"Are you planning to stay in my shop?" The shopkeeper lazily opened his eyes and looked at Ning Su who was sitting leisurely on the stool. He had seen thick-skinned people but never seen such thick-skinned ones.

"For the sake of my life, I will never go out." Grinning, although Ning Su couldn't see the realm of the shopkeeper in front of him, he snatched the fairy sword from Huang Shan as soon as he made a move before, and his cultivation base is absolutely high A large part of Huang Shan is out, at least it is the cultivation level of a fairy, so whether it is the guards outside, the wanted man of the Ma family, or the Huang Shan who just offended, Ning Su is determined to rely on it here.

"That's fine. If you want to stay, you can stay. Just clean the store. The kitchen is at the back. You can take care of the lunch." The shopkeeper lazily left a sentence, and lay down on the recliner leisurely. Close your eyes and rest.

Forget about cooking, is it really okay to clean up by yourself?Ning Su turned around and looked at the small shop, forget it, for the sake of her own life, Ning Su had to roll up her sleeves and find a rag and broom to start cleaning.

Outside the shop, Huang Shan and Chen Dong originally planned to take away the fairy sword in Ning Su's hand as soon as she left the shop. This fairy sword is worth five hundred spirit crystals, not to mention fifty.

Dragons and snakes are mixed here on the North Street, and the things sold are even more mixed. There are many fake ones and very few real ones. The Huang family is a family of elixir, one of the top ten families in Dingzhou Xiancheng.

There is also a reason why Huang Shan wants to buy this fairy sword. Before, a guard of the Huang family wanted to buy a fairy sword as a token of love for her sweetheart, but the fairy sword on South Street is so expensive that a guard can afford it, so the guard just bought it. to North Street.

The guards of Huang's family entered the shop by accident, and they immediately fell in love with this black fairy sword. Unfortunately, the price of the shopkeeper is [-] spirit crystals!Ordinary people can use at most thirty spirit crystals a month. Fifty spirit crystals are actually not a high price, but the spirit crystals are still used for cultivation. Buying a fairy sword with ten spirit crystals is too bad, who knows the quality of this fairy sword.

The shopkeeper didn't lower the price, so the guard left the shop in a rage, and walked around the North Street a few more times, but still couldn't find a suitable fairy sword, so he had to go back to Huang's house. Thinking of his sweetheart, the guard gritted his teeth Find the maidservant serving Huang Shan, who is also the guard's sweetheart.

Described the appearance of the fairy sword before. If the sweetheart really likes it, even if you want fifty spirit crystals, the guard will recognize it. The speaker has no intention of listening to the listener. Huang Shan was with her father, Huang Zhengkai, the head of the Huang family at that time. Hearing the guard's description, a light flashed in Huang Zhengkai's mind. It suddenly occurred to him that Zhou Yuan, the master swordsmith hundreds of years ago, suddenly retired and disappeared, and all the fairy swords that Zhou Yuan forged would leave a black dragon near the handle. symbols of.

If this sword is really Master Zhou Yuan's handwriting, not to mention fifty spirit crystals, even five hundred spirit crystals would be a huge bargain, so Huang Shan immediately took Chen Dong straight to North Street, wanting to He bought the fairy sword first, but he didn't expect the accident of Ning Su.

"Miss, I'm afraid she won't come out in a short time." Chen Dong looked at the shop, he had been standing there for a quarter of an hour, and he clearly knew that he and the miss were waiting outside, so he didn't plan to come out.

Huang Shan's face was not very good-looking, and when she thought that Ning Su dared to snatch her fairy sword, she became even angrier, but the shopkeeper's cultivation level was too high, Huang Shan was not an opponent, so she didn't dare to grab it by force.

"Stay here and stare, I'll go back." Huang Shan said coldly, and cast a gloomy glance at Ning Su, who was cleaning and tidying up the store. They can't beat them, but the Huang family is a family of elixirs, and they have raised many elders of Ke Qing, and the lowest cultivation bases are all high-ranking immortals.

In the shop, after half an hour of cleaning and tidying up, Ning Su looked at the brand new shop, and her sense of accomplishment soared.

