Although I don't know what's going on between Ning Su and Rong Peijin, Cong Rong Pei Jin obviously cares about Ning Su, but on the surface he has a close relationship with Miss Chu's family, but secretly he crippled Liu Siping's feet, Liao Dinghan I understand that Rong Peijin is making the same mistake as himself.

"Why did you give up?" Finally, Rong Peijin spoke, his voice was cold, his cold voice seemed to be wrapped in ice and snow, and every word had a icy taste.

"I thought I wouldn't live long. I just wanted her to forget that I could live a new life. I messed with the Mu family, and I didn't want to hurt Yanyue and her family." Liao Dinghan said briefly, if he had no choice, how could he? She is willing to hurt the person she loves on the top of her heart, and always thinks that time can take away all the pain and erase the memory of her existence. After her death, Yan Yue will live well, and there will be another man to love her instead of herself .

But the fact is that her own self-righteousness made Yan Yue suffer for six years, alone, with the pain of losing her father, and with emotional pain, and endured for six years. Thinking of this, Liao Dinghan wished he could be cruel Give yourself a fist, how can you be so stupid, so self-righteous.

Rong Peijin turned her head, her deep phoenix eyes fixedly looked at the regretful Liao Dinghan, after a long time, her thin lips parted, "You are really stupid."

Well!Even Liao Dinghan is very shrewd, and at this moment, he was extremely aggrieved by Rong Peijin's words. He was depressed for a moment, Liao Dinghan smiled, curled the corner of his mouth, and asked sharply, "Then what are you doing, my lord?" ?”

It's a pity that Rong Peijin, who cherishes words like gold, has returned to his indifferent and profound posture, no longer speaks, with a stern face, and dark eyes staring at the blue sky.

For a moment, even though he was standing so close, Liao Dinghan felt that he was isolated from this world. The cold and noble man in front of him seemed to be standing in a bottomless abyss. He was carrying a burden that he could not imagine. Still upright, with a sense of arrogance and tenacity between those cold brows, at this moment, Liao Dinghan suddenly felt a kind of surrender from the soul, some people are born to be looked up to, like gods nine days away.

Ning Su didn't return to Liu's house right away, but took Luo Shang's family around the street and returned to Huafeng's shop, "Uncle Luo, this is Uncle Hua. Uncle Hua saw the one who rescued me and gave Lingshi."

"Who told you to leave without saying goodbye and make you mess around!" Luo Shang's family took a peevish glance at Ning Su, who was pretending to be poor, and left without saying goodbye, which made Kerong worry about him all day, but he was filial and kept all the spirit stones. I was away alone, but I didn't know to save some spirit stones for backup.

The more Ning Su looked at her, the more she looked like a child who couldn't grow up. Luo Shang's family scolded him, but Chen Ken thanked Hua Feng, "I've been taken care of by the shopkeeper Laohua, and here is a bottle of elixir, which can be regarded as a gift for Hua Baobao. "

"Senior Luo is too polite, you don't have to, Susu calls me uncle, I will naturally take care of one or two." This is a fifth-rank elixir master, the elixir he made must not be ordinary, Hua Feng quickly refused Don't say that Ning Su solved Zhou Tian's matter for himself, even if he is an ordinary person, Hua Feng will help if he encounters it, this is the essence of being a human being.

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