The Princess Reborn: The Black Belly Mad Doctor

Chapter 853 1 Sword Sealing the Throat

Ning Su hid at the corner, a little speechless. Fortunately, he was curious and entered the phantom array, but unfortunately, Gu Fengbai had his back to his side, while the three enemies were facing Ning Su's side. As long as Ning Su Once Su appeared from around the corner, they would immediately realize that it was hopeless to rely on the quick sword to attack.

"Hand over the storage ring, do you think I'm stupid?" Gu Fengbai rolled his eyes and let out a sneer. People are being targeted, no matter how ignorant Gu Fengbai is, he knows that after handing over the storage ring, he will be killed and silenced.

"Then don't blame us for being rude." The old man who spoke snorted coldly, the coercion surrounding Gu Fengbai seemed to be a little stronger, and the deterrent Gu Fengbai's handsome and monstrous face became even paler.

If it was in the downtown area, Gu Fengbai would not worry about his own life with his own life-saving elixir and the signal flares that could contact the hidden guards of the Prince Rong's Mansion, but the key here is the magic formation, and everyone is in the middle of the formation. In the independent space, no matter what happens in the formation, the outside world will not know, so the signal flare cannot be sent out at all.

Moreover, in the phantom formation, even if Gu Fengbai revealed his relationship with Rong Peijin and Qin Xiu, the three in front of him would only kill people to silence them, and they would not be afraid to let him go. If Rong Peijin said it, the three of them would surely die.

Just when one of the guards came forward and was about to kill the immobile Gu Fengbai who was intimidated by the coercion, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and he looked over Gu Fengbai towards the entrance of the alley in surprise, and the other two also frowned. , I never thought that there would be someone who strayed into the illusion.

Blinking her eyes innocently, Ning Su looks like a little sister next door who doesn't know much about the world. Meatly, at this moment, he opened his eyes curiously and looked at the four people who were confronting each other.

"I just want to go home, uncle, do you know how to get to Yanliu Lake?" With a light tone, Ning Su walked forward quickly, as if she had lost her way for a long time, and now she saw someone, so she could just come over Ask for directions.

Everyone in the imperial city knew that Yanliu Lake represented the Ning family in the imperial city, so when Ning Su said this, the three enemies in front of him hesitated for a while. After all, if they killed the Ning family, the Ning family would definitely not Will let it go.

Just now!When the three of them hesitated, Ning Su's legs bent slightly, and his thin figure shot out like a thunder leopard. taking the life of one of them.

"Be careful, back up!" The old man in Tai'a Realm yelled furiously, and a thick spiritual force rushed towards Ning Su head-on like a mountain, but no matter how fast the old man was, it couldn't be faster than the sword in Ning Su's hand.

The splattered blood left a perfect arc in mid-air as the spirit sword retracted, and little blood splattered onto the wall. Ning Su turned sideways and quickly avoided the spiritual power attack of the old man in Tai'a Realm, and blocked Gu Fengbai's attack. In front of him, the spirit sword lay across his chest, and bright red blood dripped from the tip of the sword.

boom!The person who was attacked didn't have time to react, he just felt a chill on his neck, and when he reached out to touch it, there was a handful of blood in his palm. He wanted to say something, but there was only a gurgling sound in his throat, and his body fell straight on the ground with a bang. On the ground, with a sword to seal the throat, death will not rest in peace.

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