In the sky above Xianlan City, at this moment, Lan Tianyu and Lu Qingyan stood side by side in the void, not far away the waves of Xianyuan force caused huge waves, but they saw that dark force was like tumbling magma, like To devour everything in the world, the whole world will be shrouded by this huge destructive power. If there is a little carelessness, the fairyland of the upper realm will be reduced to dust.

"The lunatic Ba Yuan has already activated the nine-turn reincarnation formation!" Lu Qingyan said with a gloomy face that dripped water. He thought there was still room for change, but he never thought that the lunatic Ba Yuan had already activated the large formation. Judging by the situation, I'm afraid that there are already countless casualties in the Central Immortal City.

Every time a person dies, the immortal energy in the dantian will collapse, and finally return to this side of the world, but because in the nine-turn reincarnation formation, the collapsed immortal energy will be absorbed into the formation. Among them, it provides power to the nine-turn reincarnation formation.

"Master, what's going on here?" Seeing the huge power of the rolling black cloud, Tao Jing and the others who rushed over were shocked back and forth, looking at the terrifying black power in the distance with horrified eyes. It is far away, but everyone can feel the horror of this force, which has signs of destroying everything.

"Emperor Ba Yuan has gone crazy. He used the central fairy city as the eye of the formation to activate the nine-turn reincarnation formation. If it can't be stopped, the entire upper realm of the fairyland will be reduced to nothingness." Lu Qingyan said in a deep voice, feeling more and more uneasy , looking deeply at the direction of the central fairy city in the distance, what exactly is Ba Yuan planning to do.


There were loud explosions in the distance, and the black power was tumbling crazily. Wherever it went, it was shrouded in black mist, and it instantly turned into powder. When everyone's faces were heavy, a figure emerged from the darkness, It is Immortal Emperor Ba Yuan.

"Are you crazy? Even if you really become the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth, there will be no one else in this fairyland, Ba Yuan, what's the point of being the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth?" Lu Qingyan shouted loudly, staring at the crazy Ba Yuan Emperor with heavy and vigilant eyes , This lunatic, what exactly does he want to do!

The resounding laughter resounded through the heavens and the earth like a giant drum, Ba Yuandi looked extraordinarily arrogant, staring at the indifferent Lan Tianyu with treacherous and gloomy eyes, his expression was extremely crazy, "If you can't become the supreme of heaven and earth, then How about letting the hundreds of billions of souls in the Immortal Realm be buried with them?"

Tao Jing, Gu Fengbai and the others looked at the Emperor Ba Yuan in shock. Because of this, he would destroy the entire upper realm fairyland. There are countless small worlds like the Xuanyu Dynasty under the fairyland. If the domain is destroyed, the small world below will definitely be involved. This world may suffer huge disasters, causing countless casualties.

The black storm set off by the Nine-Revolving Reincarnation Formation continued to rage, and the heavens and the earth trembled under this terrifying power. Wherever they went, every inch was reduced to nothingness, bringing about a terrifying and tragic scene of destroying the heavens and the earth.

Gu Fengbai and the others looked more and more serious, but they were completely helpless in the face of Emperor Ba Yuan, who was so powerful and terrifying. An immortal emperor went crazy recklessly, even if Lan Tianyu took action personally, it would be useless .

"How are you doing?" Lan Tianyu, who always had an indifferent expression, said, his eyes were calm and indifferent, as if this fairyland that was about to be destroyed had nothing to do with him at all.

After glancing at the indifferent Lan Tianyu, and then at the angry Lu Qingyan, Emperor Ba Yuan laughed loudly, "What am I going to do? You should know."

"That's enough, you lunatic!" Angrily scolding Ba Yuan Emperor, Lu Qingyan knew that neither he nor Lan Tianyu could allow Ba Yuan Emperor to destroy the upper realm, so he could only suppress his anger, "Tianyu and I both Give up this opportunity, after Ning Su and the others come out of the Abyss of the Star Sea, all the fragments of the law will belong to you!"

Ba Yuandi's reckless madness, isn't the purpose of breaking through to the fragments of the law, even if he is not reconciled, Lu Qingyan can only choose to back down. They are immortal emperors, but they are not heartless and ruthless cold-blooded beasts. To a certain extent, they will never be able to compare with Emperor Ba Yuan.

Hearing this, Tao Jing's face was filled with anger. Although the Central Immortal City has always occupied the head of the Four Immortal Cities, everyone in Xianlan City knows that among the Four Immortal Emperors, the one with the highest cultivation is definitely Lan Tianyu , the person who has the best chance to break through and become the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth, and become the master of this side of Heaven and Earth is also Lan Tianyu.

But Emperor Ba Yuan used such unscrupulous means to force Lan Tianyu and Lu Qingyan to give up the opportunity to break through and become the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth for his own selfishness. Once Emperor Ba Yuan breaks through and becomes Supreme Supreme of Heaven and Earth, no one knows what he will do, but for the sake of the entire fairyland, Lu Qingyan and Lan Tianyu had no choice but to back down.

"It's shameless to the extreme!" Xiao Taotie let out angrily. To become the Supreme of Heaven and Earth originally depends on everyone's chance, and from the inheritance memory, I know that in order to become the Supreme, one must have a great chance, such as Emperor Ba Yuan. Crazy, at the cost of trillions of living beings in the entire fairyland, wanting to become the supreme being of heaven and earth is simply daydreaming!Did Emperor Ba Yuan think that Tiandao is a vegetarian?

Gu Fengbai and the others were also very angry, but at this moment there was no room for them to speak. They could only stare angrily at the Ba Yuan Emperor in front of the huge black wave, his hands clenched tightly into fists. , I'm afraid it's the beginning of the catastrophe.

"Ba Yuan, Tianyu and I have given up, you can withdraw from the Nine-Turn Samsara Formation!" Unable to bear the sight of more people dying in the Nine-Turn Samsara Formation, Lu Qingyan spoke loudly, with a cold light shining deep in his eyes, if Ba Yuan couldn't break through the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth this time, so he must have killed this lunatic at all costs!