"Shopkeeper, I'll cook in the back." Glancing at the shopkeeper who was still dozing on the recliner, Ning Su said something and went straight to the kitchen.

The fairyland in the upper realm is full of aura, so the spiritual plants planted also contain aura, and at this moment, there are a lot of ingredients piled up in the kitchen, whether it is green vegetables, or white and shiny rice, or those Ning The spirit animal meat that Su could not name made Ning Su feel very hungry. Thinking of the bitter days in the mining area, this would be a good meal.

After a while, the rich aroma of vegetables wafted out from the kitchen. The shopkeeper, who was half lying on the chair and closed his eyes, opened his eyes, sniffed his nose, and his stomach was rumbling.

"I didn't expect to find a treasure." Zhou Yuan grinned and murmured, and glanced lazily at the kitchen behind the shop. The smell was really getting better and better.

At this time, a few people on Beijie quickly rushed towards the end of the street.

"Shanshan, is this right here?" Outside the shop, a middle-aged man stood still, with two people behind him, one was Huang Shan, and the other was older than Huang Shan, with a hostile face, it was Huang Shan's second uncle Huang Tianlong, his only son.

"Second Uncle, it's here. I asked Chen Dong to guard him. He is still in the shop." Huang Shan nodded. Her second uncle's talent in medicine is not good, but his cultivation is the best in Huang's family. After reaching the high-level cultivation base of the Celestial Immortal, one step further can break through to the Golden Immortal.

Second Uncle Huang strode into the store in a powerful manner, followed by Huang Shan and Huang Tianlong. Chen Dong is a collateral relative of the Huang family, and has some status in the Huang family, but he is very shy in front of Huang Shan and Huang Tianlong. Humble, so I was the last to approach the shop.

On the reclining chair, Zhou Yuan was still lazily leaning halfway on the reclining chair, without opening his eyes to see the few people entering the door. Of course, when Ning Su first came in, the shopkeeper had the same attitude, maybe someone really came in to steal something, The shopkeeper probably spoke lazily.

"Father, this person is too arrogant, I..." Huang Tianlong frowned, and looked angrily at the shopkeeper who didn't take him and others seriously. He was full of anger, and just wanted to teach Zhou Yuan a lesson, but But he was stopped by Uncle Huang.

"Shopkeeper, my niece had a little misunderstanding here before." After raising his hand to stop his son Huang Tianlong, Uncle Huang said with a smile, and bowed to the shopkeeper with a gentle and sincere attitude, "I don't know if I bought it before. Whether the girl with the sword is still there, we are willing to pay a high price to buy that fairy sword."

"I've already sold the fairy sword, and I'm not responsible." Zhou Yuan finally opened his mouth, but his attitude was still so lazy, as if he didn't pay attention to the members of the Huang family.

Huang Shan and Huang Tianlong's expressions suddenly turned ugly, and they stared angrily at Zhou Yuan, who was calm and breezy. They just wanted to speak, but they were stopped by Uncle Huang again.

"Shopkeeper, I wonder if I can let this girl talk to me face to face." Second Uncle Huang was still smiling, and was not angry at Zhou Yuan's casual and contemptuous attitude.

"Yes." Zhou Yuan looked meaningfully at the mild-mannered Second Uncle Huang, and walked slowly towards the kitchen behind the shop.

Seeing Zhou Yuan leaving, Huang Shan stomped her feet in dissatisfaction and complained, "Second Uncle, why are you being so polite to this shopkeeper and calling out the name of our Huang family? He is a small shopkeeper who runs a shop on North Street. Let's see who dares to make trouble with our Huang family!"

"That's right, father, this shopkeeper clearly doesn't take us seriously, why are you afraid of him! You should kill his vigor and let him know who he can't offend!" Compared to Huang Shan's dissatisfaction, Huang Tianlong's temper was even worse, and he stared at Zhou Yuan who was leaving with gloomy eyes, with a violent murderous look in his eyes, if it wasn't for his father's repeated blocking, he would have taken action to teach this shopkeeper who didn't know what to do.

