"Ning Su, what do you want to say?" The First Elder asked gently and kindly, with an impartial and fair attitude.

The person who was seriously injured was the youngest son of the Patriarch. The Great Elder knew that Ning Qingshan was inconvenient to deal with this matter, so he punished Ning Su severely. Others would definitely say that the Patriarch was favoritism. Qian went mad, and he provoked the conflict, Ning Su was just defending himself.

But if Ning Su is not punished, others will say that the Patriarch is cold-blooded and ruthless, even so indifferent to his own son. Is such a person qualified to be the Patriarch?

Being so cold-blooded and ruthless to his own son, he might be even more so to the rest of the family in the future, so the Great Elder knew that no matter what Ning Qingshan did, it would be wrong, so he might as well withdraw and just be a bystander.

Stepping forward, facing the people with different expressions, Ning Su looked calm and calm, and her neither humble nor overbearing attitude made everyone look a little higher. After all, she was still young, and she was from a separated family. She lived in Liucheng for many years. It's not good, it's not easy to cultivate such a temperament.

"Young master is provocative first, and I am the last to strike. I don't think there is anything wrong with me. Whether it is at the master's house or elsewhere, since someone provokes and makes trouble, I will definitely not back down." Ning Su said calmly. Open your mouth, this is not an excuse, just telling the truth.

"Ning Su, don't try to shirk your responsibility. Afterwards, the old man told you to stop, but you still injured more than 20 guards one after another." The second elder said sharply, his fierce eyes approaching Ning Su with a menacing aura.

Lazily raising his eyelids to glance at the Second Elder, Ning Su snorted disdainfully, then looked at the First Elder before continuing to explain, directly ignoring the clamoring Second Elder, sometimes facing the enemy, ignoring is the smartest thing to do. This method, even if you jump up and down, I will not move like a mountain!

"After the second elder came out, it is reasonable to stop the chaos immediately, but the second elder wanted to arrest and punish me without saying anything. I thought the second elder and the young master were in the same group. The young master was insane at the time. The sword wanted to kill, so when the second elder made a move, I followed suit for my own safety, and then it was a scuffle!" Ning Su unceremoniously shifted the responsibility to the second elder.

"Later, I found out that the guards were blocking the young master and me, and I realized that the guards were worried that the young master would lose his mind and hurt others, so I drew my sword and injured the feet of all the guards, preventing them from continuing the melee. The young master was knocked unconscious, as to why the young master was injured so badly, I really don’t know, it was a scuffle at that time, I was only one person, maybe I was not careful.”

Ning Su clearly expressed the scuffle in such a few words. Everyone present, including Ning Qingshan, subconsciously looked at the second elder. It was a scuffle at that time. Everyone knew what the second elder was thinking. That's strange, but how did the little prince get hurt?

So many guards are blocking, Ning Su is very strong, but there is another person who is stronger in the melee, that is the second elder, if it is too easy to plant the blame, what kind of cultivation is the second elder, he has to protect With Ning Mingchao, even ten Ning Sus can't hurt him, but what if it's the other way around?If the Second Elder wants to hurt Ning Mingchao and frame Ning Su, he can definitely hide it!

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