"Lan Tianyu, you should know what I'm going to do?" Ignoring Lu Qingyan at all, Emperor Ba Yuan sneered. From the beginning to the end, he had only one opponent, and that was Lan Tianyu.

"Where is the gate of life?" The cold voice sounded word by word. Compared with Lu Qingyan, Lan Tianyu really understands the lunatic Ba Yuandi better. What he wants is not to give up, but his own death. Only in this way , Ba Yuan can truly rest assured.

"Haha!" There was another burst of insolent laughter, and the figure of Emperor Bayuan soared tens of feet, and the power of a black star set off his whole body, making him look extremely arrogant and ferocious, "Lan Tianyu, You really know me best, the gate of life is at the end of Quhe."

"What?" Lu Qingyan's face suddenly changed, and his anger soared to the point where he couldn't suppress it. He stared at Emperor Ba Yuan with stern eyes, "You madman, Ba Yuan, you are simply crazy!"

"Haha, so what if I'm crazy?" Laughing crazily, Emperor Ba Yuan pointed to the black power crazily surging behind him, "Nine-turn reincarnation array has been activated, if you want to stop, you have to go to the gate of life, how do you decide?" , just look at what Lantian gave you!"

Compared with Emperor Ba Yuan's arrogance and Lu Qingyan's unstoppable anger, Lan Tianyu's expression was as calm as ever, and he was not affected at all, which made Emperor Ba Yuan somewhat dissatisfied.

"Where is the end of the Qu River?" Tao Jing asked puzzledly. He knew about the Upper Realm, even some secret places and forbidden places, but it was the first time Tao Jing heard of it at the end of the Qu River. Moreover, seeing Lu Qingyan's face suddenly changed, Tao Jing understood that this place might be extremely dangerous.

"Time is running out, Lan Tianyu, it's up to you to make a decision." Emperor Ba Yuan grew up and laughed, his figure hid back in the black power, and his voice came out from afar, "I can only temporarily Control the nine-turn reincarnation array, once the power gathered by the eyes of the array exceeds my control, this fairyland will instantly be reduced to dust, and everything will return to nothingness, Lan Tianyu, you should hurry up."

Lu Qingyan opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. Looking at Lan Tianyu who looked indifferent, his heart sank, and he said firmly: "Since Ba Yuan has gone crazy, I will go to the end of this river for you! I want to see Ba ​​Yuan Can Yuan Neng break through and become the Supreme of Heaven and Earth!"

"City Master Lu, where is the end of the Quhe River?" Tao Jing asked again, since Emperor Ba Yuan was already so crazy, I'm afraid only the master can go to the end of the Quhe River. Lazy, with an extremely dignified expression.

"It's no wonder you don't know at the end of the Quhe River, unless you reach the cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor, you can only know, but now you can't care about so much." Lu Qingyan sighed, and didn't break through to the cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor, so there are many things that these golden immortals naturally don't know Well, it's not that the immortal emperors hide their secrets, but that if they don't have enough cultivation, knowing too much will affect their Taoism, which is harmful rather than beneficial.

Legend has it that in ancient times, Quhe was the tomb of the gods. After the ancient war, the gods died one after another. The later tombs of the gods also gradually disappeared in the torrent of time.

But until now, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have passed. Although the gods perish in Quhe, after their death, there is resentment that has not been resolved. This resentment has been gathered at the end of Quhe, **** every night If you don't die, the end of the Quhe River will become a forbidden place, with murderous aura raging, you will kill gods when you meet gods, and you will kill Buddhas when you meet Buddhas!

All the gods in the ancient times were buried here, not to mention that no matter how high their cultivation level was, these people would only become the supreme beings of heaven and earth. At the end of the Qu River, they would only die. At the end of the river, it is clear that Lan Tianyu is going to die.

Lan Tianyu is the only one who can compete with Emperor Bayuan for the opportunity to become the Supreme of Heaven and Earth. Lu Qingyan originally thought that Emperor Bayuan had coerced Rong Peijin to capture the law fragments for him. Who would have thought that Emperor Bayuan would be so crazy and unscrupulous, Despicable and shameless, he did not hesitate to use the entire fairyland as a price to force Lan Tianyu to go to the end of the Quhe River to open the door of life, and killed Lan Tianyu completely. Ba Yuandi was really relieved, and no one would compete with him to break through and become the supreme being of heaven and earth opportunity.

"It's useless for you to go." Seeing Lu Qingyan's plan, Lan Tianyu's deep voice was extraordinarily cold, and he glanced at the still dangerous nine-turn reincarnation formation in the distance with his deep eyes, "The door of life will be opened at the end of the Quhe River. , only I can prove the truth with my own body, you take them back to Xianlan City, remember, unless the supreme being of heaven and earth appears, don't confront Ba Yuan head-on."

Prove it by yourself!The four of them hit each of them like four hammers, to prove the Tao with their own body, that is the death of the body and the disappearance of the Tao. This is the real purpose of Emperor Ba Yuan, and it is also his last resort, forcing Lan Tianyu to death. Among the remaining three immortal emperors, only Ba Yuan has the best chance to break through and become the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth.

"Master!" Tao Jing's voice choked up, anger, pain, and reluctance intertwined, and he wanted to say something, but looking at Lan Tianyu's cold face, everything turned into a cry of pity, and Tao Jing thumped He knelt down on one knee, lowered his head, hiding his red eyes.

Mu Xiuran then knelt down on one knee, following Lan Tianyu for hundreds of years, Mu Ranxiu and Tao Jing both understood Lan Tianyu, since the master had already planned to go to the end of the Qu River to open the door of life, naturally he was ready to prove himself It's useless to talk more about Tao's plan, the only thing they can do is to suppress their grief, and seek revenge from Emperor Ba Yuan in the future.

Lu Qingyan opened his mouth, but he didn't speak again after all, "Okay, I'll take them back to Xianlan City, take care!"