"That's enough. One more thing is worse than one less thing. The purpose of our trip is the fairy sword. Don't make too much trouble." Squinting his eyes, Uncle Huang's attitude is still very gentle, but there is a gloomy chill in the depths of his eyes.

Give the shopkeeper some face, that's because Uncle Huang doesn't want to do anything, but if the shopkeeper really doesn't know what to do, hmph, then he doesn't mind killing one or two people who dare to fight against the Huang family.

In the kitchen, the smell was permeating, Ning Su was busy in front of the stove, frying the spirit beast meat in the pot with a spatula, the strong smell whetted one's appetite.

"We have to wait another quarter of an hour." Looking back at Zhou Yuan who came in, Ning Su poured the cleaned vegetables into the pot and continued to stir-fry. The material, the bright color and luster will whet the appetite of people who look at it.

It is also the ingredients in my own kitchen, why even dogs don't want to eat what I cook?Zhou Yuan swept away his lazy posture, swallowed his saliva, and stared straight at the steaming pot, wishing he could pick up his chopsticks and eat to his heart's content.

"No hurry, take your time, I can wait." Zhou Yuan, who was standing in the kitchen, swallowed again, and took his eyes back from the pot with difficulty. Thinking of the Huang family outside, he frowned, Still opened the mouth and said: "The person who wanted to buy the fairy sword came over again, let you go there."

"It's really lingering." Muttering, thinking of Huang Shan and Chen Dong who were arrogant and domineering before, Ning Su frowned, quickly stir-fried a few times in the pot, took the plate and put the dishes up.

As soon as she turned around and looked back, she saw Zhou Yuan staring eagerly at the plate in her hand. Ning Su grinned, ignoring Zhou Yuan's eagerness to pounce on him, and put the dish in the cabinet neatly, "No Sneaking food, there are still two uncooked dishes, and the meal will be served in a while!"

"I'll eat a little first..."

"I'll go on strike if I steal it!"

Ning Su choked Zhou Yuan's words back, because he stole the food and couldn't eat the remaining two dishes, no matter how you think about it, it's not worth it!

Smelling the smell all over the room, it would be too much torment to stay in the kitchen, Zhou Yuan gave the culprit Ning Su a fierce look, followed her and walked towards the shop in front.

Glancing at Zhou Yuan, who was dissatisfied behind her, Ning Su felt a little more at ease. Although it is a bit unkind to use vegetables to lure the shopkeeper to be her backer, but whoever made her cultivation level low now, after a man and a woman left before, they would definitely send reinforcements. up.

This girl is shrewd enough, but this kind of small calculation does not make Zhou Yuan feel annoying. After all, he is over 100 years old. As long as Ning Su is not too much, he will never be with a little girl in her teens. Can't make it through, not to mention Ning Su's culinary skills, Zhou Yuan swallowed his saliva, he is too wise, just leave anyone alone and pick up the treasure.

Impatient with waiting, Huang Shan saw Ning Su came out, her face darkened immediately, she pointed at Ning Su angrily, "Second Uncle, she is the one who stole my fairy sword."

"Okay, Shanshan, take a step back." Uncle Huang interrupted Huang Shan with a smile, and looked at Ning Su carefully. He was really young, but his cultivation was average, even low. It was worth Uncle Huang's shot. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Zhou Yuan who was standing in the corner. The shopkeeper was a bit mysterious.

"Girl, we were the first to look at the fairy sword before, so we went straight to the fairy sword after Shanshan came, but I didn't expect that the girl would strike first, so how about we take a step back, girl, what's your price? , as long as it suits you." Second Uncle Huang's attitude was still very gentle, if he hadn't been afraid of Zhou Yuan, he might have killed people and seized immortals.

"Of course, our Huang family is a family of elixir in Dingzhou Xiancheng, and we will never let you suffer. I have a bottle of Ningbi Pill here. Swallowing one can restore [-]% of the immortal power, and I will give it to the girl. It's a meet and greet."

