Guanshi Zhu also heard rumors that Ning Su had something to do with his background, but he also took it as a joke. After all, Ning Su lived in a poor place, and Lingtian was also abandoned. It was really hidden, and he actually knew Master Zhao.

Ning Su didn't notice everything around her at all. Ning Su was highly concentrated at the moment, and all the radiated spiritual power seemed to be alive and became a part of Ning Su's body. Under the control, Ning Su's eyes lit up.

Taking a step forward, Ning Su walked towards the elixir field on the left, passing over the weeds that were full of vitality and exuding strong aura, Ning Su finally stopped, opened his eyes, and his soft face was shining brightly. Smiling, "So it's hiding here."

Shooing back all the emitted spiritual power, Ning Su quickly threw down a spiritual power barrier, stopped the Baicao King from escaping, squatted down, and turned the spiritual power into a rope to give the unremarkable Baicao King to the ground. It's tied up, pull it up hard...


A shrill and ear-piercing sound sounded, it sounded like a baby was crying at the throat, Baicao King, who was bound by spiritual power, struggled hard, it looked no different from the most common weed, no wonder Ning Suyi Didn't notice at first.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that the aura around King Baicao is pure and strong, and the weeds in the three-acre waste field are all controlled by King Baicao.

"Stupid woman, don't let this little thing get away. After you go back and refine it and swallow it, it will definitely improve your affinity for the elixir." The little Taotie finally crawled out of the grass lazily, and looked at it in disgust. One look at the struggling White Grass King, I am so disappointed!

Little Taotie originally thought that the grass spirit monsters were at least on the same level as spirit beasts, but who knew that they didn't have spiritual wisdom, but the spiritual energy was a little more abundant, and the aura was a little more pure. After refining and absorbing it, it can increase the affinity for elixir, and make alchemy Sometimes it is also a great help.

"Girl Ning, it's this thing that caused the three acres of elixir fields to be abandoned?" Zhao Tiejiao didn't bother to care about the people who retreated not far away but didn't leave, and walked towards Ning Su in two or three steps. , looking curiously at the Baicao King in her hand.

Because the King of Baicao was caught, the aura around him also returned to normal, and no longer surged towards Ning Su's elixir field, and the weeds that were originally vigorous also lost their vitality and withered down.

"Probably no one would have thought that the three acres of abandoned land would be due to this inconspicuous grass." The old man who helped Ning Su pull the grass also came over. Unlike Zhao Tiejiao's rush, the old man was still in a hurry, Calm demeanor.

"Yes, this should be the King of Herbs. It has absorbed the aura of the three-acre elixir field before, so the three-acre elixir field cannot grow elixir." Ning Su replied with a smile, his eyes were shining brightly, which can improve the quality of the elixir. Affinity, this King of Herbs is really a treasure, but luckily he has no intelligence, otherwise Ning Su would really have no way to refine the King of Herbs into medicine, and would feel that he had killed a life.

"The King of Herbs?" Zhao Tiejiao was taken aback, and then he remembered that he had read about the King of Herbs in Travel Notes, "It is said that the King of Baicao is the king of grasses. The affinity of the medicine, when refining the pill, the pharmacist will be very proficient."

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