"Miss Ning, City Lord Liao is too much!" If it is said that other warriors are the first in life and the second in beauty, then Liu Siping is definitely the first in beauty, otherwise he would not be hollowed out by wine and sex The body has kidney deficiency at a young age, and it is a question of whether he can live another ten years.

Ning Su looked at Liu Siping who was aggrieved, and followed his squinting eyes to Chu Qingqing who was not far away, but also understood that Liu Siping was not only because of her beauty, but also because his feet were the ones that were raped by Liao Dinghan. He was abolished, so he dared not seek revenge on Liao Dinghan, but secretly hated Liao Dinghan to death, which would naturally make Chu Qingqing feel wronged.

"Well, Liao Dinghan is indeed too nonsense, how about you go over and ask Miss Chu to check your ankle, at least you can save some points." Ning Su smiled and suggested, as for Liu Siping's ankle, unless it is a dead body The elixir, otherwise his feet will be completely useless.

Liu Siping didn't think of this. Hearing Ning Su's reminder, his heart immediately felt itchy. If he went by himself, Miss Chu must be extremely grateful to him. Anyway, his leg is useless, so he can say whatever he wants at that time. With a flattering word, maybe such a delicate beauty will throw herself into her arms!

"Go there, I'm going to help Uncle Luo." Ning Su looked at Liao Dinghan who was already tempted, and didn't bother to care about him anymore. Many people came to Luo Shang's house, and Ning Su also started to get busy.

Contrasted with Ning Su, who was swarthy, arrogant and invincible, now pale, the dignified and beautiful Chu Qingqing was no less than a nine-day fairy descending to the mortal world. Liu Siping couldn't help it after all, and walked over with a limp, his face full of tears. With a flattering smile, "Miss Chu, I don't know which beast hurt my foot, please ask Miss Chu to take a look."

In Yufeng City, there are quite a few people who know Liu Siping, who is a pervert. Now that he looks at him, he knows that he must be lustful. Many people also look over, especially those who covet Chu Qingqing is beautiful.

If it were a shameless and vulgar man like Liu Siping on weekdays, Chu Qingqing would never look at him more, but in order to save her reputation, Chu Qingqing smiled softly, and took out a white silk handkerchief to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth , with an extremely gentle voice, "The doctor's parents are heartbroken, since Mr. Liu believes in me, I am naturally willing."

Hearing this, Liu Siping was overjoyed, staring at Chu Qingqing's smile like an orchid in an empty valley, and quickly sat down on the chair with a limp, took off his boots, and opened his robe, The white trousers were rolled up, revealing the red and swollen ankle after applying the medicine.

Before going out, Liu Siping had taken painkiller pills, so although his feet hurt a bit, he could bear it. He was naturally overjoyed that he could take this opportunity to get close to the beauty, and his eyes became more straightforward and wretched.

Chu Qingqing checked it, and carefully used her spiritual power to probe in, following the tendons of her feet. The ankle bones were severely broken, and there was no possibility of healing.

Ning Su secretly communicated with the little Taotie in the sea of ​​consciousness, "You want to avenge Yan Yue, the time has come."

"Look at my master." The little Taotie smiled sinisterly, and quickly left Ning Su's sea of ​​consciousness and went straight to Liu Siping. Seeing that Chu Qingqing was using spiritual power to make a diagnosis, the little Taotie's big eyes flickered , A burst of spiritual power shot out immediately.

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