With the sleeves rolled up, Tao Jing, Mu Xiuran, Gu Fengbai, Qin Xiu and others were all involved in the sleeves by Lu Qingyan, and Lu Qingyan retreated back to Xianlan City with a whimper. Now Xianlan The city has recognized him as the master, and Lu Qingyan directly drives Xianlan City towards the direction of Dingzhou Xiancheng. Emperor Bayuan has gone crazy, and the only thing Lu Qingyan can do is to protect Dingzhou Xiancheng and the people in Xianlan City.

There was dead silence all around, Lan Tianyu looked at Xianlan City that had already flown away, and turned his eyes to the nine-turn reincarnation formation in the distance. Finally, his cold face raised his head to look at the sky. There are complex colors in it, and it finally returns to calm, and Lan Tianyu's figure also disappears in this piece of world.

Three days later, the situation changed, the world was merciful, and an indescribable sense of oppression gathered in everyone's heart, which was heavy and unbearable.

Standing at the highest point of Xianlan City, looking at the black power gradually dissipating in the distance, Lu Qingyan looked cold. The Immortal Emperor died, the world changed color, and all things mourned. Tianyu should have opened the door of life at the end of the Qu River.

"Master has left." Standing next to Lu Qingyan, Tao Jing said blankly, his heart seemed to be empty, and the pain was so extreme that he couldn't feel the pain anymore. That powerful man he had followed for hundreds of years, just After disappearing like this, in order to open the life door of the Nine-Revolving Reincarnation Formation, he proved himself at the end of the Quhe River, and finally died. It turns out that the Immortal Emperor will die too.

Not to mention Tao Jing and Mu Xiuran who have the deepest relationship with Lan Tianyu, even Gu Fengbai and the others all looked sad. Emperor Ba Yuan is simply a lunatic who cannot be deduced by common sense. With the nine-turn reincarnation formation, it is said that one-third of the Central Immortal City has been turned into a black hole of nothingness. There are countless casualties and sorrows. If it is not for the successful opening of the gate of life, the entire Central Immortal City will be destroyed within ten days. For the powder.

In less than a month, the entire upper-level fairyland will perish in the nine-turn reincarnation formation, turning into nothingness. Emperor Ba Yuan is really crazy, but he is also sure that Lan Tianyu can't stand by, so he would be so crazy.

"My lord, it's not good!" Just as everyone was mourning because of Lan Tianyu's demise, suddenly, an urgent voice came out in horror, "Central Immortal City and Quexian City's troops are pressing down on the border, and we are all surrounded!"

Lu Qingyan's expression was furious, his whole body's aura instantly rose, and his body flew out, but he saw that there were really big soldiers outside the city, and the leaders in the midair were Emperor Ba Yuan and City Lord Quxian.

"It seems that once Tianyu dies, you can't wait!" Laughing mockingly, Lu Qingyan looked at Emperor Bayuan and City Lord Quxian with disdain, and said coldly: "But if you want to attack my Dingzhou Immortal City, it depends on your ability." No such ability!"

"Lu Qingyan, why do you deceive yourself, Lan Tianyu has already died at the end of the Quhe River, not to mention that you are no match for Master Ba Yuan, plus me, how long do you think you can last?" City Lord Que Xian laughed He looked extremely proud and self-satisfied, and it was really right to follow Lord Bayuan Immortal Emperor, otherwise the person being besieged today would probably be his own Bird Fairy City.

Now that Lan Tianyi passed away by proving the Dao, Lu Qingyan can't support it alone. When Lord Bayuan Immortal Emperor breaks through to become the supreme being of heaven and earth in the future, he will definitely benefit a lot and become the second master of this fairyland.

"Calm down, you are not their opponent." Lu Qingyan stopped the angry Tao Jing. Although he didn't want to see the arrogant and proud old face of Quexian City Lord, Lu Qingyan had to admit that he was indeed not their opponent. Lu Qingyan couldn't deal with it, and it was indeed very difficult to deal with the city master of Quexian who was also an immortal emperor.

"Ba Yuan, you have gained the upper hand now, neither I nor the people in Xianlan City should be afraid, how about giving me three days to think about it?" As soon as the voice changed, Lu Qingyan asked loudly, Lan Tianyu's death, he Why not be angry or hate these people in front of him, but Tianyu handed Xianlan City into his hands, no matter what, he must keep these people.

The Lord of Quexian City frowned, and looked at Lu Qingyan suspiciously, "Are you trying to use some trick?"

He knew Lu Qingyan's temperament. For so many years, he had ridiculed himself openly and secretly, and suddenly agreed to take three days to think about it.

Laughing loudly, standing on the tower, Lu Qingyan glanced disdainfully at the suspicious City Lord Que Xian, and finally looked at the silent Emperor Ba Yuan, and laughed loudly: "Ba Yuan, you are now our third brother." The strongest among people, are you also afraid of my means?"

"And I'll give you three days! After three days, if you don't surrender, you'll slaughter the city!" A loud and cold-blooded voice sounded. After Lan Tianyu's death, Emperor Ba Yuan didn't worry about what Lu Qingyan could do. , all conspiracies and tricks are vulnerable.

Although the Lord of Quexian wanted to slaughter Dingzhou Xiancheng and Xianlan City immediately, so as to confirm his second position, he did not dare to disobey Emperor Bayuan at all, so he could only suppress his dissatisfaction and secretly decided to send someone to monitor closely Lu Qingyan's every move prevents him from any conspiracy.

The shadow of death hangs over Dingzhou Xiancheng, but there is no one in Xianlan City who is greedy for life and afraid of death. After knowing that Lan Tianyu died at the end of the Quhe River in order to open the life gate of the nine-turn reincarnation formation. After that, everyone in Xianlan City was ready to die. Even if they died, they would bite off a piece of the enemy's flesh.

Main City Mansion.

Lu Qingyan sat in the top position. Except for Tao Jing and the others, the rest of the people present were all loyal subordinates of Lu Qingyan in the fairy city of Dingzhou. "With our strength, we will definitely die if we head-on."

