"Is that the last one this time?" Ning Su was still in line, and someone was already discussing in a low voice.

"Yeah, I heard that he came in through a relationship. His talent was so poor that he barely passed the test at the last moment."

"Isn't it good to talk like this? If there is something behind her, she will take revenge in the future?" A young man lowered his voice, a little uneasy. After all, if he can find a relationship to enter the Pharmacist League, it is definitely not an ordinary family. They talked like this , if he is retaliated at that time, he will die without knowing how he will die.

Hearing the young man's worried words, the few tongue-twisters also looked embarrassed, with a guilty and uneasy expression. After all, everyone is in the outer sect, and they are all newcomers. They have no family background and no backer. Get into big trouble for eating too much.

"Tch, you are worrying unfoundedly." Just when everyone was anxious, a young man about 20 years old sneered, raised his eyebrows, and stared at Ning Su disdainfully, "I'm a senior from the inner sect. They said that she has a backer, but I heard that the other party was only entrusted by someone to do a favor, and she had no friendship or relationship at all. Otherwise, why would Ning Su still be in the outer door, and was assigned the worst Xin character? residence."

Hearing this, everyone thought it was right. If the backing is strong, who dares to offend Ning Su, it seems that there is only a little relationship. In this way, they don't have to be afraid. After all, Ning Su is a pharmacist with no future and talent. No one needs to be afraid.

The last place will bring a lot of negative effects. Ning Su naturally knows that it is human nature to favor the high and depress the low, but it is rumored that he has a backer, but the backer is not a good insider?

Ning Su frowned. This must have been done secretly by Chu Qingqing. Uncle Luo did not return to the Pharmacist League, and he was the last one. It seems that he will be bullied during this time.

She didn't care about the discussions around her, not to mention that Ning Su was a girl, and she was also a girl with long marks, her eyes were soft and her expression was calm. It's Ning Su's turn to receive her benefits for this month. Since she is a freshman, besides the benefits, she also has [-] points.

"Ning Su?" Glancing at Ning Su's identity plate, Wu Zijin, who was in charge of distributing benefits, squinted his eyes and sneered, and said darkly: "This is your benefit for this month, take it."

On the wooden counter were three middle-grade spirit stones, a bottle of second-grade vitality pills, and 30 first-grade elixir, but only five of the second-grade elixir were missing, and two middle-grade spirit stones were missing. As for the [-] points for rewarding freshmen, Ning Su only had [-] points here, and a full [-] points were deducted.

"The number is not right?" Ning Su was about to laugh. It turned out that no matter where you go, there are these villains who bully you, and you are just the last one. It is just rumors that the backstage is not very strong, and the benefits are deducted One-third of the way, could it be that Ren Shan was bullied and Ma Shan was ridden by others.

Wu Zijin snorted, looked at Ning Su who was extremely ignorant with disdain, and said with a mean young face, "The number is wrong? Hmph, you are a new student, and you don't understand some rules. If something happens in here, the senior brother will take care of you.

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