"Second Uncle, why bother to be polite to her!" Huang Shan complained dissatisfiedly, facing Uncle Huang's warning eyes, although she didn't dare to say anything more, her complexion was very ugly, her haughty eyes stared at Ning Su with disdain, coldly With a snort, it would be too long for a trash to dare to bargain with the Huang family.

Although Huang Tianlong didn't speak, his gloomy, menacing eyes were full of cold murderous intent, staring at Ning Su fiercely and coldly. If it wasn't for Uncle Huang being here, Huang Tianlong would never have wasted his saliva with Ning Su, and would have done it right away. .

"Sorry, I like this fairy sword very much. I fell in love with it immediately. Although Ms. Huang also fell in love with it before, she didn't buy it. This shows that she has no destiny with this fairy sword." Ning Su ignored the angry Huang Shan and Huang Tianlong, Second Uncle Huang whose indifferent and calm face changed slightly, "As for Ningbi Pill, even if I agree to exchange it, whether it's Lingjing, Ningbi Pill or my life, I'm afraid it will be hard to save, right?"

Second Uncle Huang completely changed his face at this moment. The gentle smile just disappeared, leaving only gloomy eyes. He looked at Ning Su with treacherous eyes, and his tone became cold. Are you safe?"

Uncle Huang is a little bit scrupulous about the shopkeeper. After all, the fairy sword was forged hundreds of years ago by the master swordsmith Zhou Yuan. How did it end up in such a humble shop on North Street? What is the relationship between the shopkeeper and Zhou Yuan? Trapped here by coincidence?

Second Uncle Huang didn't know the specific reason, but one more thing is worse than one less thing, so Huang Second Uncle was nice at the beginning, first got the fairy sword, but he didn't expect Ning Su to be so shrewd, but he saw through Huang Second Uncle's scheme at a glance.

Looking at Uncle Huang who changed his face, Ning Su smiled and looked at the shopkeeper who was lazy, this shopkeeper did not look like an ordinary person, "Shopkeeper, if I am injured, I will not be able to get out of bed for at least ten days and a half months, Not to mention going to the kitchen to cook, let alone dying."

"Is this still a threat?" Zhou Yuan laughed, shaking his head helplessly and looking at Ning Su who was threatening him. Touching my hungry stomach, I also cook rice. Why does this little girl cook so deliciously? Dogs don’t even want to eat what she made, so even if she is threatened, she is willing to eat it.

Ning Su smiled cheekily, anyway, she would definitely not be the opponent of the Huang family, so for the sake of her own life, she could only rely on the shopkeeper.

"Do you dare to meddle in our Huang family's affairs?" Listening to the conversation between Ning Su and Zhou Yuan, Huang Tianlong, who had been holding back his temper, finally became furious. With a young face, he yelled at Zhou Yuan At the same time, he directly pulled out the fairy sword in his hand, and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded a few swords.

However, the cabinet in the corner was directly smashed by Huang Tianlong. The cabinet was split into pieces of wood, and the things placed on it fell to the ground. It was a mess.

Holding the fairy sword in his hand, Huang Tianlong stared at Ning Su and Zhou Yuan with a hostile expression on his face, "What I just chopped was just a cabinet, but it will be a human being!"

Second Uncle Huang did not stop Huang Tianlong's atrocities at this moment, and stood aside with a cold face. Although he didn't want to cause trouble, but when something happened, the Huang family was never afraid of anyone, even a storekeeper on North Street dared to fight with him. The Huang family clamored, damn it!

Huang Shan's cultivation level is only at the middle level of human immortality, while Huang Tianlong's cultivation level is higher, having already broken through to the level of a celestial immortal. In the upper realm of the fairyland, it is more difficult to break through as the cultivation level progresses. From the time of birth to the time before, the cultivation base generally breaks through. Soon, at least they all have the cultivation base of an Earth Immortal.

Generally, before the age of 30, one must break through to the realm of human immortality. Ning Su and Lu Jiming were in the mining area before, and many people were quite old, but they had not yet broken through to the realm of human immortality, so they were basically considered waste of cultivation. Go to the mining area to mine spirit crystals.

