her hands indifferently to several subordinates in the Venerable Realm, and her dignified face naturally revealed a noble aura. The previous Chu Qingqing had somewhat of a girl's delicate posture when facing Rong Peijin.

But now, after swallowing the elixir left by You Shuqi, her cultivation has already broken through to the Great Perfection of the Venerable Realm. The depth of her cultivation has given Chu Qingqing the capital to be proud of the world, so she faced Rong Rong again. Pei Jin, however, lost the shyness of her daughter's family and became much stronger.

"Second brother, no one thought that it would become like this." Chu Qingqing sighed, and when her eyes swept over the hands that Ning Su and Rong Peijin held together, a gloomy light flashed past.

"Second brother, in fact, sometimes people are obsessed. If you want to come to second brother, you don't know that the Lord Saint Son of the Upper Realm has already appointed me as a holy concubine. He wants to pick me up to the Upper Realm personally, but I I have been unable to let go of my feelings for my second brother for so many years, and Lord Shengzi said that this is a demon in my heart, so I specially asked me to stay in the Xuanyu Dynasty to solve all the problems."

There was a sense of complacency in Chu Qingqing's words, the upper realm fairyland!That's where the real strong should stay, and they can destroy the world with a flick of a finger!What she ate was fairy fruit, what she drank was fairy dew, immortality, and the same life as heaven and earth. Chu Qingqing's gaze was fixed on Rong Peijin's stern and majestic face, but even though she knew that there was a stronger and more noble man who chose her, She even appointed herself as a holy concubine, but she still couldn't let it go. This is an obsession and a demon!

"What exactly do you want?" Chu Qingqing became a holy concubine?The corners of Ning Su's eyes twitched, looking at the strong man in the Venerable Realm standing respectfully behind Chu Qingqing, Ning Su couldn't help but vomit in his heart.

Could it be that the Son of the Immortal Realm of the Upper Realm is blind?There are so many fairies and fairies who don't choose, but they value Chu Qingqing!Isn't it okay to find trouble for everyone in the Xuanyu Dynasty?

"How?" With a playful smile, Chu Qingqing's gaze towards Rong Peijin was only a little more complicated, with more resentment and unwillingness, but the gaze towards Ning Su had turned into naked hatred, with a touch of imminent revenge "Ning Su, you used to rely on your cultivation base to be higher than me, making things difficult and humiliating everywhere, now Feng Shui turns, Ning Su, I will find everything from you in the future, do you think the second brother can still do it now?" Stump me?"

It's always good people who say to bad people that they don't want to report, the time has not yet come!Why was it that when it was my turn, I finally became stronger, but Chu Qingqing's backing was even stronger!The few little minions and followers are all strong in the Venerable Realm, not to mention the Saint Son of the Upper Realm of the Immortal Realm!

Rong Peijin looked at Chu Qingqing coldly, his eyes were extremely dull, as if ignoring the existence of this person, he hugged Ning Su in his arms with his long arms, and faced the surrounding enemies with a proud face.

Not reconciled!Seeing this scene, and seeing Rong Peijin choose to protect Ning Su without any hesitation, Chu Qingqing clenched her hands tightly, even though she already had Lord Son, even though she had decided to abandon Rong Peijin, but seeing Seeing that the man she admired was so protective of another woman in the past, Chu Qingqing's dignified and noble expression that was maintained was torn apart inch by inch.

"Second brother, the outbreak of strange demons is a catastrophe for the Xuanyu Dynasty. As long as I am willing, I can save the sentient beings of the Xuanyu Dynasty. Second brother, how do you choose? Do you want to continue to protect Ning Su?" Pressing down, Chu Qingqing smiled softly, and handed over the choice to Rong Peijin.

Do you choose to save the common people in the world, or choose to protect Ning Su!If she really chooses to protect Ning Su, then Ning Su will become the target of public criticism, and everyone will be punished!

Chu Qingqing has already made plans, if Rong Peijin does not compromise today, then Chu Qingqing will send someone to speak out, and then there is no need to do it herself, Ning Su will become everyone's public enemy, and everyone in the Ning family will He will be a sinner, and the second brother will be criticized by the world.

In this way, even if the second brother and Ning Su are not dead, can they still be together?Bearing the lives of so many people and becoming the public enemy of the Xuanyu Dynasty, can their love still be so firm?Chu Qingqing couldn't wait to see this scene!

"It seems that your cultivation has improved, and you are so mean and shameless." With a sneer, Ning Su looked disdainfully at Chu Qingqing, who had a distorted smile, "It's nothing more than death, Chu Qingqing, so what if you do more? Going up to the poor and falling to the underworld, Rong Peijin and I will not be separated, but you, with this level of cultivation, even if you are protected by the Holy Son in the upper realm, don't forget the crime of pregnant Bi, yours! Can the status of the holy concubine really be secured? There are many fairies in the fairyland of the upper realm, and I'm afraid they are not good characters."

"Ning Su, you really have sharp teeth, but no matter how much you talk now, you are just a clown in front of me." If it was before, Chu Qingqing might be angry, but now, Chu Qingqing smiled arrogantly, What right does Ning Su have to ridicule herself? She is too weak. What Master Shengzi said is right. People like Ning Su are all ants, and they will be crushed to death with their hands. "Catch Ning Su here. If she resists, don't I need to save my hand, as long as I save her life!"

"It's different for me to stand here, but you should kill and watch!" Ning Su said coldly, stepped forward, looked coldly at the flaunting and provocative Chu Qingqing, fighting!

Since Xiao Taotie said that she has a great opportunity, and these people in the upper realm are suppressed by the law of heaven, Ning Su will take a big gamble. She wants to see if the law of heaven will intervene. If they don't intervene, then the entire Xuanyu Dynasty will be destroyed, and Ning Su will be powerless.

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