Lu Qingyan himself is not the opponent of Emperor Bayuan. Once the battle starts, Emperor Bayuan can stop Lu Qingyan. Although the master of Quexian City is the lowest among the four immortal emperors, he is still an immortal emperor. Whether it is Xianlan City or No one in Dingzhou Xiancheng could resist it.

"Indifferent sacrifices are completely unnecessary." Tan Xiu said calmly, looked at the heavy-faced people and continued: "Xianlan City can move, and the speed is extremely fast, as long as we avoid the ancient city, even Emperor Ba Yuan There is nothing we can do about it.”

This ancient city is unusually weird. At first, even the gods of the emperor could not enter. It was indeed the best place to avoid disasters. However, Qin Xiu himself did not know how long he would have to escape. No one can suppress Emperor Ba Yuan anymore, and the days to come can be imagined, but it is useless to think so much at this time, one step at a time counts one step at a time.

"Indeed, and Emperor Ba Yuan wants to break through and become the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth, so there is no need for him to slaughter in the fairy city of Dingzhou." Tao Jing finally calmed down, and continued: "We will keep most of the people, and the rest Escape to the ancient city."

In fact, Emperor Ba Yuan and City Lord Quexian really wanted to arrest only the immortal emperor Lu Qingyan, and then Tao Jing and Mu Xiuran, the two loyal subordinates of Lan Tianyu. Of course, in order to blackmail Ning Su and Rong Peijin, Gu Feng Bai and Qin Xiu are also not safe. In the eyes of Emperor Ba Yuan, the rest of them will be his subjects in the future. As long as they are patient for a while, their lives are still safe for the time being.

"That's it, Zifeng. Once we leave, you will lead everyone to surrender. No matter what grievances you have, bear with me, and we will discuss it later." Lu Qingyan nodded. Sad, but also clear-headed.

And the less people leave, the scale of Xianlan City can be reduced, so the speed will increase a lot, but Lu Qingyan still has anxiety piled up in his heart, the existence of the ancient city, Emperor Ba Yuan and City Lord Quxian know, so this line of business is afraid Not easy, but so what?

Lu Qingyan smiled brightly, but he was also ready to die. No matter how strong the Bayuan is, he is only an immortal emperor at this moment. After risking his life, Lu Qingyan is confident that the rest of the people will be sent to the ancient city safely, but Lu Qingyan doesn't know what will happen in the future, so he can only take one step at a time.

Now that a decision has been made, everyone does not plan to wait any longer. That night, Lu Qingyan took control of Xianlan City. Tao Jing, Mu Xiuran, Gu Fengbai and others all entered the city. Lu Qingyan urged Xianlan City to leave quickly .

"Haha, Lu Qingyan, let me see where you are going!" The lord of Quexian City had been staring at Dingzhou Immortal City and Lu Qingyan. Tens of thousands of black and gold-plated power turned into giant fists and smashed towards Xianlan City.

"I'm just running, can you stop me?" Seeing the attack of the city lord Quexian, Lu Qingyan smiled lightly, quickly formed seals with both hands, and pulled out a barrier in mid-air, and then moved Xianlan City firmly shrouded down.

The underestimated City Lord Quexian's face turned gloomy, and he swung his fist again. The power of the stars was like a roaring beast, but this time he rushed towards Lu Qingyan with a roar.

"Overestimating one's strength!" With a taunting smile, Lu Qingyan violently tore through the void with both hands, and the power of the two stars was like black lightning, directly tearing apart the giant fist of City Lord Quxian.

One blow was another failure. Even if City Lord Quexian didn't want to admit it, he had to understand that he was not Lu Qingyan's opponent. Fortunately, when he realized that Lu Qingyan was going to escape, he had already notified Lord Bayuan Immortal Emperor, and now he just had to delay Time, just don't let Lu Qingyan and the remnants of Xianlan City escape.

Thoughts flashed in my mind, the city lord of Quexian no longer took the initiative to attack, but stood in the air, pointing his hands together, and the power of stars shot towards Xianlan City like thousands of arrows, each arrow contained The extremely strong power of the stars is enough to penetrate the heaven and the earth.

Frowning, Lu Qingyan had no choice but to intercept the powerful arrows, and this was extremely time-consuming, and it was impossible to leave quickly.

In Xianlan City, seeing Lu Qingyan being entangled by the city lord Quexian, Tao Jing looked cold and walked out first, "I'll help, you stay here."

"Come on, you're a golden fairy and you'll be killed within minutes, so let's go." The little Taotie snorted, but stopped Tao Jing, and faced the immortal emperor, even the one with the worst cultivation. , Tao Jing is not an opponent at all, one move is enough to be killed, and Xiao Taotie, as an ancient beast, can delay City Lord Quxian to buy time.

Seeing that the always rambunctious little Taotie took the initiative to attack this time, Qingzhuo smiled, and dressed in green clothes leisurely, "You stay and protect them, I will go."

A dragon's chant resounded through the heaven and earth, Qingzhuo turned into a dragon body, and the huge body shuttled in mid-air, flicking the dragon's tail, and blocked the thousands of arrows shooting towards Xianlan City one by one.

"Okay!" With Qingzhuo's help, Lu Qingyan finally had time to urge Xianlan City to leave.

"Damn it!" Although he has the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor, the lord of Quexian City was not Lu Qingyan's opponent in the first place. Now there will be more help from Qingzhuo, the divine beast Qinglong. The attack, trying to stop Xianlan City by all means.

"Lu Qingyan, you have disappointed me so much!" Just as the situation was getting more and more in favor of Lu Qingyan and Qingzhuo, a loud voice seemed to come from the sky.

"Not good!" Lu Qingyan's face turned serious, and he frantically urged the immortal power in his dantian, "Qingzhuo, you leave immediately!"


It's too late, so fast!Lu Qingyan was fast, but Emperor Bayuan was even faster. A huge palm tore through the void and slapped Qingzhuo's huge dragon body fiercely. If he was hit, even if Qingzhuo was an ancient divine beast, his cultivation Because he didn't fully recover, Qing Zhuo was sure to die under Emperor Ba Yuan's blow!