Huang Tianlong is only in his 30s, but now he has broken through from a human to a celestial. It can be seen that his cultivation is still very good. Many people want to break through from a human to a celestial, even if they have reached the realm of a human. The poor ones may even take hundreds of years, and some people may not even be able to break through in their entire lives.

Ning Su looked at Huang Tianlong with a violent expression. In the new mining area before, Ning Su escaped from Ma Yuhang by exchanging injuries. A little bit, but just this point, but they are two completely different realms.

Ma Yuhang is a human immortal, but Huang Tianlong is a celestial immortal. With this difference, in a duel, Huang Tianlong would definitely kill Ma Yuhang instantly. That's why Ning Su used his earthly immortal cultivation to attack Ma Yuhang, which shocked everyone The eyeballs were about to fall off. Of course, what was even more shocking was that Ning Su escaped from Ma Yuhang's hands alive, and even injured Ma Yuhang.

"Hand over the fairy sword, and I'll leave you with a whole body, so that you can die more quickly, or I'll cut off your flesh with one sword after another, so that you can't live or die!" Huang Tianlong said violently. The gloomy eyes flickered with excitement.

Thinking of such a bloodthirsty scene, Huang Tianlong felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling, and he couldn't wait to slowly torture Ning Su to death.

Facing the murderous Huang Tianlong, Ning Su frowned, and looked inside the dantian, only to find that deep in the normally peaceful dantian, the golden rice grains that looked like stars were agitated.

Seeing Ning Su frowning and thinking, Huang Tianlong thought she was afraid, and even snorted disdainfully. Did she think that by handing over the fairy sword now, she could calm things down?too late!Huang Tianlong showed a bloodthirsty and sinister smile on his face. After he got the fairy sword, he asked his father to throw this lowly girl to him. Then he just tried his new method. It is said that he can torture people for three months without breaking it. die.

The riotous appearance of golden rice grains is quite familiar. Ning Su looked up at Huang Tianlong who was full of hostility, and suddenly had a guess, but he still had to try it out.

"Leaving my whole body depends on whether you have the ability." Ning Su smiled abruptly, with the corners of her mouth curled up, her eyes soft and peaceful, but this peaceful and far-reaching appearance was particularly provocative in the eyes of outsiders.

"Looking for death!" Huang Tianlong was originally full of tyranny and bloodthirsty, but now being stimulated by Ning Su, he immediately lost his human reason and turned into a ferocious and furious beast and rushed towards Ning Su.

This little girl is really incomprehensible. Zhou Yuan squinted his eyes and looked at Ning Su and Huang Tianlong who were fighting together. Ning Su's cultivation was definitely only an earth immortal, but she dared to provoke Huang Tianlong, who was a heavenly cultivation. Tianlong is either too stupid or has something to rely on. Based on his understanding of Ning Su, this cunning little girl is definitely the latter.

What Ning Su held in his hand was the black fairy sword from before. The size of the fairy sword was just right for women. Huang Tianlong's cultivation level was two levels higher than Ning Su's. His attacks were fierce and ruthless, but Huang Tianlong's attacks focused on strength , every move is full of ferocity, and they don't pay attention to fighting skills at all. If they are in the same realm, Huang Tianlong's brave attack will definitely be at a disadvantage.

But Ning Su is two small realms lower than him. In a simple competition, Ning Su will definitely be cut into a human stick by Huang Tianlong, so Ning Su avoids the serious and takes the light, using his proficient swordsmanship to avoid the edge, dexterous body skills combined with treachery. With the sword intent of Ce, Ning Su and Huang Tianlong were evenly matched for a while.

One sword was dodged, and the second one was still dodged. Huang Tianlong made more than ten swords in succession, but Ning Su dodged each time without any risk.

Originally thought that dealing with Ning Su was easy, but he never thought that Ning Su would be slippery. This made Huang Tianlong even more furious, his bloodthirsty eyes distorted his entire face ferociously, and he sneered sinisterly, "Keep hiding, I will Let's see how long you can hide!"

