Why!Isn't it enough to take away all your benefits?These elixirs are my last hope. If I still owe Susu [-] points, I can only get the points for going to the Pharmacist Tower to practice by selling these fourth-grade elixirs. Why are they all taken away? I hope I don't keep it to myself!

Tears kept rolling down from the eyes, Luo Xiaole ran faster and faster, and finally arrived in front of the familiar house. At this moment, Luo Xiaole had never hated him so much, even if others said he was stupid, but it was his parents and himself Her eldest brother is her blood-related family, so what if she suffers a loss, it is her own family, but why are they so cruel.

"Dahai, with these four plants of the fourth-grade elixir, you will definitely be able to break through to the ninth-grade pharmacist." In the room, Luo Mu said with a smile, looking at the five plants of the fourth-grade elixir on the table, her eyes would burst into tears. The light came out.

"That's right, if it wasn't for that loser Luo Xiaole who was reluctant to take out the points, I would have broken through to the ninth-rank pharmacist." With a snort, Uncle Luo Hai sat on a chair and drank tea.

Fortunately, I was smart enough to know that Luo Xiaole's fourth-grade elixir was about to be ripe, so I took the opportunity to touch the elixir field in the morning, and used spiritual energy to ripen all five fourth-grade elixir, otherwise Luo Xiaole would have taken all of them. The cooked duck almost flew like this.

"That white-eyed wolf who doesn't know how to raise it, his conscience has long been eaten by dogs. He knows that you don't have enough resources, Dahai, and still insists on not letting go. It's because you are smart, Dahai, that you dug back all five plants of the fourth-grade elixir." Luo's mother was even more indignant when she mentioned Luo Xiaole, her words were full of disdain and disgust.

"Forget it, don't care about her, there are still half a month to pay benefits, this time we must go there on the first day, and bring back all the benefits for Dahai." Luo's father said with a straight face, let Luo Mu and Luo Hai, who heard from the side, also nodded in agreement.

Outside the room, Luo Xiaole, who was listening to this scene, suddenly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, bit his lips, and finally pushed open the door with a bang, looking fiercely at the three sitting at the table with angry eyes.

The sudden sound of opening the door shocked Luo Mu, and Luo Hai moved quickly to put the jade box on the table into the storage ring and hide it in the storage ring. When it turned out that the person was Luo Xiaole, Luo Hai suddenly angry.

"You damn girl, what are you doing? Are you going to scare us to death?" Mother Luo stepped forward even more viciously, scolding Luo Xiaole viciously, looking at her red eyes, she became furious, "I'm going to die!" For you, looking at my mother with such eyes, are you trying to kill someone?"

Cursing was not enough, Luo Mu pushed and pushed Luo Xiaole vigorously, and when she met Luo Xiaole's eyes just now, Luo Mu was inexplicably guilty and uneasy, but when she realized this, she would be furious.

"Give me back my fourth-grade elixir!" Luo Xiaole said every word, and Luo Xiaole, who was pushed and staggered, stood up straight, and his eyes stayed on the five jade boxes on the table, which contained Luo Xiaole's careful care. The fourth-grade elixir for more than a month.

"What's wrong!" Father Luo's old face sank, he slapped the table, and pointed to the door, "Get out, get out now!"

"Give me back the elixir, and I'll leave right away!" With a choked voice, Luo Xiaole resisted like this for the first time. It was all her hopes. It was the fourth-grade elixir she took care of with all her heart, and they just took it away. Luo Xiaole felt an indescribable sourness and discomfort in his heart.

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