Five beams of light burst out from Lu Qingyan's body, he couldn't care less now, his figure soared up, bang bang bang!The five rays of light turned into sharp swords and looked at the huge palm.

The Lord of Quexian City saw the opportunity and smiled sullenly.Then he used all his strength, his dantian surged crazily, raised his cultivation to the peak moment, and then killed Lu Qingyan.

"Let's go! Take them away!" Lu Qingyan sternly shouted, looking at the Bayuan Emperor who came through the void, and at the city lord Quexian who had found the right opportunity to attack and kill him, he yelled at Qingzhuo and quickly sent him out After leaving the battle circle, Lu Qingyan crazily burned his soul, and his cultivation level followed closely.

"If you want to die, die together!" Zhang Kuang smiled, under the burning spirit, his cultivation level soared rapidly, Lu Qingyan stood in mid-air like a mountain, and behind him, the Xianlan City he controlled quickly moved away, heading straight for the direction of the ancient city .

Emperor Ba Yuan frowned, looked coldly at Lu Qingyan who was already insane, and smiled coldly, "Even if you do this, how long can you last?" After the soul was burned, even if Lu Qingyan survived by chance, his cultivation base would drop directly, or even stay behind. With an indelible dark wound, he will never be able to break through to the cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor throughout his life, let alone want to become the supreme being of heaven and earth.

"How long does it last? Tianyu died for the sake of the Immortal Realm to prove the Dao, so why not have me one more? But today, with me, Lu Qingyan, no one can't take a step forward!" Junyi's face was full of death Feeling cold, Lu Qingyan slowly pulled out the fairy sword from the storage ring, stroked the sword gently, and then pointed the sword at the strong enemy, "Let me have a good kill today."

"My lord, I will continue to track down the remnants of Xianlan City!" The city lord of Quexian didn't think that Lu Qingyan was the opponent of Emperor Bayuan. The attention is even more on Xianlan City.

"If you want to leave, ask me about the sword in my hand!" With a sneer, Lu Qingyan's eyes turned cold by accident, and he stabbed towards City Master Quxian with a sharp sword.

Sensing the terrifying power brought by this sword, City Master Quexian retreated hundreds of steps in horror, but was still injured by Lu Qingyan's sword energy, causing a burst of blood in his body.

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being rude." Although he has not yet become the supreme being of heaven and earth, Emperor Ba Yuan has already claimed to be a venerable, looked at Lu Qingyan coldly, and then slapped Lu Qingyan hard again.

In Xianlan City, everyone looked worried, Qingzhuo moved slightly, aware of the connection between himself and Xianlan City, which made Qingzhuo feel more uneasy, but at this moment, he didn't care about other things, Qingzhuo kept burning The power urged Xianlan City to fly towards the ancient city.

Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded in the sky, and the sky and the earth suddenly seemed to darken, and the voice of pity echoed in the ears, another immortal emperor fell!

Everyone in Xianlan City suddenly stood up, their faces were extremely shocked, and their hearts were filled with grief!The immortal emperor who fell at this time can only be Lu Qingyan!Thinking of this, everyone felt aggrieved and uncomfortable, Qing Zhuo, the only one who had already guessed, sank his eyes, and continued to urge Xianlan City to fly towards the direction of the ancient city.

"Lu Qingyan blew himself up!" As soon as City Master Quexian opened his mouth, he vomited blood again and again, and retreated in embarrassment, and finally fell to the ground.

Before Lu Qingyan burned his soul and forcibly improved his cultivation, neither City Lord Quexian nor Emperor Ba Yuan thought that Lu Qingyan would be so crazy. Burning his soul was fake, but it was true that he used self-explosion to seriously injure the two of them.

"You go back now." Emperor Bayuan glanced at the seriously injured City Lord Quxian. The power of the immortal emperor's self-destruction was extremely powerful. Although Emperor Bayuan tore apart the space in time and absorbed most of the power, Lu Qingyan's self-destruction was too sudden. The city lord of Bird Fairy was still fundamentally injured.

Emperor Bayuan's cultivation was much higher, but he was also injured at the moment. Looking at the dark world, Emperor Bayuan gave a cold snort, and then stepped forward, stepping through the void and chasing after Xianlan City.

Both Lan Tianyu and Lu Qingyan died, Emperor Ba Yuan no longer worried that other people would compete with him for the opportunity to break through to become the Supreme of Heaven and Earth, but the fragments of the law are still in the hands of Ning Su and Rong Peijin. Emperor Yuan understood that they really would rather the jade be broken than the whole, so he had to take everyone in Xianlan City as hostages, and at all costs, he also had to obtain the fragments of the law to break through and become the supreme being of heaven and earth!

Qingzhuo's speed is extremely fast, but it is still not enough compared to Emperor Bayuan. Although Emperor Bayuan has been injured, he can vaguely feel the figure chasing behind him, Qingzhuo turned into a human figure and landed in Xianlan City.

"No matter what happens, we must rush to the ancient city." Qingzhuo patted the little Taotie's head, and sealed the core of Xianlan City into the little Taotie's sea of ​​consciousness. least likely.

"What are you going to do?" They were also beasts, Xiao Taotie was taken aback by Qing Zhuo Tuo Gu's actions, and then grabbed Qing Zhuo's hand, worry and uneasiness were written all over his chubby bun face.

Qingzhuo smiled leisurely, withdrew her hand, and glanced at the crowd with a smile, "Hurry up, I'll stop Emperor Bayuan!"

The moment the voice fell, Qingzhuo turned into a huge dragon body again, hundreds of feet in length, raised the dragon head and roared at the sky, the huge body intercepted the chasing Emperor Ba Yuan.

"Overreach!" Although he was injured, Emperor Ba Yuan's cultivation was still unfathomable. Seeing Qing Zhuo who dared to block him, Emperor Ba Yuan sneered, waved his hand in the air, and expanded his palm continuously, reaching hundreds of feet. .

Roar!Qingzhuo roared, the scales shone with light, and the dancing dragon body whizzed towards Bayuan Emperor. Obstructing Emperor Ba Yuan and buying time for Little Taotie and the others to escape.

