Squinting her eyes, Ning Su laughed, she had already thought of a good way to exercise her spiritual power, "Then if I practice with black blue rocks, can I improve my control over my spiritual power?"

"Of course." Little Taotie nodded affirmatively. The more precise the control of spiritual power is, the more precisely he can target the enemy when facing the enemy, and he can strictly control his own spiritual power output, reducing unnecessary waste, and quickly The battle is better, if it is a protracted battle, the stupid woman will definitely take the lead.

When Ning Su came back, Luo Xiaole, like an industrious little ant, had already moved out the furniture from the two rooms and piled them up in the yard. When she saw Ning Su coming back, her eyes lit up and she quickly greeted her, " Susu."

"I'm back." Ning Su smiled and moved out all the stone slabs in the storage ring, and couldn't help laughing at Luo Xiaole's shocked expression. Even on the face, the temperament is also soft and gentle, easy to get along with.

"Susu, it's so heavy." Ning Su just put down the stone slab here, Luo Xiaole has already bent down to lift the slate and put it on the floor in the room, but the texture of Mo Qingyan is thick and hard, and a small piece is also five or six With a weight of one hundred catties, Luo Xiaole could only break through to the Real Qi Realm, so how could he move it.

Seeing Luo Xiaole's slender arms and legs, Ning Su laughed, "You don't need to carry it, I can control it with spiritual power."

Since she wanted to exercise her precise control over spiritual power, Ning Su even forgot to practice it all the time. Under Luo Xiaole's puzzled eyes, Ning Su's spiritual power was divided into hundreds of strands, and each strand of spiritual power was transformed into The thin rope directly wrapped around a bluestone slab, and then under Ning Su's control, hundreds of bluestone slabs were transported into the house one by one, and laid on the ground one by one.

Although it is dark blue, but because of its excellent luster, after the floor is paved, the whole room looks much brighter. Luo Xiaole blinked blankly. Hundreds of stone slabs, such a martial arts cultivation base?Just as Luo Xiaole was about to speak, he suddenly remembered something and closed his mouth abruptly.

"Susu, I'll go and decorate the house." Luo Xiaole hit her head with her fist angrily. Everyone's cultivation base is a secret, and she almost asked out of curiosity. Everything was moved into the house.

It seems that this is definitely a close friend, Ning Su is not idle, she is really not good at arranging, so Ning Su uses her spiritual power to continue to cut off the weeds and weeds inside and outside the yard, and then continues to move the stone slabs from The door has been paved to the outside of the yard.

On the left and right sides of the yard, two meters wide are left beside the fence, and the area about ten meters long is used as a garden, where some flowers and plants can be planted, and stone slabs are paved in other places. The big tree that blocks the sun is also covered by Ning Su. All the redundant branches were cut off, and the branches outside the yard were kept, and those near the house were cut off, and the yard and the house became brighter at once.

"If you don't have any flower seeds, just plant some first-grade and second-grade elixir." Ning Su looked at the small gardens left and right of the courtyard. Medicine spirit grass, so Ning Su simply deployed a small spirit-gathering formation in each of the two small gardens. Although a middle-grade spirit stone was spent a month to support the formation, the elixir of the first and second grades planted It is also worth the money for Luo Xiaole to practice refining pills.

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