Suddenly, Huang Tianlong unleashed the coercion of a celestial being. Seeing Ning Su's movements obviously slowed down, Huang Tianlong's eyes were bloodthirsty, and the fairy sword in his hand stabbed viciously at Ning Su's dantian.

The coercion of the celestial beings swept across the sky, Ning Su felt like he had fallen into a mud pit, not to mention fighting, even breathing was difficult, his hands and legs seemed to be dropped by something heavy, mobilizing his dantian It was only with all the celestial power in the body that he barely raised the fairy sword in his hand to block Huang Tianlong's blow, but this block had exhausted all of Ning Su's strength.

Panting heavily, his face was pale, Ning Su lost his strength, and the black fairy sword in his hand fell to the ground with a slap, it seemed that he had reached the extreme, thinking about it, an earth immortal fights a celestial immortal, there is a difference of two big realms, Ning Su was considered tough even if she was instantly killed without a single face-to-face encounter.

Seeing such a one-sided situation, Huang Shan raised her head proudly, only waiting for Huang Tianlong to give Ning Su a hard lesson, and Uncle Huang was also stroking his beard in satisfaction. Although this son has a violent temper, But the cultivation base is still very good. He broke through to the immortal cultivation base in his 30s. Although he is not considered a genius, he is still considered excellent.

Zhou Yuan, who had been standing by the side lazily watching the show, also stood up straight at this moment. Once Huang Tianlong attacked Ning Su, Zhou Yuan would naturally rescue him. After all, the dishes in the kitchen were still waiting for Ning Su to cook.

Just after Huang Tianlong shot down Ning Su's fairy sword, his second sword stabbed towards Ning Su's lower abdomen again, clearly intending to destroy Ning Su's dantian and her cultivation.

Looking coldly at Huang Tianlong who was full of murderous intent, Ning Su, who had lost his fairy sword, directly blocked it, but his seemingly slender wrist held straight the fairy sword that Huang Tianlong stabbed at.


Everyone was taken aback by Ning Su's crazy move, and they grabbed the fairy sword with their hands. Ning Su didn't want her right hand anymore. Huang Tianlong's face was grim, his heart was beating wildly, and he wanted to chop off this bitch. The human hand was broken, and when he thought of the scene of blood flying all over the place, and Ning Su's screams of pain because his hand was cut off, Huang Tiantian could only feel the blood in his whole body boil. Without the output of Xianyuanli, Ning Su's hand holding the sword must be cut off with one sword.

Su Bai's hand was as tender as jade fat. The moment Ning Su raised his hand to grab Huang Tianlong's Immortal Sword, a huge impact came straight to his fingertips. Not to mention the right hand of flesh and blood, even an iron hand They couldn't resist Huang Tianlong's bloodthirsty and ferocious blow.

But in an instant, Ning Su's right hand was suddenly shrouded in a golden light, as if wearing a golden glove, and the sharp fairy sword also met its nemesis. A beast locked in a cage has no lethal power.

"This is impossible!" The expected bloody scene did not appear, Huang Tianlong cried out in shock, looking at the fairy sword held by Ning Su, he yanked it angrily, trying to pull the fairy sword back.

It's a pity that Ning Su's right hand seems to have a strong suction force. No matter how hard Huang Tianlong exerts, the fairy sword does not move at all, and as Huang Tianlong continues to release the immortal energy, the golden light of Ning Su's right hand gradually fades away. Following the fairy sword, it rushed towards Huang Tianlong's wrist.

Seeing this change, Second Uncle Huang completely changed his face. From the time he entered the door until now, he has maintained a superior posture, seemingly gentle and polite, but that kind of gentleness is not a kind of disdain for ants by superiors, but Second Uncle Huang did not expect to be proud of himself His son was actually defeated by a little girl who was cultivated as an Earth Immortal.

"Fighting skills of the younger generation, are you ashamed to take action at your age?" At the moment when Second Uncle Huang suddenly wanted to attack and kill Ning Su, Zhou Yuan's figure flashed and directly blocked Huang Tianlong. No one could see when he moved Yes, before the blink of an eye, Zhou Yuan was still standing lazily watching the fun, but he was in front of Second Uncle Huang in an instant, and even Second Uncle Huang, who was about to break through to the Golden Immortal cultivation base, didn't notice.

