Seeing Ning Su and Liao Dinghan leave just like that, after his lord was silent for a while, he also left with a frown, An Ba finally couldn't hold back his breath, and asked puzzledly, "Head, Miss Ning is not afraid What if you hang the prince like this until the prince runs away at the end?"

In Anba and following Rong Peijin for more than ten years, countless ladies from aristocratic families have coveted their lords, and daydreaming daydreams are everywhere. Admire the prince.

In Anba's memory, for so many years, Miss Ning seemed to be the only one who not only didn't care for the prince, but also hated him ruthlessly, wishing to kick the prince away and never see each other again.

Anba was still puzzled before, until he accidentally heard the gossip between a few little maids in the palace, and then he realized that this kind of man is called hanging man!Letting you see what you can't eat, thinking about it every day, and feeling itchy in your heart, An Ba suddenly realized that he finally understood what Ning Su did.

"But usually it's enough to catch a man. Why do I feel that Ms. Ning seems to want to hang the prince down all the time, just like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey. She only hangs her appetite and refuses to eat it." An Babu Xie scratched his head, his lord is really wise and powerful, majestic and dignified, why can't Miss Ning look down on him.

"You work hard for me!" An Yi glared angrily at An Ba, who was stubborn to the end, returning a donkey, and dared to compare the prince to a donkey, Xiao Ba really took his life too long!

Liao Dinghan was exhausted. After all, he hadn’t slept all night. Although the grinding stone is simple, but if you want to be fast, you need to use spiritual power. Ning Su’s nearly 400 yuan worth of wool was almost solved in one night, all because of Liao Dinghan. People have been using spiritual power to assist them. If it is an ordinary stone-resolving master, they can only solve 20 yuan a day at most. No one wants to waste their spiritual power at will.

After Liao Dinghan sat cross-legged, Ning Su also began to purify the violent spiritual power for him. The chaotic energy entered Liao Dinghan's body, and because he had spent all night's spiritual power, the spiritual power was much more docile at this moment. As violent as usual, even though he surrendered to the coercion of the chaos, he would fight back at any time.

Eyes lit up, Ning Su smiled sinisterly, Liao Dinghan must be a hard worker!Then he focused on purifying his tyrannical spiritual power with the Qi of Chaos, and time passed bit by bit. Although the Qi of Chaos was unwilling to spit out the purified spiritual power again, he still secretly swallowed some of it, and I gave some to Xiao Taotie.

Ning Su looked inside the dantian, but saw that most of the Primal Chaos Qi had entered Liao Dinghan's body, and there was still a little bit left. The little Taotie divided the two into five.

Then continue to sneak into Liao Dinghan's body and steal a little back, and then continue to divide. The thief's appearance made Ning Su speechless. Although the spirit stone on hand is tight recently, the spirit power in the spirit stone is basically To allocate [-]% to Xiao Taotie and Chaos Qi, these two brats acted as if they were being abused by themselves.

Because the spiritual power in Liao Dinghan's body was no longer so violent, Ning Su purified a little more spiritual power today, but it was already an hour later when it was over.

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