Ning Su comprehended two sword intents: one is to lift weights as lightly as possible, and the other is to give birth to everything. Su made a move, and the spirit sword was as fast as a white horse passing through the gap, destroying Zhuo Jiangyuan's dantian in an instant.

"Girl Ning, what tricks do you have that allows you to use the weak to be strong?" Liao Dinghan smiled flatteringly, very curious, Ning girl's sword is very fast, but the realm is aware here, no matter how fast her sword is, Zhuo Jiangyuan will rise The aura barrier can completely stop it.

An Ba also opened his eyes curiously, he only felt that there were too many secrets in Ning Su, so many that An Ba wanted to follow Ning Su, even if he could not eat meat, he could drink broth, it was happier than being behind his own prince too much.

"Obviously you know?" The brisk tone rose slightly, Ning Su smiled and showed her white teeth, and changed the subject, "Unfortunately, I can't tell you."

Typical pissed off people do not pay for their lives!The corners of Liao Dinghan's mouth twitched, looking at Ning Su's arrogant appearance, he wished he could slap her twice, but as soon as the thought came up, Liao Dinghan immediately died down when he met Shangrong Pei Jin's icy warning eyes. , with such a big backer, even Feng Yuanzong could only back down by three points.

Back at the City Lord’s Mansion, Ning Su went to rest. Rong Peijin and Luo Shang’s family gathered in Liao Dinghan’s study. At this moment, the relaxation on the way back just now was gone. It makes people shudder.

"Can you please get Wei Qingji to kill Ning girl three times on the left, Lord Rong, will it be the Dragon Emperor?" Liao Dinghan took a sip of tea, and the face of the always evil and uninhibited fox was more dignified and serious, Even the Chu family doesn't have such a great ability to ask the master of a sect to take action.

The face of the Luo Shang family is also not good. Today's danger, if there is no Liao Dinghan and Rong Pei Jin, even if the Luo Shang family fights for their lives, Ning Su will be in danger!

"I will bring Susu back to the Pharmacist League!" The only place that Luo Shang's family can think of is the Pharmacist League. No matter if it is the Dragon Emperor or the Zongmen, as long as someone is in the Pharmacist League, they have no guts to go in and arrest someone. Ning Su Security is at least guaranteed.

Rong Peijin was silent, he knew that it was not the Dragon Emperor who did it, but Wei Qingji was able to get him to do it, Rong Peijin couldn't help but think of the Dark Night Chamber of Commerce, and the mysterious power lurking in the Xuanyu Dynasty, Su Su There are memories of her previous life, and there are many secrets in her body. I am afraid that this is the cause. This mysterious force may have attacked Su Su because of this, or it may be because of her own relationship. If this is the case, even the Medicine Master League is not safe.

In the bedroom, Ning Su didn't know that Rong Peijin and the others were worrying about their own safety. Although Ning Su was also surprised at who took her own life, for her, improving her cultivation was the most important thing, and it was the only way to avoid danger. Method.

Sitting cross-legged, the mental method was running, and the spiritual power in Ning Su's meridians was flowing as fast as a rushing river. Although the little Taotie was reluctant, he still spit out the spiritual power he had absorbed before, making Ning Su The element was absorbed and refined, and the spiritual power in Ningsu's dantian increased rapidly in a short time.

Time passed bit by bit, the moon was already in the sky outside the bedroom, the spiritual power in Ning Su's body had been running for seven to forty nine big cycles, and the refined spiritual power returned to the dantian .

"Still can't break through!" Ning Su opened her eyes, her whole body was unobstructed, and the circulation of her spiritual power made her feel that the fatigue in her whole body had dissipated. At the beginning, the spiritual power of her dantian was still at the low level of Primordial Primal Realm, and there was still nothing she could do. Break through to the middle level.

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