As time went by, wounds surfaced on Qingzhuo's body one by one, and the dark red dragon's blood kept falling like a rain of blood. Qingzhuo raised his head, his body shuttled between the clouds, and the high dragon's head suddenly moved towards Tyrant. Emperor Yuan breathed out the breath of the dragon.

"Hmph! Let's see how much dragon breath you have!" Ba Yuandi raised his hand and waved a barrier of star power to block the dragon breath. The dragon breath of the ancient green dragon can destroy and corrode everything, even Emperor Ba Yuan dare not touch it head-on.

However, the number of dragon's breath is limited, and it is also a life-saving thing, but at this moment, it is reckless to spit at Emperor Ba Yuan, the purpose is to delay time.

The injury became more and more serious, Qingzhuo let out a painful roar, and looked back towards the direction of the ancient city, the dragon body twitched in severe pain, but saw a huge palm grabbing Qingzhuo's dragon body, and the other big hand suddenly Suddenly, he pulled out a bloody, glistening blue vein from Qing Zhuo's body.

Roar!The dragon tendons were pulled, Qing Zhuo could no longer maintain the dragon body, and after a scream, he returned to human form. Looking at the Emperor Ba Yuan who was holding the dragon tendons, Qing Zhuo's eyes were red, exhausted his last strength, and suddenly wanted to Self-destruct.

"Hmph, they're all the same assholes like Lu Qingyan!" Ba Yuandi was angry from his heart. He was injured by Lu Qingyan's self-explosion before. Even Emperor Ba Yuan dare not underestimate himself.

However, Emperor Ba Yuan didn't care about the self-detonation of a green dragon whose tendons had been constricted. The big palm in the sky suddenly slapped Qing Zhuo, and Qing Zhuo's body turned into pieces of blood foam...

In Xianlan City, the little Taotie urged Xianlan City to leave quickly in a daze, and Qingzhuo's mournful cry of the dragon before his death was still resounding in his ears, and another person died!The always rambunctious little Taotie now had red eyes and a tense bun face, his eyes shot out a fierce light of hatred.

"You continue to escape, remember to avenge us when Ning Su and Rong Peijin come back!" Tao Jing smiled and rubbed the little Taotie's head, glanced at everyone present, and smiled loudly, "Wood, let's go !"

Without the slightest hesitation, Mu Xiuran and Tao Jing both jumped out of Xianlan City, and the two figures stood in the mid-air, with the determination to see death at home and the hatred for Emperor Ba Yuan on their faces.

A sad atmosphere enveloped Xianlan City, and the little Taotie frantically urged Xianlan City to fly towards the ancient city. Lu Qingyan, an immortal emperor, was no match for Emperor Bayuan. Whether it was Qing Zhuo, Tao Jing and Mu Xiuran, they all Going out was just to die, but for the safety of everyone in Xianlan City, they still went out without hesitation, just to delay Emperor Ba Yuan and buy time for everyone to survive.

"Hmph, it's because you want to stop this deity!" He was stopped again and again, although they were all ants that could be easily exterminated, but Emperor Ba Yuan still felt that his majesty was being provoked, and looked at Tao Jing He Mu Xiuran's expression was extremely gloomy.

"Emperor Ba Yuan, you have done so much killing and cruelty earlier, and you still want to break through to become the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth, that is simply a daydream!" Tao Jing mocked full of ruffian, and looked at Emperor Ba Yuan with disdain, "Since my master has chosen If you prove yourself, you must know that you will never be able to break through to become the supreme being of heaven and earth, and your master must have someone behind you, Emperor Ba Yuan, just wait, your fate will not be better than ours!"

After the words fell, Tao Jing smiled and looked at Mu Xiuran beside him, "Mu, I'm going!"

Suddenly, Tao Jing threw his body towards Emperor Ba Yuan, and blew his dantian at the same time, while Mu Xiuran hardly hesitated, followed by Tao Jing, also blew his dantian, and rushed towards Emperor Ba Yuan. Their cultivation base was only gold. Immortal, the difference from Emperor Ba Yuan is too much, so the only thing he can do is self-destruct.

After the star power barrier was built around his body, and the two self-explosive forces dissipated, Emperor Ba Yuan removed the barrier around him, looked at Tao Jing and Mu Xiuran who had turned into dust between heaven and earth, and then stepped forward. Void continued to catch up.

Seeing that the ancient city had arrived, the mournful people in Xianlan City finally felt a glimmer of hope for life. As long as they hid in the ancient city, Emperor Ba Yuan would have nothing to do with them.


The little Taotie crazily burned the power in his body, and raised the speed of Xianlan City to the extreme. The outline of the ancient city appeared clearly in front of his eyes. In a moment...two moments... he was about to rush into the ancient city.

Suddenly, a terrible coercion swept from behind, and the figure of Emperor Ba Yuan appeared behind everyone, the little Taotie was fast, but Emperor Ba Yuan was even faster.

Why!Despair suddenly descended, and it was obviously only a moment before he could enter the ancient city!But Emperor Ba Yuan appeared!Crush the hope of this life bit by bit.

"Let's hold Emperor Bayuan, you go in!" Zhou Yuan and Hong Yun said almost at the same time. They are also Golden Immortals, and they are the highest among all the people present, not to mention that they can die together. sorry.

"You help the little Taotie mobilize the ancient city, I'll go!" Qin Xiu stopped Zhou Yuan and Hong Yun, and flew out of Xianlan City without any hesitation.

Chu Shao also flew out.

In Xianlan City, Gu Fengbai's face changed miserably, but he couldn't do anything, he could only watch as the two best friends, Qin Xiu and Chu Shaoyi, exploded their dantians and rushed towards Bayuan Emperor, winning that moment. time.

In Xianlan City, Zhou Yuan and Hong Yun also input all the Xianyuan power to the little Taotie at the same time, and the little Taotie suddenly burst out with the strongest power, and Xianlan City shot towards the ancient city like a shooting star, and followed closely behind. The last one was the giant hand of Emperor Ba Yuan who intercepted it, but it was a pity that Emperor Ba Yuan was a moment late after all.Xianlan City is safe.

