"Patriarch Zhou, I heard that there is something wrong with Longmai?" He smiled brightly, as if there had been no conflict before, Liao Dinghan cupped his hands towards Patriarch Zhou Xiaohai in the eyes of everyone expecting.

Liao Dinghan took a look at Feng Yuanzong and others who were aggressive, and Ning girl really brought hatred!Killing Zhuo Jiangyuan directly, isn't it clear that he is incompatible with Fengyuan Zong.

"It turned out to be City Lord Liao." Zhou Xiaohai stepped forward, cupped his hands, glanced at Ning Su and Rong Peijin who were behind Liao Dinghan, thought about it, and said in a loud voice, "Longmai Mine is here before. There is something wrong, there is an entrance sealed by a formation deep in the vein, the formation is a bit complicated, since City Lord Liao is here, there may be a way to open the entrance."

"It's easy to say, since that's the case, let's go in and have a look together." Liao Dinghan narrowed his fox eyes slightly. It was the first time he knew that there was something hidden in the Dragon Vein Mine in Yufeng City for so many years, and he didn't know what was behind the entrance. Here, it seems that these people really spent their money to deal with Ning girl.

Seeing that Liao Dinghan had no objection, Zhou Xiaohai nodded, and he knew in his heart that even though it was a trap, the fact that there was a spiritual essence in the Dragon Vein Mine was a fact. Liao Dinghan, Ning Su and others would never let such a big opportunity pass by.

As for the others?Zhou Xiaohai looked coldly at the many casual cultivators who were watching all around, with mocking coldness in his eyes. These people thought that the Zhou family and the city lord's mansion were at odds, and they would fight so that they could take the opportunity to enter the mine?Just downright stupid.

"City Lord Liao, this dragon vein is in the Huanshi Valley. It is the territory of Fengyuanzong, the City Lord's Mansion, the Zhou Family and the Sanxiu Alliance. These irrelevant people?" At the same time Zhou Xiaohai's voice fell, all the members of the Zhou Family who were guarding the entrance stood still. When he got behind Zhou Xiaohai, he had a fierce look on his face, and it seemed that he was about to make a move.

Although Feng Yuanzong's people also hated Ning Su, especially Zhuo Siyuan, if the suzerain Wei Qingji hadn't sat by and said nothing, Zhuo Siyuan would have rushed forward and fought Ning Su to the death!But at the moment, the matter of the soul is the most important thing, no matter how stupid Zhuo Siyuan is, she knows that no one will take revenge for her father's revenge and delay the big event.

"Dragon Vein Mine has not been entered by anyone for hundreds of years, and I am afraid that it is full of dangers inside, not to mention the treasures of heaven and earth, those who are destined to get them, since these people have come here, it is also their chance." Liao Dinghan changed the subject, but It is agreed that these casual cultivators also enter the Dragon Vein Mine.

No matter what, Feng Yuanzong and the Zhou family will not let Ning Su go, I am afraid that You Shuqi's people will also mix with the manpower of Feng Yuanzong or the Zhou family. Since it is a trap, the more people the better, the water will be completely wiped out. muddy.

The eyes of many casual cultivators who thought they would be expelled at the moment lit up, and they looked at Liao Dinghan gratefully. Although their cultivation level is not enough, maybe they have this blessing. After entering the Dragon Vein Mine, who knows if the spiritual essence will be taken away by themselves? Get it, this is the chance!

Ning Su smiled and looked at Liao Dinghan who had attracted many casual practitioners in a few words. It was obvious that the enemy was stronger. Having more casual practitioners might not be of great effect, but they could still be used at critical times, at least to make the situation better. mess up.

"If that's the case, let's go together." Seeing that Wei Qingji had no objection, Zhou Xiaohai agreed, but he was more on guard against Liao Dinghan. It seems that even if Zhuo Jiangyuan's dantian was abolished, the Zhou family and Feng Yuanzong's relationship still cannot be broken!

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