"Who the hell are you?" Second Uncle Huang said slowly, looking at Zhou Yuan with a wary look, and he was able to move in front of him without a sound. This shopkeeper's cultivation level is definitely higher than his own, so it must be Jin Xian's cultivation level?Thinking of this, Second Uncle Huang's face suddenly became gloomy and ugly.

A Golden Immortal is one of the best figures in Dingzhou Immortal City. Even if Uncle Huang is very talented in cultivation, he might not be able to break through from a Heavenly Immortal to a Golden Immortal within a hundred years. It has been impossible to break through a big realm for hundreds of years.

The lowest cultivation base of the elders of the Huang family is also the high-level cultivation of the heavenly immortals, but their age is reaching the limit. Once the thousand-year lifespan is reached, they will die at that time. They are willing to become guest ministers, only wanting to live in peace for hundreds of years.

For comparison, the shopkeeper in front of me is definitely not more than two hundred years old, but he is already a Golden Immortal. When Uncle Huang thinks of this, he is jealous and afraid. Uncle Huang is now over four hundred years old and has not broken through to the Golden Immortal. Even if one can become a Golden Immortal at the age of 500, only [-] years of life are left.

In 500 years, Uncle Huang didn't think he could break through from the Golden Immortal to the cultivation base of Immortal Emperor, so the future fate of Uncle Huang was already very clear, at most he could reach the middle level of the Golden Immortal. He is already a Golden Immortal, and in a few hundred years, he may break through to the Immortal Emperor's cultivation. Then he will be an indisputable powerhouse in the Immortal Realm of the Upper Realm, and can become the master of an immortal city.

Rumor has it that only by becoming an Immortal Emperor can one know the secrets of a higher level. The lifespan of an Immortal Emperor is only 3 years, so what about after 3 years?What is the realm above the Immortal Emperor, other people don't know, and only the powerhouses of the Immortal Emperor level know in the Immortal Realm of the Upper Realm.

"Little girl, it's almost done, let's cook." After confirming that Second Uncle Huang didn't dare to do it again, the shopkeeper turned his head to look at Ning Su, this girl was a little weird.

Ning Su looked at the fairy sword that was caught in her hand, and as she let go, the golden rice grains did not return to the dantian, but jumped into Huang Tianlong's body with a whimper.

this?Ning Su was dumbfounded, staring dumbfounded at the disappearing golden rice grains, the corners of her eyes twitched, but she regained her composure in an instant, hiding her shocked expression, nodded to Zhou Yuan, then looked at Huang Tianlong, only to find that He withdrew the fairy sword with a face full of rage, but he didn't realize that there was something extra in his body.

What is the cause of this golden rice grain?Ning Su stared in frustration, and watched Huang Tianlong return to Second Uncle Huang with a gloomy expression. Even though he was furious, Huang Tianlong did not dare to make a move at this moment. It was not because he was afraid of Ning Su, but because he was afraid of Zhou Yuan who was crushing Second Uncle Huang. .

Uncle Huang and the other three came aggressively, but in the end they left in despair with their tails between their legs, never daring to ask Ning Su for the fairy sword again.

The shop became quiet again, Ning Su looked at the golden rice grains that disappeared with Huang Tianlong, and rolled her eyes speechlessly, she didn't know what to say anymore.

"What are you doing in a daze, go to the kitchen." Zhou Yuan touched his hungry stomach, and slapped Ning Su's shoulder. It seemed a random slap, but Ning Su only felt a force coming from him. Sweeping from the back, a silent force enveloped Ning Su, directly pushing Ning Su to the kitchen.

Half an hour later, three dishes and one soup were served on the table. Ning Su and Zhou Yuan didn't speak, and they ate like crazy. Ning Su was a little absent-minded, still thinking about the golden rice grains that disappeared with Huang Tianlong. Yuan is the reincarnation of a starved ghost, lest the food will be gone if he eats too late.