They narrowly escaped death, but at this moment in the ancient city, no one showed a happy expression on their faces. Lu Qingyan blew himself up, Qing Zhuo was photographed into pieces of flesh and blood, Tao Jing and Mu Xiuran blew themselves up to death, Qin Xiu and Chu Shao They also both blew themselves up and died tragically. They sacrificed too much, and no one knew how to go in the future?

Emperor Bayuan was already an immortal emperor, and Lan Tian died after he proved himself. There is no one in this fairyland who is an opponent of Emperor Bayuan. Even if he can hide in the ancient city now, he can't always avoid it. Emperor Bayuan Now it is the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor, unable to enter the ancient city.

What if Emperor Ba Yuan breaks through and becomes the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth?Even the law of heaven can't restrain Emperor Ba Yuan, so the ancient city is no longer safe!However, in the midst of pain, the few remaining people still had a glimmer of hope, and that was Ning Su and Rong Peijin. If there was anyone who could restrain Ba Yuan Emperor, only Ning Su and Rong Peijin were the only ones.

Abyss of Star Sea.

After passing the test of the silver light curtain, the moods of Ning Su, Jiuxiao, and Shengzi Xueya have been tempered, and their Taoism has become more stable. Only Que Ling, who is too murderous, suffers in pain in the light curtain until the light curtain disappears. Did not come out from the killing power of going back in time.

"Kill, kill, kill, you all deserve to die!" Consciousness was still unclear, Que Ling had a ferocious expression, his face was full of murderous intent, and his vicious eyes stared at Ning Su and the others in front of him, disappearing with the light curtain At that moment, Que Ling screamed and rushed towards Ning Su and the others.

"Is she falling into murderous thoughts?" Ning Su easily avoided the attack of Que Ling, it really is a cycle of karma and retribution!Que Ling killed people like hemp, and everyone else was tempering their Dao heart in the halo, but Que Ling not only didn't get any benefits, but fell into endless killing thoughts.

Realizing that he couldn't kill Ning Su, Que Ling roared unwillingly like a wild beast, and then rushed towards Xueya Shengzi again, with fierce eyes and murderous look on his face, like a beast caught in the murderous desire, only Endless kill kill kill.

Xueya Shengzi hesitated for a moment, avoiding the attack of the sparrow spirit, looking at the hissing sparrow spirit in front of him, Xueya Shengzi originally planned to kill the person directly, but he was worried that it would affect the latter Obtaining the law fragments, Xue Ya had no choice but to subdue Que Ling, and a burst of immortal power shot into Que Ling's mind.

After a while, Que Ling, who was captured by killing thoughts, finally woke up, and his blood-red eyes that were filled with murderous intent slowly returned to calm. Unable to remember what he had done before, Que Ling pushed away the snowy cliff beside him , "What do you want to do? Take the opportunity to attack me?"

Too lazy to pay attention to Que Ling, Xue Ya looked at Ning Su and the other three, and spoke first: "Let's continue walking."

The crowd no longer hesitated and walked towards the depths of the abyss of the star sea. Que Ling chased after them unwillingly, lest Ning Su and the others would take the first step and capture more fragments of the law.

Along the way, they did not encounter any other test light cards. After walking for a full day and night, the five of Ning Su finally reached the end of the abyss of the star sea. The black night, beautiful and dreamy, is suffocating.

"Look quickly." Suddenly, the calm star sea suddenly fluctuated, and those shining fluorescent star fragments seemed to have life, floating in the star sea non-stop.

"This should be the fragment of the law." A deep voice sounded, and Rong Peijin looked at the abyss of the star sea full of fragments of the law in front of him, "I can capture the fragment of the law that I can comprehend."

The premise of capturing law fragments is that you want to comprehend this kind of law, so the Emperor Ba Yuan chooses the most talented people to enter the Abyss of Star Sea, because the higher the talent, the more likely you are to comprehend more laws, and you will be able to capture more. Many law fragments.

"Rong Peijin, I found that you seem to know everything?" Ning Su stared at Rong Peijin with more suspicion, she was still the same person, but there were more and more weird things about Rong Peijin.

"First comprehend and refine some law fragments." Rong Peijin pampered Ning Su's head. Rong Peijin was already used to her sensitivity, but it was too complicated to talk about. After that it all became clear.

Jiuxiao and Xueya Shengzi also noticed Rong Peijin's strangeness. The thunder and lightning calamity that was full of death and evil spirits before, met Rong Peijin's automatic collapse, and Rong Peijin did not refine the starlight group containing pure power. All of them were given to Ning Su and Jiu Xiao.

Later, in front of the light curtain, Rong Peijin could see the effect of the silver aperture at a glance. Rong Peijin was too familiar with the Abyss of the Star Sea, but neither Emperor Ba Yuan nor Lu Qingyan knew about the Abyss of the Star Sea.

As Immortal Emperors, the only thing they know is that after opening the Nine Stars Lianzhu, they can open the Abyss of the Star Sea, where there are rich law fragments. They didn't know it either, but Rong Peijin was so familiar with it.

No matter how many doubts there are in Rong Peijin, at this moment, whether it is Ning Su, Jiuxiao or Xueya Shengzi, what they need to do most is to understand the laws of heaven and earth. The laws of cultivation belong to themselves, which is of great benefit to practitioners. It can only happen once in 10 years.

Ning Su sat cross-legged at the end of the sea of ​​stars. In a dark sky, countless law fragments shone brightly, surrounding Ning Su like mischievous elves. Each light spot contained a law Fragments, the key is to see how Ning Su's comprehension is, whether he can comprehend and absorb and refine.

Closing her eyes and getting rid of all distracting thoughts, Ning Su slowly released her spiritual power and touched the sparkling light spots, while Jiu Xiao and Xue Ya also began to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth.

