In a real fight, the chances of Zhou Tianlang and Li Xulan winning are too small. If You Shuqi and Chu Qingqing each occupy a position, then there is only one position left, and neither Li Xulan nor Zhou Tianlang is willing to give up.

"Several, although you have no space, after you get out, I will each add a high-grade spirit stone." Ning Su looked at the four casual cultivators who were dejected, and after seeing their joyful faces, Ning Su looked at him again. Zhou Tianlang and the others, who were on guard, spoke at the same time as their figures moved, "Once someone occupies the five positions, the formation will be activated immediately, hurry up!"

What?Zhou Tianlang and Li Xulan were taken aback for a moment, and then rushed towards the remaining three positions with all their strength. After all, Chu Qingqing's reaction was a bit slow, and the uninjured dead man next to You Shuqi pushed You Shuqi's spiritual power instantly. Qi pushed towards the formation.

The five positions were occupied by Ning Su, Yan Yue, Li Xulan, Zhou Tianlang, and You Shuqi at the same time, the white light shone brightly, and the formation was activated. Chu Qingqing and Zhuo Siyuan, who had reacted, rushed over angrily and unwillingly, but the formation The surroundings seemed to form a natural barrier, isolating the two of them.

Ning Su only felt the scene in front of her eyes change rapidly. The stele just now had already disappeared, and her eyes looked like a dark space-time tunnel. Dots of white light were inlaid in the dark tunnel like glowing gem fragments, and her feet did not touch the ground. , just suspended, but there is no feeling of weightlessness.

"Little Taotie, is this the inside of the stele?" Ning Su communicated with Little Taotie in the sea of ​​consciousness. The spiritual power in his body seemed to be imprisoned. Here, Ning Su only felt his own humbleness and insignificance. Ning Su tried to He used his spiritual power, but he couldn't mobilize any spiritual power at all.

Yan Yue, Li Xulan and other four people also appeared around Ning Su at the same time. Of course, everyone found out that their spiritual power could not be used at the same time. , that means it is safe for the time being.

Little Taotie made a big circle around the stele and returned to Ning Su's sea of ​​consciousness, "Stupid woman, this artifact has almost merged with the stele, and there is probably not much remaining aura, maybe you can get it if you have the chance. get."

As soon as Xiao Taotie’s voice fell, suddenly, in the endless dark tunnel, one stone after another was shot towards the crowd, the speed was not fast, it looked like meteorites from outside the sky, and also like wool from the Dragon Vein Mine. But Ning Su and the other five are not stupid, they all understand that there may be a spiritual essence in the wool, but which piece of wool depends on the individual's chance.

"I'll pick first!" Li Xulan hesitated for a moment, and took the lead. After all, this would depend on personal luck. Li Xulan blocked the nearest piece of black wool with her skill. in his hand.

But how to untie wool without spiritual power?Could it be taken out?Li Xulan hesitated for a moment, then put the woolen material into the storage ring, just about to try to see if he could get the second piece of woolen material, but his figure flickered, but was teleported out by an invisible force in an instant, it seems Everyone can only pick a piece of wool.

"Together!" Ning Su looked at Yanyue. If Yanyue chose first, she might be hunted down by You Shuqi's men after she got out.

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