Satisfied with wine and food, Zhou Yuan slumped on the chair, touched his bulging stomach, and was satisfied, "There is an empty room on the right, you can live there, three meals a day, plus cleaning the shop, and the rest of the time You rule it yourself."

"I only cook and don't wash the dishes." Ning Su looked at the three dishes in front of her. They were too clean, as if someone had licked the dishes after eating the dishes. Although the dishes looked clean, Ning Su She was always afraid of washing dishes, so she pushed this matter back.

"Okay, I'll wash the pots and bowls." Zhou Yuan is straightforward, isn't it just washing the dishes, as long as he can eat such delicious three meals a day, let alone washing the dishes, even if Zhou Yuan kills people and sets fire to him, he will admit it .

Back to the empty wing room, the room is not big, but less than twenty square meters, it is very simple, there is a bed by the window, and then a set of wooden cabinets, a table and two chairs, it looks very simple, rather Su doesn't care too much, what she cares about at the moment is the golden rice grains that run away from home!

"Could it be that Huang Tianlong's violent temper is due to the violent power in his body?" Ning Su muttered to himself. When Huang Tianlong made a move, the golden rice grains rioted. It was the same as when he was in the mining area. As soon as the golden rice grains discover the black violent power in the spirit crystal, they will riot.

Ning Su remembered that the manager of the mining area at that time said that if the spiritual crystal that had not been purified of violent power was absorbed, the black violent power contained in it would enter the human body, and as the violent power increased, people would also become manic and restless Huang Tianlong's state seems to be affected by the force of violence, and thinking of the golden rice grains that ran away from home, Ning Su is even more sure that the golden rice grains are aimed at Huang Tianlong's body Going with violent power.

It's just that Ning Su can be sure of his guess, but the golden rice grains did not come back, and Ning Su's heart could not calm down. Time passed bit by bit, Ning Su was meditating cross-legged, and the sky gradually darkened. After Yuan made dinner, Ning Su went back to the house to practice again, but the golden rice grains never came back.

In the dark room, Ning Su sat cross-legged on the bed. Suddenly, a familiar feeling swept over her. Ning Su suddenly opened her eyes and looked towards the window. In the dark night, a long golden thread moved as fast as a small snake. Swimming over, the movement was extremely fast, as if a golden light flashed in the night sky, and the golden rice grains returned to Ning Su's dantian in an instant.

"Finally back." With a long breath of relief, Ning Su quickly looked inside his dantian, the golden rice grains really calmed down, scattered in the dantian, shimmering with golden brilliance, dazzling and bright like stars in the nine heavens .

"This is?" Ning Su's downhearted heart rose again, the golden rice grains had returned, but what was that extra cloud-like thing in his dantian?

Ning Su looked at the cloud and mist group in the dantian that was led by the golden rice grain gang in surprise, just tried to touch it with the power of immortality, and with a click, the cloud and mist group seemed to be activated, and the continuous flow of immortality power was released instantly.

"Oh my god! Is this compressed immortal energy?" Ning Su couldn't care less about being shocked. The huge immortal energy burst in the dantian, and the powerful energy ran around. Ning Su didn't dare to be careless at all, otherwise one If the dantian is accidentally destroyed or the meridian is burst, Ning Su will have nowhere to cry, so she can only quickly use her mind to absorb the powerful and majestic immortal power in the dantian.

In the dark night, Zhou Yuan, who was already asleep, woke up suddenly and opened his eyes the moment the golden rice grains came back, but after careful inspection, he found nothing wrong. Zhou Yuan didn't bother to get up to check, and found that everything was fine. After that, I closed my eyes again and fell asleep.

Ning Su didn't expect that it would take her ten days to meditate. After ten days, she finally refined the majestic immortal power in her dantian, and Ning Su's cultivation was directly transformed from that of an earth immortal. After soaring to the middle rank of Immortal, if he were to fight Ma Yuhang again at this time, Ning Su would not have to trade his injuries for injuries at all. At this time, even if Ma Yuhang was a high-level Earth Immortal, he would definitely not be Ning Su's opponent.

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