Que Ling didn't want to be left behind, and Rong Peijin was protecting Ning Su, Que Ling didn't dare to attack again, suppressing her unwillingness and jealousy, she gave Ning Su, Jiu Xiao and Xueya Shengzi a vicious look, He also sat down cross-legged.

This is the law of time!Ning Su's mental power and the fragments of the law of time slowly blended together, feeling the passage and stillness of time in his mind, and being able to manipulate time to go back in time, Ning Su frowned, and looked at the body thoughtfully. Rong Peijin next to him.

In my previous life, I misunderstood Rong Peijin and died tragically in the fire. I didn't know that Rong Peijin used the taboo method to go back in time until I met Xiao Taotie in this life. But if you want to go back in time, you must understand the law of time, Rong Pei Jin has been in the Xuanyu Dynasty, how could he reach the Abyss of the Star Sea to comprehend the law of time, and even be able to use it skillfully to go back in time?

Doubt came to mind, but Ning Su also knew that this was not the time to be distracted. After comprehending the law of time, Ning Su continued to stretch out her mental power to touch other light spots.

The law of the wind!Either fine or anxious, one after another about the laws of wind surged in Ning Su's sea of ​​consciousness, and Ning Su also began to skillfully use the power of stars according to the laws of wind, attacking, defending, killing enemies, and the laws of wind were integrated into the stars The attack power immediately increased a lot, especially since Ning Su had mastered the three sword intents before, and he was more proficient in comprehending the law of wind.

Space law!When the mental power touches the small light spot containing the law of space, Ning Su's spirit is lifted. The law of space has a unique advantage in escaping. Only when you reach the cultivation level of the immortal emperor can you tear the space, but it is only against the powerful force. Forcibly opening up the space is nothing more than the use of space.

Only by truly mastering the laws of space can we use the space correctly, open the space, pass through the space channel safely, use the space blade to kill powerful enemies, how to imprison the enemy in the space confinement, time passes bit by bit, Ning Su constantly Absorbing and refining various laws.

The talents of Jiuxiao and Xueya Shengzi are not bad, but the speed of comprehension of the law is obviously lower than that of Ning Su, but the most tragic one is the bird spirit, who was affected by the killing thought in the silver halo before, and has not been able to truly get out of it until now. Walking out of killing intent, full of murderous aura and tainted with too much karma, Sparrow Spirit exuded a gloomy aura around him, making all the light spots of law far away.

Three days passed in a flash, watching Ning Su and the others continue to comprehend the laws, but I was like the natural enemy of the laws, all the light spots of the laws avoided me like the plague, and the sparrow's face was stern, " I can't comprehend the law, and none of you can expect to comprehend it!"

Jealousy distorted his heart, and Que Ling laughed wildly, and suddenly used all his strength, attacking like a lunatic at the end of the originally peaceful star sea, trying to destroy all the light spots of law.

Rong Peijin looked at the crazy Que Ling with cold eyes, a cold light flashed on his stern face, and with a wave of his big hand, an invisible force enveloped Que Ling, completely imprisoning Que Ling.

Unaware that she was imprisoned by Rong Peijin's space law, Que Ling fell into a crazy illusion. In the illusion, she successfully destroyed the law fragments of the Abyss of Star Sea, Ning Su, Jiuxiao and Xue Even Shengzi Ya couldn't comprehend the laws of heaven.

But because of the adventure, Que Ling realized countless laws of heaven, and became the one who gained the most among the four. After leaving the Abyss of Star Sea, Que Ling was really appreciated by Emperor Ba Yuan, and since then became the most powerful person in the fairyland of the upper world. The most talented cultivator.

Because of the comprehension and refinement of many laws, Que Ling found that her cultivation base was improving faster and faster, and finally broke through to become the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth, and even the Emperor Ba Yuan bowed his head to him.

Que Ling had a crazy smile on his face, enjoying the power of being the ruler of heaven and earth, everyone worshiped him, and those who were jealous of him now crawled at his feet like ants and begged for mercy, begging himself to give them a way out ...

The old saying once said that one day in the sky and one year on the earth, in the abyss of the star sea, time is still, and the passage of time cannot be felt here. Ning Su, Jiuxiao, and Xueya Shengzi are still comprehending the laws of heaven and earth, and the sparrow spirit is still Caught in his own fantasy and unable to extricate himself.

Under the dark sky, Rong Peijin stood with his hands behind his back, and the aura around him became stronger and stronger. That stern face seemed to be shrouded by an invisible force, making it impossible for people to recognize his face anymore. The aura around him slowly changed from strong to calm again, with the vastness of the ancient times.

Originally, the light spots at the end of the star sea seemed to have sensed something, and flew towards Rong Peijin one after another, circling around him intimately, wanting to get close, but not daring to approach him.

"It's all gone." A deep voice sounded, dark and indifferent, the sparrow contained endless power of words, Rong Peijin waved his hand, and all the light spots surrounding him returned to the end of the sea of ​​stars.

The phoenix eyes fixedly looked towards the unknown distance through the sky. If Ning Su or Jiu Xiao were awake, they would be shocked to find that Rong Peijin's eyes were like two bottomless abysses, and the gap between the abyss There are pictures one after another...

Lan Tianyu died at the end of the Qu River by proving the Tao with his body, Lu Qingyan burned his soul in order to stop the Ba Yuan Emperor and finally blew himself up, followed by Qingzhuo's death; Tao Jing and Mu Xiuran's blew up; Chu Shaoyi and Qin Xiu's tragic deaths , All these scenes were played back in front of Rong Peijin's eyes.

After that, Little Taotie took Zhou Yuan, Hong Yun and others to hide in the ancient city in grief, and the people in Xianlan City and Dingzhou Xiancheng surrendered under the pressure of Emperor Ba Yuan, who became the leader of the entire fairyland, arrogant Be proud of yourself.

Rong Peijin withdrew his gaze, made seals with his hands, and invisible forces shot out from his fingertips. After doing all this, Rong Peijin returned to calm, but when his eyes fell on Ning Su, the original confusion The lonely color gradually turned to warmth.

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